At least one governor is not buying the crap:
Critical Race Theory will be explicitly excluded from Florida’s new statewide civics education, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said . . .
Critical Race Theory dictates that race is an underlying dynamic of all human interaction and views the human experience as a constant power struggle between races.
“Let me be clear, there is no room in our classrooms for things like Critical Race Theory,” he said to some applause from a group of supporters, “Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.”
Teaching children the theory, DeSantis continued, was “trying to make people view each other based on race.”
DeSantis rips Critical Race Theory, says it won’t be in Florida curriculum
By Emily Jacobs
March 18, 2021 | 3:11pm |
Critical race crap is the only thing race hustlers could come up with to invalidate a historical truth:
Richard Henry Pratt was the first person the Oxford English Dictionary records using the word "racism," in a speech decrying it. But his own legacy on race is checkered. Library of Congress
The Oxford English Dictionary's first recorded utterance of the word racism was by a man named Richard Henry Pratt in 1902. Pratt was railing against the evils of racial segregation.
Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism.
Although Pratt might have been the first person to inveigh against racism and its deleterious effects by name, he is much better-remembered for a very different coinage: Kill the the man.
The Ugly, Fascinating History Of The Word 'Racism'
Code Switch
January 6, 201411:55 AM ET
NOTE: Oddly enough Pratt was a white man, but it did not take long for every black race hustler to turn racism into the sweetest, most profitable, long-running, con job every black race hustler gets away with. Black race hustlers worked tirelessly since the Civil Rights Movement to convince white Americans they are so-called racist.
Racism is the sweetest, most profitable, long-running, con job every black race hustler gets away with; i.e., the black race is morally superior. The scam was designed and executed to show that the black race is superior to every other race —— ergo, every black criminal, pervert, and murderer is morally superior to the entire race of white devils.
Finally, the efforts of the Democrat Party and its media stooges is not a theory —— selling non-existent racism to generation after generation of children is a conspiracy beyond dispute. Teaching children critical race crap far into the future is the race hustler’s last ditch attempt to turn a lie into a truth.
Critical Race Theory will be explicitly excluded from Florida’s new statewide civics education, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said . . .
Critical Race Theory dictates that race is an underlying dynamic of all human interaction and views the human experience as a constant power struggle between races.
“Let me be clear, there is no room in our classrooms for things like Critical Race Theory,” he said to some applause from a group of supporters, “Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.”
Teaching children the theory, DeSantis continued, was “trying to make people view each other based on race.”
DeSantis rips Critical Race Theory, says it won’t be in Florida curriculum
By Emily Jacobs
March 18, 2021 | 3:11pm |
Critical race crap is the only thing race hustlers could come up with to invalidate a historical truth:
There is no mention of racism in the text of any of the major religions, or laws, judicial systems, cultures, or anywhere else. Not one religious leader, philosopher, or political thinker ever heard about racism before the 20th century for one very good reason. RACISM DID NOT EXIST until it appeared when it was invented by race hustlers and dirty little moralists decades after the American Civil War ended.

Richard Henry Pratt was the first person the Oxford English Dictionary records using the word "racism," in a speech decrying it. But his own legacy on race is checkered. Library of Congress
The Oxford English Dictionary's first recorded utterance of the word racism was by a man named Richard Henry Pratt in 1902. Pratt was railing against the evils of racial segregation.
Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism.
Although Pratt might have been the first person to inveigh against racism and its deleterious effects by name, he is much better-remembered for a very different coinage: Kill the the man.
The Ugly, Fascinating History Of The Word 'Racism'
Code Switch
January 6, 201411:55 AM ET
NOTE: Oddly enough Pratt was a white man, but it did not take long for every black race hustler to turn racism into the sweetest, most profitable, long-running, con job every black race hustler gets away with. Black race hustlers worked tirelessly since the Civil Rights Movement to convince white Americans they are so-called racist.
Racism is the sweetest, most profitable, long-running, con job every black race hustler gets away with; i.e., the black race is morally superior. The scam was designed and executed to show that the black race is superior to every other race —— ergo, every black criminal, pervert, and murderer is morally superior to the entire race of white devils.
Finally, the efforts of the Democrat Party and its media stooges is not a theory —— selling non-existent racism to generation after generation of children is a conspiracy beyond dispute. Teaching children critical race crap far into the future is the race hustler’s last ditch attempt to turn a lie into a truth.