Courts Dubious of Rule by Regulation

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head


The usurper's handlers are moving swiftly on the leftist agenda to wreck large parts of the economy by wielding the powers of the executive branch. With help from Dr. Jill and Shamala, the usurper signed more than 30 executive orders in his first month, nearly as many as the past four presidents combined at this point in their terms.

The DEMOCRAT cabal is about to run into a formidable obstacle: a judiciary turned increasingly skeptical of dictatorial authority.

Last week, twojudges in Texas moved to block two different early unconstitutional decrees.

On Feb. 23, one imposed a nationwide injunction against the fake president’s 100-day pause on deporting migrants, writing that the Department of Homeland Security had overstepped its authority and given insufficient justification for swiftly reversing policy.

Two days later, another judge declared unconstitutional a pandemic eviction moratorium extended by the hapless usurper's handlers.

Meantime, the Western Energy Alliance, a Denver-based organization representing 200 companies, is suing to stop a decree suspending oil and gas leasing on federal lands.

“We like our chances in court,” said alliance president Kathleen Sgamma.

It’s too soon to know how the hundreds of suits being prepared will ultimately be resolved, but they are a glimpse of a restraint on the illegitimate regime’s authoritarian ambitions.


The usurper's handlers are moving swiftly on the leftist agenda to wreck large parts of the economy by wielding the powers of the executive branch. With help from Dr. Jill and Shamala, the usurper signed more than 30 executive orders in his first month, nearly as many as the past four presidents combined at this point in their terms.

The DEMOCRAT cabal is about to run into a formidable obstacle: a judiciary turned increasingly skeptical of dictatorial authority.

Last week, twojudges in Texas moved to block two different early unconstitutional decrees.

On Feb. 23, one imposed a nationwide injunction against the fake president’s 100-day pause on deporting migrants, writing that the Department of Homeland Security had overstepped its authority and given insufficient justification for swiftly reversing policy.

Two days later, another judge declared unconstitutional a pandemic eviction moratorium extended by the hapless usurper's handlers.

Meantime, the Western Energy Alliance, a Denver-based organization representing 200 companies, is suing to stop a decree suspending oil and gas leasing on federal lands.

“We like our chances in court,” said alliance president Kathleen Sgamma.

It’s too soon to know how the hundreds of suits being prepared will ultimately be resolved, but they are a glimpse of a restraint on the illegitimate regime’s authoritarian ambitions.

That is the arrogance of democrats. Think they can run around the constitution and just do what they want. Nice to see them reeled in.
That is the arrogance of democrats. Think they can run around the constitution and just do what they want. Nice to see them reeled in.

It won't last, Skipper. I hear they're planning to impeach as many existing judges as they can and impose retroactive term limits on the rest unless they play ball.
It won't last, Skipper. I hear they're planning to impeach as many existing judges as they can and impose retroactive term limits on the rest unless they play ball.

There comes a point when Americans just will not put up with their shit. Not enough razor wire around the Capitol to stop it.
There comes a point when Americans just will not put up with their shit. Not enough razor wire around the Capitol to stop it.

That's insurrectionist talk, Cap'n. You could be arrested for saying such seditious things, I hear.