Court strikes down mandate for birth control in ObamaCare


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"A federal appeals court on Friday struck down the birth control mandate in ObamaCare, concluding the requirement trammels religious freedom.

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals — the second most influential bench in the land behind the Supreme Court — ruled 2-1 in favor of business owners who are fighting the requirement that they provide their employees with health insurance that covers birth control."
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It will be interesting what the Supremes do with that. Why do you say the DC Circuit is the second most influential?
i do think there is a valid argument to be made that clearly some religious people would have a problem with supporting something like birth control. it should be their right to decline. we'll see what the scotus says though
All the Catholics I know use birth control. I was told they liberalized that position.

of all the christian denominations, catholicism is by far the most nominal and hypocritical. catholicism is much more of a cultural thing at this point than a religious one.
All the Catholics I know use birth control. I was told they liberalized that position.

Dont know about most Catholics. After all, the Church still doesnt recognize divorce...know any divorced Catholics?

I dont think the Church has changed its position on bc.
It will be interesting what the Supremes do with that. Why do you say the DC Circuit is the second most influential?
According to Legal NewsLine:

Often, the court is responsible for resolving critically important cases involving the separation of powers, the role of government, the rights of federal officials, and the decisions of a vast array of administrative agencies
What both sides are failing to recognize, is that the Upper Court REVERSED her decision; because of what she did.
This automatically reinstates the guidelines, without making a ruling on the guidelines.
Their decision was about HER, not the guidelines.
This is ridiculous. It's not a religious act and they should not be allowed an exemption. If they can get one for birth control then why not everything else? Will Scientologists be allowed to deny coverage for psychotropic drugs? Will those who believe in faith healing get a complete exemption?
This is ridiculous. It's not a religious act and they should not be allowed an exemption. If they can get one for birth control then why not everything else? Will Scientologists be allowed to deny coverage for psychotropic drugs? Will those who believe in faith healing get a complete exemption?
I would think it should be covered under reproductive heath, or womens health,,,something like this
lol the fake libertarian once again supports taking money out of peoples pockets by coercion irrespective of someones personal beliefs.
lol the fake libertarian once again supports taking money out of peoples pockets by coercion irrespective of someones personal beliefs.

I don't support the aca. The fake libertarian once again demands special rights for the established classes and takes a knee jerk reactionary position in favor of the Republicans. You are a Republican. You are probably not even an atheist.

Can you respond to my points? Why should they get special rights?