Cops Strip Search Lady, Leave her naked in a padded cell


New member

Dana Holmes was arrested in May on a DUI charge to which she pleaded guilty. However, she never could have known what would be in store for her when she arrived at the LaSalle County Illinois jail.

Holmes is alleging that she was illegally strip searched, when officers reacted to her moving her leg during a pat down. The video shows her move her leg slightly when officers quickly react and restrain her, then they throw her to the floor. After securing her, they then carry her into a padded cell, strip off her clothes and leave her lying there naked and alone.
people stopped caring about the rights of others long ago. if it doesn't affect them directly, most people would just prefer you to be an obedient subject and do anything the government tells you to do.
I'm not going to watch the video, i swear these cops need to be fired. You have a woman who moved her leg -and this violence happens to her?

Absolutely disgusting
I'm not watching the video either. I figure it's just Dionaea's way of getting porn onto the site. If the video is as described, I feel horrible for the woman - both that it happened to her and then that people are spreading the video.
I'm not watching the video either. I figure it's just Dionaea's way of getting porn onto the site. If the video is as described, I feel horrible for the woman - both that it happened to her and then that people are spreading the video.

What porn? The video is pixellated for God's sake.
You pay taxes? You follow the laws? Then you are obedient, just like the rest of us.
I obey laws that are within the powers of the government. I do not obey those laws that government has no authority to enforce. there's nothing wrong with being law abiding, provided the laws are constitutional. It is YOUR duty to ignore unconstitutional laws, however, I do believe that your totalitarian mindset prevents you from acknowledging that.
I'm not watching the video either. I figure it's just Dionaea's way of getting porn onto the site. If the video is as described, I feel horrible for the woman - both that it happened to her and then that people are spreading the video.
like I said. most people don't really care unless something affects them directly. thank you for proving my point.