Convicted Democrat Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Enters Prison


Convicted former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D) entered Butner Federal Correctional Complex in North Carolina just before 10 a.m. Chicago time today to begin his 30-month sentence, according to the Bureau of Prisons.

“He is in our custody, as of about a minute ago,” bureau spokesman Chris Burke said.

A day earlier, Jackson had tried to report to the prison near Durham, N.C. but was turned away, according to Chris McConnell, executive assistant at Butner. McConnell declined to specify why Jackson was not allowed to surrender Monday, but the ex-congressman’s appearance Monday came four days earlier than was ordered, court documents show.

Burke said did not know what transpired to let Jackson enter custody today.

Jackson was sentenced in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after pleading guilty. Sheldon Snook, the administrative assistant to its chief judge, said earlier today that he reviewed Jackson’s court docket and saw no change from a judgment entered in August indicating the former congressman shall surrender “no earlier than Nov. 1, 2013.” That is Friday.

Jackson, 48, who was convicted of looting his campaign fund of $750,000, has an inmate number: 32451-016.

Jackson, the son of civil rights leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson, reportedly has depression and bipolar disorder. Jackson Jr. pleaded guilty to stealing $750,000 from his campaign from 2005 to 2012 to pay for vacations, furs, celebrity memorabilia and even two elk heads.

He was ordered to pay $750,000 in restitution. According to a court filing last week, the ex-congressman will pay $200,000 by Friday and then sell his Washington home. By May 15, attorneys will give the judge a report on how much he has paid.

Jackson Jr.’s wife, Sandi, a former Chicago alderman, was convicted on a tax violation related to his misuse of campaign funds. She was sentenced to a 12-month prison term to commence within 30 days of his release. Their sentences were staggered because they have two children, ages 13 and 10.,0,4738089.story


Shows up early to go to prison, looks like somebody can't wait to be the new prison bitch.
you cant put people in prison for nothing.

Jackson was put in for a real reason.

much like duke cunningham