Conspiracy against "Feel 'Em Up" Filner?

Big Money

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Further proof that San Diego Mayor Bob Filner is going to dig in his heels and fight a recall was offered at a Lions Club luncheon Tuesday.

The guest speaker was the chief of staff for Mayor Filner, who has refused repeated requests for an interview with NBC 7.

On this day however, Lee Burdick agreed to answer questions from Lions Club members about that and more including the potential outcome of the scandal that has consumed the city of San Diego for more than a month and the theory suggested by some that it's all simply a witch hunt.

The most important question of the day though was about how, despite the numerous allegations and investigations, the mayor can think he is still capable of leading the city.

“I don’t know if you know this but the mayor has not resigned yet,“ Burdick said. “Yes, he does believe he has the way to achieve the objective laid out in his vision.”

Burdick also addressed the theory posed by some who claim the mayor’s legal troubles – from the civil lawsuit alleging sexual harassment to the criminal investigation being handled by the San Diego County Sheriff's Department to the federal investigation into some deals with developers – are the result of a conspiracy planted by political opponents.
