Conservatives to Sen. Alexander: Time to Retire


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I admit to being torn on this. On one hand I have no problem with a big spending big government supporting Republican getting challenged internally. On the other side I do not agree with this idea that you never negotiate or work with 'the other side'. I don't agree with the school of thought that everything 'my side' does is right and everything the 'other side' does is wrong. There are ways people who generally disagree can find common ground on certain issues and do good things.

Conservatives to Sen. Alexander: Time to Retire

A group of tea-party and conservative organizations urged Sen. Lamar Alexander (R., Tenn.) to retire rather than seek a third term next year, signaling that tea-party activists have zeroed in on a new target as they try to pressure incumbent Republicans from the right.

In an open letter published Wednesday, 20 groups based in the state attacked Mr. Alexander, saying the country “can no longer afford compromise and bipartisanship, two traits for which you have become famous.”

The letter was signed by several groups purporting to represent tea-party and conservative activists in a number of counties across Tennessee. According to Matt Collins, an activist who said he wrote and circulated the letter, the groups collectively represent around 10,000 members.

“America faces serious challenges and needs policymakers who will defend conservative values, not work with those who are actively undermining those values,” the letter said. “Quite honestly, your voting record shows that you do not represent the conservative values that we hold dear and the votes you have cast as Senator are intolerable to us.”

Mr. Alexander played a key role in July in brokering a bipartisan compromise to resolve a months-long dispute over federally backed student-loan rates. He also voted in favor of the sweeping immigration bill that passed the Senate in June, and legislation jointly reauthorizing federal policies towards farmers and funding for nutrition programs known as food stamps. Earlier in his career, he also served as governor of Tennessee and U.S. secretary of education.

No serious contender has yet emerged to challenge Mr. Alexander in a Republican primary, which would be held next Aug. 7, 2014. The lawmaker didn’t face a Republican challenger in 2008 and easily won re-election that year, carrying 65% of the vote.

“Sen. Alexander is focused on being the best senator he can be,” said Jim Jeffries, a spokesman for the lawmaker.

According to, a campaign financial disclosure website, Mr. Alexander’s campaign had $3.1 million on hand as of the end of the second quarter of 2013.

The Tennessee seat is rated as safe Republican by the nonpartisan Cook Political Report.

Two other lawmakers, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) are facing potential challenges from conservative opponents in Republican primaries.

The toughest seat Republicans will have to defend in next year’s election is likely to be the open Senate seat in Georgia now held by Sen. Saxby Chambliss, who is retiring. Former Democratic Sen. Sam Nunn’s daughter, Michelle Nunn, is seeking the Democratic nomination in that race. She would face one of a number of House Republicans vying to become the GOP candidate next year.

The text of the letter emailed to news media is here:

An Open Letter To Senator Alexander

Senator Alexander,

You have served a long and marked career. You have been a part of the Tennessee political scene for as long as most of us can remember. You have worked for Howard Baker, Winfield Dunn, served as Governor, were appointed to be the Secretary of Education of the federal government, President of the University of Tennessee, were a serious contender for the nomination of the Republican Party for President, and of course you are currently serving as a United States Senator. Your life-long career in government service is noteworthy.

During your tenure in the Senate we have no doubt that you voted in a way which you felt was appropriate. Unfortunately, our great nation can no longer afford compromise and bipartisanship, two traits for which you have become famous. America faces serious challenges and needs policymakers who will defend conservative values, not work with those who are actively undermining those values. Quite honestly, your voting record shows that you do not represent the conservative values that we hold dear and the votes you have cast as Senator are intolerable to us. Furthermore we have serious doubts about your ability to fix our problems since you have played such a significant role in creating them.

The Little Plaid Book you authored contains very sage advice on politics. Rule #297 is especially important because you advise anyone running for office to “Serve two terms, then get out.” Are you willing to follow your own advice, or will you fall into the mire of hypocrisy?

As you are likely aware, there have been polls conducted that show your vulnerability. While no viable contender has yet emerged, it is becoming more probable with each passing day that one will rise to the challenge. When a serious contender eventually does enter the race, the moment their fundraising capability makes them a viable candidate, your re-election is in serious jeopardy.

Therefore, we urge you to conclude your long and notable career by retiring with dignity instead of fighting against a serious conservative primary challenger who would expose to all Tennessee voters the actual history of your voting record.


Sevier County Tea Party

Tea Party of Lincoln County

Gibson County Patriots

Benton County Tea Party

Carroll County Tea Party

Jackson Madison County Tea Party

Dickson County Tea Party / 912 Project

Obion County Tea Party

Stewart County Tea Party

Tennesseans for Liberty (Madison County)

Volunteers for Freedom (Henry County)

We the People (Tipton County)

Rutherford County Tea Party

TN 9-12 Project

Caney Branch Tea Party

TN Republican Assembly

Smoky Mountain Tea Party Patriots (Blount Co)

McMinn County TEA Party

North Sumner Tea Party

Tennessee 8th District Tea Party Coalition
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I am left

I do not defend shit no matter what.

that is a lie.

I defend what I believe.

Your side is completely corrupt and that is provable
Your cheat in elections and back it.

your fucking racists and pretend your party is not.

You support and defend shit like the politicalization of the DOJ by Bush.
Though I 100% agree with what I wrote that was my mistake for mentioning Desh personally as that made it about her and not the article. That was my bad. I'll change it.