Conservative solution to healthcare

It'd be interesting to see Dick Cheney lose his government-financed healthcare plan, and have to shop for an individual healthcare policy on the free market, considering all of his pre-existing health problems.
It'd be interesting to see Dick Cheney lose his government-financed healthcare plan, and have to shop for an individual healthcare policy on the free market, considering all of his pre-existing health problems.

THE BIG CLUB does look after them selfs first--at productive peoples expense.
If a guy like Ron Paul rubs off on people, afforadable private health care will be available again. Why? Becsue we will be able to afford it by keeping more of our money. If that happens, the system abuse (the real expense) can be stream lined. I remember the days. The abuse of the system is most likely the cause of the cost rise.

Mark my words--if we get a socialized health care system in this fat gov country---we will go into a bad depression within 10 years. I promise. We are over half way there with bad trade deals, and still declining. Are you INSANE!!!??

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It'd be interesting to see Dick Cheney lose his government-financed healthcare plan, and have to shop for an individual healthcare policy on the free market, considering all of his pre-existing health problems.
I doubt that. He would simply buy insurance. Considering he was very successful in business and has quite the bank roll...
Please--please--it is everybodys god given right to have their neighbors pay for health insurance for all. Yes--It is a human right to have health care provided in a socialistic way--and it has always been like that--even before health care existed. Please don't let Dick Cheney pay for his own health insurance---can't we all help him out somehow?-(actually, not much different then the s-chip today)---INSANE to high national poverity levels--with the stroke of a pen.

Please don't let Cheney go without health care. Think of the "greater good" (which is really making sure your neighbor has as much liberity and freedom as possible--not the topic of the moment), and how you will not miss that extra 15 to 20% of income you will not have--along with your home. It is for the greator good, and your just being selfish by not wanting to dilute your life for the greater good. It is for the ploiticians who care for you so much--and have always done so much for our children. Yea--some lib will believe it.
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