Cons tapping out on Obama care



Multiple conservatives leading the charge to shut down the government if Obamacare isn’t defunded have begun to admit it’s a lost cause as senior Republicans put the kibosh on the plan.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) lamented Monday afternoon that Republicans are too “scared” to follow through with the plan to withhold support for funding the government after the Sept. 30 deadline unless Obamacare is defunded.

“The problem right now is we don’t have Republicans willing to stand up and do this,” he said on The Andrea Tantaros Show, a conservative talk radio program. “We need 41 Republicans in the Senate or 218 Republicans in the House, to stand together, to join me, to join Mike Lee, to join Marco Rubio, all of whom have said, we will not vote for a single continuing resolution that funds even a penny of Obamacare.”

Late last week, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) laughed out loud when Sean Hannity of Fox News asked if Republicans have the “courage” to stand tough against legislation that funds Obamacare.

“Frankly, probably not,” the senator said.
the fight back to this stupidity has begun.

they cant win elections with this dog and pony show anymore.

what will they do ?

what will they do?
the fight back to this stupidity has begun.

they cant win elections with this dog and pony show anymore.

what will they do ?

what will they do?

They'll bring in the dancing bears.

The one thing they won't do is seriously address the issues.
They will try to make up some more scandals, that's all the Repugs got for the mid-terms.