Truck Fump / h1b
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an unfunded mandate? (man date, get it?)
Compulsory homosexuality? Is that a fantasy of yours?
an unfunded mandate? (man date, get it?)
Mmmmm....hi sweetie! You really seem like my type
PM me, stud muffin, if you ever want to hook up for a "massage".
Warmest Regards,
Wouldn't it be funny if you got like, 7 pm's from 7 different guys on here? I will put money down that TopSpin is one of them!
Got the PM, AssHat! thanks!
See you soon! I can't WAIT!
Warmest Regards,
No. It's a premise I thought up retroactively for my punchline waiting to happen: 'mandate'.
It's not a premise, its a conclusion. A premise is the reason why you believe, the supporting evidence...
They certainly can. In this case, though, you've just restated AnyOldIron's assertion unnecessarily.
4. to set forth beforehand, as by way of introduction or explanation.
Words can have multiple meanings, ignorant asswipe.
They certainly can. In this case, though, you've just restated AnyOldIron's assertion unnecessarily.
Read before reacting. It will save you a lot of embarrassment later.
As usual, you have seized upon the least significant phrase in the definition. You have a remarkable talent there, boyo: you could probably completely misunderstand even the most meticulous and elegant statement ever formulated by Man. Stupidity alone is not enough to explain such a thing. I think some sort of cognitive disorder must be involved. But I digress.An introduction is not a 'reason to believe'. You read, mental midget.
As usual, you have seized upon the least significant phrase in the definition. You have a remarkable talent there, boyo: you could probably completely misunderstand even the most meticulous and elegant statement ever formulated by Man. Stupidity alone is not enough to explain such a thing. I think some sort of cognitive disorder must be involved. But I digress.
A premise is a statement or assertion set forth beforehand. One's syllogism proceeds from the premises. To liken the premise to an "introduction" is simply an analogy by way of illustration . . . for the slow witted.
And speaking of slow-witted, I believe that AnyOld's point went whizzing right past you like a peregrine falcon passing a sated mosquito. You don't posit compulsory homosexuality at all.
Have I indeed? Interesting coincidence. Back in the days when "I Found It!" appeared on myriad car bumpers around the nation -- most of the graffiti affixed by Christofascists without the consent of the owners of said bumpers, I've little doubt -- I sported a "I Stepped In It!" sticker of my own. How prescient of me.I haven't seized on a phrase in THE definition. I have chosen the definition i intended. In comedic parlance jokes are said to have a premise, or setup. SO shut your mouth, idiot child. Once again, you have stepped right in it.
Have I indeed? Interesting coincidence. Back in the days when "I Found It!" appeared on myriad car bumpers around the nation -- most of the graffiti affixed by Christofascists without the consent of the owners of said bumpers, I've little doubt -- I sported a "I Stepped In It!" sticker of my own. How prescient of me.
As an aside, I was always more fond of the "Who Needs It?" and "And Then I Flushed It!" variants. Having jumped on the bandwagon early, though, I was stuck with my impetuous choice. Ah well.
So, now that it suits your purpose, you admit that words have multiple meanings. We make a smidgen of progress then. Of course you continue to insist on switching between those multiple definitions at your own whim, so we've not yet been able to advance beyond the fourth grade. Keep at it, sonny: you'll get it some day, I'm sure.
Tell us, Asswig, why it is you find the idea of compulsory homosexuality so attractive. No offense to Robdawg intended, most of us really don't care for the concept. Especially that "compulsory" bit. Of course, if it were compulsory, you wouldn't have to feel guilty any longer, would you?
LOL! It wasn't a strawman because you clearly were, and are, using a different definition than I. Go back to my very first post on the thread and you'll see that I explicitly set out the definition with which I'm concerned.I never said words didnt have multiple meanings. We were just using the same definition in the AA thread, though you asserted a strawman argument that I was using a different definition. I was merely pointing that out.
Stop being a moronic douchebag and get a life.
LOL! It wasn't a strawman because you clearly were, and are, using a different definition than I. Go back to my very first post on the thread and you'll see that I explicitly set out the definition with which I'm concerned.
Naturally, being the confused idolator that you are, you never grasped the fact that I dispute the relevance of the definition of "discrimination" you wish to apply.
Poor little Asswig. Someday, maybe, you'll get that GED. Keep working at it! We're all behind you!