Colorado Speaks, No More Gun Control Laws or Else


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"Two Colorado lawmakers who backed strict gun control laws ousted in recall"
"Two Colorado legislators who supported stricter gun control laws lost their jobs on Tuesday in an unprecedented recall election that became the center of the national debate over regulating firearms.

Senate President John Morse and Sen. Angela Giron were both defeated, the Denver Post reported, in the recall effort, which served as a referendum on their support in passing legislation requiring universal background checks on private gun sales and restricting large-capacity ammunition magazines following last year's shooting massacre at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo.
Those bills were signed into law by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper in March, eight months after the movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colo., and nearly three months after the classroom murders in Newtown, Conn."...............
It looks like Hicky Looper is next on the list of Gun Grabbing Liberal jackasses who need to be kicked out of office. Will you gun grabbing Libs ever learn, that you will never win your gun grabbing agenda, no matter how many illegal aliens you bring into this Country to vote Democrat.