Colorado Governor Race Much Closer than previously thought...


Staff member
I was checking into the polls today, stunned to see that the newest Zogby Poll has Beauprez within 2 points of Ritter.

Just two weeks ago it was 15 points for Ritter and two weeks before that it was 20 points for Ritter...

It looks like the momentum is going for Beauprez. My theory is the Border issues, just having people talk about it will bring this one over to Beauprez even though he was a rubber-stamp vote for Bush his entire term in Congress.
is zogby accurate or do they lean to the right in most of their polls? Are there any other polsters that can confirm those numbers or at least get in the region?

Though I will say that the border issues could be it but it still seems unlikely for a republican to gain THAT MUCH at this point in the game unless the poll was "fixed" somehow...imho....

Didn't your state have some republican corruption/scandal going on with some representative or us senator? Not sure if it was colorado but I thought it was....?

:) hi, btw!
Zogby actually leans left. And I don't know of any scandal. Other than a small one with the DA in the 18th Judicial district.