Coke a cola is run by moron liberals


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They gave out instructions telling their employees how to be left White racist bastards I could just imagine if I had a company and I gave instructions out to my Latino are Black and Hispanic employees on how to be less Arab less black West Hispanic and less Asian and left-wing media would be all over it crime file racist demanding a boycott
This is coming from a single moron manager. The Coca-Cola company gets morons like this from time to time in management (remember the New Coke fiasco?). I'm pretty sure the employees subjected to this nonsense simply rolled their eyes and went back to work.

And sales of Coca-Cola products will suffer some as a result, but not by a whole lot. People buy the product, not the moron manager.

Every company of any size has stupid racist meetings like this. it doesn't prevent the employees from ignoring it and producing a great product anyway. The employees largely just ignore this shit. After all, the employees are generally not racist. Just this stupid manager is.
Coca Cola management (including the Board) has long sucked at their job, and are now now trying to save themselves by going Super Woke.
Coca Cola management (including the Board) has long sucked at their job, and are now now trying to save themselves by going Super Woke.

There is a lot of truth to this. Fortunately, the rank and file just rolls their eyes leaving such a meeting and ignores this shit for the most part.
A lot of the stuff that management spent so much money to buy or develope they just killed off.....they had tons of money to spend when they knew that tastes were changing and they had about a decade to make the moves....their work sucked!