What is it in ones mindset that a person, (always an anti Mr Trump person) can feel so enraged and disproportionately so irrational on their judgement upon acts of violence - that they find the action of a cop restraining a known, extremely violent, antisocial, menacing thug - who dies under restraint immediately following his committing a criminal act, such a terrible thing -
yet can not even begin to mention, speak, comment, refer, acknowledge, touch upon, admit existence of - major serious multiple killings and destruction of whole towns and states - including the killing of black people - 10 children - cops - elderly hard working black business people ??!!!!! > BY THE BLM <
I wonder if any of you leftie Mr Donald Trump haters would like to comment and explain this fact of a mindset.
yet can not even begin to mention, speak, comment, refer, acknowledge, touch upon, admit existence of - major serious multiple killings and destruction of whole towns and states - including the killing of black people - 10 children - cops - elderly hard working black business people ??!!!!! > BY THE BLM <
I wonder if any of you leftie Mr Donald Trump haters would like to comment and explain this fact of a mindset.