Close your ears and eyes and take your pick ?


Verified User
What is it in ones mindset that a person, (always an anti Mr Trump person) can feel so enraged and disproportionately so irrational on their judgement upon acts of violence - that they find the action of a cop restraining a known, extremely violent, antisocial, menacing thug - who dies under restraint immediately following his committing a criminal act, such a terrible thing -
yet can not even begin to mention, speak, comment, refer, acknowledge, touch upon, admit existence of - major serious multiple killings and destruction of whole towns and states - including the killing of black people - 10 children - cops - elderly hard working black business people ??!!!!! > BY THE BLM <
I wonder if any of you leftie Mr Donald Trump haters would like to comment and explain this fact of a mindset.
I take it this is about that Minnesota thing.
Well, the guy that died should have been hanged years before that happened.
I am not excusing the cop's treatment of him, but he really should have already hanged.
When you've put a pistol to a pregnant woman's innocent child in her womb to rob her or her man? You should be hanged. :dunno:
I take it this is about that Minnesota thing.
Well, the guy that died should have been hanged years before that happened.
I am not excusing the cop's treatment of him, but he really should have already hanged.
When you've put a pistol to a pregnant woman's innocent child in her womb to rob her or her man? You should be hanged. :dunno:

Yes: The death of the violent menacing thug George Floyd. The leftie Dems are so immoral and duplicitous they can not even admit they jumped on the "I must love a person because they have black skin" moving train, driven by the BLM communists. Its moving so fast they can not get off. They can not even see it is going in the wrong direction.
Note: The usual leftie Dem (Trump hating) users on this forum rarely make a comment on my factual, informative threads. The logic, surely must be that they have a lot to say because they should defend what they stand for and can not. They can not because they like the pat on the back. They only debate with fellow mindset liars. And none of what I post has ever NOT been a fact. True.
extremely violent, antisocial, menacing thug - who dies under restraint immediately following his committing a criminal act, such a terrible thing -
yet can not even begin to mention, speak, comment, refer, acknowledge, touch upon, admit existence of - major serious multiple killings and destruction of whole towns and states - including the killing of black people - 10 children - cops - elderly hard working black business people ??!!!!! > BY THE BLM <

I love this little drama. :awesome:
What is it in ones mindset that a person, (always an anti Mr Trump person) can feel so enraged and disproportionately so irrational on their judgement upon acts of violence - that they find the action of a cop restraining a known, extremely violent, antisocial, menacing thug - who dies under restraint immediately following his committing a criminal act, such a terrible thing -
yet can not even begin to mention, speak, comment, refer, acknowledge, touch upon, admit existence of - major serious multiple killings and destruction of whole towns and states - including the killing of black people - 10 children - cops - elderly hard working black business people ??!!!!! > BY THE BLM <
I wonder if any of you leftie Mr Donald Trump haters would like to comment and explain this fact of a mindset.

1) A lot of Right leaning people have done the same thing, paining Floyd as an unequivocal victim, there will be no disputing that claim on their watch and

2) People lie constantly now if they suspect that lying will get them what they want because

3) People are generally shit now.
1) A lot of Right leaning people have done the same thing, paining Floyd as an unequivocal victim, there will be no disputing that claim on their watch and

2) People lie constantly now if they suspect that lying will get them what they want because

3) People are generally shit now.
Whilst I have a pragmatic approach I do agree with you. But of course, the main thrust of this duplicitous admiration for a violent thug comes from the leftie, do-gooder mentality who literally do not discern of the good and bad but rather seek to portray this totally fake love for people with dark skin. If they were honest say, on a lie detector and MUST commit to actual truth they would say they do not really care for black people but they have no critical thinking capacity and follow the MSM.
It is not possible to truly say - a violent, menacing, immoral, nasty thug is NOT good and not the way to live ... then say, "OK, but seeing he is black then he must be a really, saintly, wonderful human being" ?? that is not possible and flies in the face of good sense and right thinking. I think a violent, menacing, nasty, rotten, thug is no good - even if he is white. Colour is not relevant.
Whilst I have a pragmatic approach I do agree with you. But of course, the main thrust of this duplicitous admiration for a violent thug comes from the leftie, do-gooder mentality who literally do not discern of the good and bad but rather seek to portray this totally fake love for people with dark skin. If they were honest say, on a lie detector and MUST commit to actual truth they would say they do not really care for black people but they have no critical thinking capacity and follow the MSM.
It is not possible to truly say - a violent, menacing, immoral, nasty thug is NOT good and not the way to live ... then say, "OK, but seeing he is black then he must be a really, saintly, wonderful human being" ?? that is not possible and flies in the face of good sense and right thinking. I think a violent, menacing, nasty, rotten, thug is no good - even if he is white. Colour is not relevant.

Saintly is a good word.....victims are both the Gods and the product of the Victim Culture Cult....they must be worshipped.

Criticizing victims is heresy and is punished.
What is it in ones mindset that a person, (always an anti Mr Trump person) can feel so enraged and disproportionately so irrational on their judgement upon acts of violence - that they find the action of a cop restraining a known, extremely violent, antisocial, menacing thug - who dies under restraint immediately following his committing a criminal act, such a terrible thing -
yet can not even begin to mention, speak, comment, refer, acknowledge, touch upon, admit existence of - major serious multiple killings and destruction of whole towns and states - including the killing of black people - 10 children - cops - elderly hard working black business people ??!!!!! > BY THE BLM <
I wonder if any of you leftie Mr Donald Trump haters would like to comment and explain this fact of a mindset.

Oh dear me, those naughty naughty lefties.:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
I take it this is about that Minnesota thing.
Well, the guy that died should have been hanged years before that happened.
I am not excusing the cop's treatment of him, but he really should have already hanged.
When you've put a pistol to a pregnant woman's innocent child in her womb to rob her or her man? You should be hanged. :dunno:

you are an idiot. hanged for not even hurting anyone? what century do you think this is, stupid fuck?
What is it in ones mindset that a person, (always an anti Mr Trump person) can feel so enraged and disproportionately so irrational on their judgement upon acts of violence - that they find the action of a cop restraining a known, extremely violent, antisocial, menacing thug - who dies under restraint immediately following his committing a criminal act, such a terrible thing -
yet can not even begin to mention, speak, comment, refer, acknowledge, touch upon, admit existence of - major serious multiple killings and destruction of whole towns and states - including the killing of black people - 10 children - cops - elderly hard working black business people ??!!!!! > BY THE BLM <
I wonder if any of you leftie Mr Donald Trump haters would like to comment and explain this fact of a mindset.

BLM never incited anyone to kill anybody, you lying piece of shit punk. or condoned violence OF ANY SORT, you lying piece of shit bitch. watch the video, stupid fuck. i know you cannot read at a high enough level to understand anything but "See Spot Run," but how can you not understand a fucking video of an asshole slowly choking a man handcuffed on his stomach on a concrete street to death over an 8 minute stretch of basic torture....fuck you, boy.
What is it in ones mindset that a person, (always an anti Mr Trump person) can feel so enraged and disproportionately so irrational on their judgement upon acts of violence - that they find the action of a cop restraining a known, extremely violent, antisocial, menacing thug - who dies under restraint immediately following his committing a criminal act, such a terrible thing -
yet can not even begin to mention, speak, comment, refer, acknowledge, touch upon, admit existence of - major serious multiple killings and destruction of whole towns and states - including the killing of black people - 10 children - cops - elderly hard working black business people ??!!!!! > BY THE BLM <
I wonder if any of you leftie Mr Donald Trump haters would like to comment and explain this fact of a mindset.

you are a loser and cant handle being a loser
I take it this is about that Minnesota thing.
Well, the guy that died should have been hanged years before that happened.
I am not excusing the cop's treatment of him, but he really should have already hanged.
When you've put a pistol to a pregnant woman's innocent child in her womb to rob her or her man? You should be hanged. :dunno:

comments like this are why you should avoid meth
you are a loser and cant handle being a loser

If only you knew. I will say one thing ..... I have never dished out personal insults just because I dont like an opinion.
But you know what they say boy - when they feel butt hurt you must be speaking the truth. LOL . Good boy.
BLM never incited anyone to kill anybody, you lying piece of shit punk. or condoned violence OF ANY SORT, you lying piece of shit bitch. watch the video, stupid fuck. i know you cannot read at a high enough level to understand anything but "See Spot Run," but how can you not understand a fucking video of an asshole slowly choking a man handcuffed on his stomach on a concrete street to death over an 8 minute stretch of basic torture....fuck you, boy.

Hey lad, you seem a tad upset. I have seen such crass dross, as you dish out, many times. It has no effect on me.
I am qualified in the use of such self-defence restraint, both as in actually using it and as qualified in law. There is nothing you can tell me about face down asphyxiation.
Ask away.... I am an expert and NOT from reading the MSM feeds or BLM - AL Sharpton bollox.
Go on have a go... I will wipe the floor with you on such police action and legal intricacies of the matter whereby criminal, violent rotten thug Floyd departed.
BLM never incited anyone to kill anybody, you lying piece of shit punk. or condoned violence OF ANY SORT, you lying piece of shit bitch.

why do you deny it?.....are you afraid someone will think you are racist if you do?.......its okay to be honest......

(by the way, the next time you say you challenged us to find a lie that you posted and we didn't, remember this post).......
why do you deny it?.....are you afraid someone will think you are racist if you do?.......its okay to be honest......

(by the way, the next time you say you challenged us to find a lie that you posted and we didn't, remember this post).......

Show him some instances of people dying because of BLM. What is never shown is the business fallout after they riot.
comments like this are why you should avoid meth

"Floyd’s last offense on record occurred in 2007. He “forced his way” into a woman’s home after lying about being “with the water department,” then “placed a pistol against… [her] abdomen,” according to the complaint. Floyd and his 5 companions “demanded to know where the drugs and money were,” but were told that there were neither in the house. They proceeded to take jewelry and the victim’s cell phone. In 2009, Floyd was sentenced to 5 years in jail."

Aggravated robbery+deadly weapon.
Yes: The death of the violent menacing thug George Floyd. The leftie Dems are so immoral and duplicitous they can not even admit they jumped on the "I must love a person because they have black skin" moving train, driven by the BLM communists. Its moving so fast they can not get off. They can not even see it is going in the wrong direction. Note: The usual leftie Dem (Trump hating) users on this forum rarely make a comment on my factual, informative threads. The logic, surely must be that they have a lot to say because they should defend what they stand for and can not. They can not because they like the pat on the back. They only debate with fellow mindset liars. And none of what I post has ever NOT been a fact. True.

Yet they openly cheer the killing of an unarmed woman protester named Ashli Babbitt.
"Floyd’s last offense on record occurred in 2007. He “forced his way” into a woman’s home after lying about being “with the water department,” then “placed a pistol against… [her] abdomen,” according to the complaint. Floyd and his 5 companions “demanded to know where the drugs and money were,” but were told that there were neither in the house. They proceeded to take jewelry and the victim’s cell phone. In 2009, Floyd was sentenced to 5 years in jail."

Aggravated robbery+deadly weapon.

Anyone who saw the body-cam video and read the autopsy report knows what really happened.
