Hello redfish,
works for me, bring it on
Excellent. Thank you. My pleasure. Here goes:
I want the resident libs to respond to this with factual data if you have any
1. the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, ice cores and fossils prove that
Agreed. They also show that mass scale events can trigger climate change. The great oxygenation event which created the breathable atmosphere we take for granted was likely caused by an explosion of life forms which consumed CO2 and produced O2.
2. man has never had anything to do with it
Cannot agree. Humans are over-populating the Earth and changing much of it, including the climate. Every life-form which expands it's numbers to the extent of it's habitat affects that habitat.
3. the sun and earth's tilt of its axis control our climate, not use of fossil fuels
Disagree. The atmosphere is a big factor in the climate. We put things into the atmosphere, it affects the climate.
4. solar and wind and hydro make up around 55 of our energy use, they will never be capable of producing 100%
No, I don't think they make up 55% at all. Nowhere near that. Agreed that will never do 100% for the current population level. We need safe nuclear and we need to control our population growth.
5. The USA has drastically reduced pollution in the last 30 years
Agreed and disagreed. Air and water pollution have been decreased. Plastic and chemical pollution has increased.
6. It takes massive amounts of fossil fuel to produce solar panels and windmills. they are made of plastics and plexiglass which are made from oil
Agreed. We should further the science and look for more sustainable ways to get energy.
7. electric cars require recharging after 200 miles or so. you will never be able to drive across the country in an electric car or truck
Current limitations prevent long distance electric car travel, and also trailer towing. We need more science and engineering to solve those issues.
8. the electricity to recharge is produced mostly by fossil fuels
Agreed. Current technology offers no ready replacement for fossil fuels.
9. which of you will volunteer for the first night flight in a solar powered airplane?
Point well made.
10. If your goal is to stop pollution, why isn't that enough? why do you need an unproved link between pollution and climate?
That's not the goal at all. The goal is to create a more sustainable way to have our modern lives without destroying our habitat. It doesn't seem to be possible. Really, it would be a lot better if there were simply far fewer humans on the planet. Since we have no solution, we should agree to reduce our own numbers. Nobody has to die. All we have to do is drastically reduce the number of births. There has to be more meaning to life than simply reproducing. Religion is not the answer. Nearly all religions were created in ancient times when none of our current problems were a concern. Mostly they say go forth and multiply. Well, we did that. Now we have new issues we have to deal with. We should think about what the big picture is. We would like to leave the planet a better place for the next generation, but we are not really doing that. The more we try to advance, the worse it seems to get.
I have no problem with people believing anything they want about the cosmos and a creator. Everyone should be free to have their own faith. But we must agree that what we are doing is not workable, and that we have to change. We appear to be doomed if we keep doing what we are doing. Religions accept that, but I do not see why that has to be.
I think we need a powerful world government focused on human longevity and improving the human condition. We humans have a lot in common. We all have the same basic needs. Food, water, protection, security, social interaction. We have everything we need to address all of our concerns. We could eliminate starvation and poverty. We could raise the standard of living for every human on Earth, make everyone comfortable. Why all the fighting? It's just because people get attitudes. If we all simply recognize basic logic we could transform our existence and that of every human to come after us. If we created a world where everyone had what they needed there would be no reason for crime. Most of our problems come from people who really just need mental counseling. So, let's provide it! We have everything we need to solve the climate crisis, war, poverty, disease, species destruction, pollution, everything.
We live in such dark ages.
It's time for us to get advanced.
11. everyone on earth supports reducing pollution, everyone
That's fine, but people need to really open their eyes to the possibilities. We can do so much more.
12. be honest, this is not about pollution or climate, its about finding a way to control everyone's actions and lives
Well, sort of. We humans need to get far better organized. We could do so much more if we did. It would improve the world, and everyone's lives, if we did. Problem is: We are limited by those minds which cannot envision a fantastic future, and are way too obsessed with their own daily lives to see the possibilities.
13. Al Gore is a liar and hypocrite