Cities and Pension Woes - Not just Detroit


Well-known member
The story came out earlier this week that Detroit had spent billions extra on pension payments.

Detroit is clearly not the only City with pension issues. The issue is so transparent that instead of offering higher salaries to public employees today's politicians offer larger pension benefits which they know they will not be responsible for and then don't fully fund them saving themselves money. Just push the problem down to those who come after.

City pension woes: Detroit is not alone

The problems with Detroit's pension funds, which helped to drive the city into the nation's largest municipal bankruptcy, are widespread across other major cities and local governments.

A report by credit rating agency Moody's finds that there are 30 major localities where the pension burdens are greater the government's total operating revenue.

The report's authors stress that it wasn't just the pension problems in Detroit that caused the bankruptcy filing this past July -- they cite the loss of businesses and residents cutting into the city's tax base among the factors. But they say the problems in the pension funds, a big part of the city's $18 billion of liability, are a cause for concern elsewhere.

"What Detroit faced, we would not view them as an outlier," said Tim Blake, a managing director of public finance for Moody's. "They had a heavy pension burden, but there are other cities that are heavier."

Chicago is the city highlighted in the report as having the most severe problems, due not only to issues with the pension funds, but also the funds of overlapping units of government, such as Cook County, the Chicago schools and the metropolitan water district. All have had their debt ratings downgraded by Moody's in the past six months and the condition of the pension funds has been a factor in those downgrades.

But other governments dealing with a pension funding gap that is more than double their annual revenue are Jacksonville, Fla., Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston and Phoenix, as well as school districts in Denver and Las Vegas.

Two of the problems that occurred in Detroit that are disturbingly common elsewhere are local governments not making sufficient payments to cover the promised benefits under the pension plans, and the pension funds making unrealistic assumptions about the future earnings of their investments. Moody's says that it believes most of the pensions it examines have a larger funding gap than being estimated by the government officials.

"The accounting standards in the public sector allow quite a bit of leeway for the public sector to make their own assumption," said Blake. "That's contributed to the underfunding."
It's Reagan's fault. And maybe it's now too late for Americans to get it finally fixed in their feeble fucking brains that taxes have to be collected and paid. And that especially includes collecting taxes from the very wealthy.

Other countries have been able to master this simple principle, why not the US. Maybe it's because too many Americans have been totally intent on waving old glory and screaming USA, USA, and 'it's the Ameircan way'!

Obama will get things back on track if you allow him to.
It's Reagan's fault. And maybe it's now too late for Americans to get it finally fixed in their feeble fucking brains that taxes have to be collected and paid. And that especially includes collecting taxes from the very wealthy.

Other countries have been able to master this simple principle, why not the US. Maybe it's because too many Americans have been totally intent on waving old glory and screaming USA, USA, and 'it's the Ameircan way'!

Obama will get things back on track if you allow him to.

Is that why the income gap has widened under Obama? Because he is fixing it?

Obviously you have no clue how a pension works. Please explain how federal tax receipts are responsible for the pension short falls.
Is that why the income gap has widened under Obama? Because he is fixing it?

Obviously you have no clue how a pension works. Please explain how federal tax receipts are responsible for the pension short falls.

When businesses become insolvent they lose the ability to stand behind their pension commitments. And the rest is too mundane and simple to waste my time on explaining.

Other than the simple fact that the rabid right is destroying the US economy because it needs to destroy Obama. If Obama can show that socially responsible government works then there's obviously no turning back. And a big part of socially responsible gov is the ACA. You figure the rest out.
When businesses become insolvent they lose the ability to stand behind their pension commitments. And the rest is too mundane and simple to waste my time on explaining.

These are CITIES that are in trouble. But either way, how does FEDERAL income tax receipts affect the pension commitments?

You don't want to explain because you have nothing to back your assertion.

Other than the simple fact that the rabid right is destroying the US economy because it needs to destroy Obama. If Obama can show that socially responsible government works then there's obviously no turning back. And a big part of socially responsible gov is the ACA. You figure the rest out.

So in other words you are just going to launch a few ad hom attacks and then run away?
These are CITIES that are in trouble. But either way, how does FEDERAL income tax receipts affect the pension commitments?

You don't want to explain because you have nothing to back your assertion.

So in other words you are just going to launch a few ad hom attacks and then run away?

It's all to big for you to understand because your brain is already full. Full of hate for Obama mostly.

It's the economy stupid. Do I need to explain in detail how a failing economy destroys business and then destroyed business loses the ability to meet their commitments to their workers? Do I need to explain in detail how taxes need to be paid so that the gov can plow it back into the cities? Do I need to explain in detail how cities that don't collect taxes become insolvent? Do I need to explain in detail how the US has created a system in which the wealthy walk away from their financial commitments to their country's economy?

I won't because it's too much for your brain to absorb. Libertarianism, supplyside economics, the americans way, just don't work and you're going to find out the hard way. Obama knows all that but once it's proven then your country will never go back to it's old losing ways. Have a fucking good ride. We're watching and chuckling and snickering at y'all.

n.b. - I'm afraid that I can't take you or this forum very seriously. None of you have demonstrated any degree of sincerity but have only involved yourselves in insulting and namecalling.
It's all to big for you to understand because your brain is already full. Full of hate for Obama mostly.

So another ad hom attack because you lack the ability to elaborate on your assertion? Understood.

It's the economy stupid. Do I need to explain in detail how a failing economy destroys business and then destroyed business loses the ability to meet their commitments to their workers? Do I need to explain in detail how taxes need to be paid so that the gov can plow it back into the cities? Do I need to explain in detail how cities that don't collect taxes become insolvent? Do I need to explain in detail how the US has created a system in which the wealthy walk away from their financial commitments to their country's economy?

LMAO... yes, please explain all of the above. But good of you to admit the economy is failing under Obama.

I won't because it's too much for your brain to absorb. Libertarianism, supplyside economics, the americans way, just don't work and you're going to find out the hard way. Obama knows all that but once it's proven then your country will never go back to it's old losing ways. Have a fucking good ride. We're watching and chuckling and snickering at y'all.

So in other words, you hide once again behind the pretense that I won't be able to comprehend what you write in order to avoid having to back up your assertions?

What precisely is driving the Canadian economy right now?

n.b. - I'm afraid that I can't take you or this forum very seriously. None of you have demonstrated any degree of sincerity but have only involved yourselves in insulting and namecalling.

The above is quite comical as it describes your posts on this thread to a T.
I'm sorry superfreak but I've given you the main talking points and you choose to ignore them and so I have to cut you off for now. If you are any better than the rest of the hairbrains on this forum then show you are with some substance. I'm really not into explaining the way the world works for you. Ask Baxter maybe.
It's all to big for you to understand because your brain is already full. Full of hate for Obama mostly.

It's the economy stupid. Do I need to explain in detail how a failing economy destroys business and then destroyed business loses the ability to meet their commitments to their workers? Do I need to explain in detail how taxes need to be paid so that the gov can plow it back into the cities? Do I need to explain in detail how cities that don't collect taxes become insolvent? Do I need to explain in detail how the US has created a system in which the wealthy walk away from their financial commitments to their country's economy?

I won't because it's too much for your brain to absorb. Libertarianism, supplyside economics, the americans way, just don't work and you're going to find out the hard way. Obama knows all that but once it's proven then your country will never go back to it's old losing ways. Have a fucking good ride. We're watching and chuckling and snickering at y'all.

n.b. - I'm afraid that I can't take you or this forum very seriously. None of you have demonstrated any degree of sincerity but have only involved yourselves in insulting and namecalling.

Yeah, you should probably find another board that would actually give you intellectual stimulation. I mean why should you waste your time around a group of people that can't hold a candle to you intellectually?
Yeah, you should probably find another board that would actually give you intellectual stimulation. I mean why should you waste your time around a group of people that can't hold a candle to you intellectually?

Because most of you are Americans and that makes it fun. And besides, if I provide the challenge then maybe one will crawl out from under his or her rock.
I'm sorry superfreak but I've given you the main talking points and you choose to ignore them and so I have to cut you off for now. If you are any better than the rest of the hairbrains on this forum then show you are with some substance. I'm really not into explaining the way the world works for you. Ask Baxter maybe.

No, you have made ad hom attacks, baseless assertions and have run away from providing any evidence to back your assertions.
Because most of you are Americans and that makes it fun. And besides, if I provide the challenge then maybe one will crawl out from under his or her rock.

Yes you do a wonderful job of convincing Americans that the U.S. sucks and we should be more like Canada. Keep up the good work.
Yes you do a wonderful job of convincing Americans that the U.S. sucks and we should be more like Canada. Keep up the good work.

The truly sad part is that he might actually be one of the brightest Canadians... which puts the majority of them at Desh's level.
Yes you do a wonderful job of convincing Americans that the U.S. sucks and we should be more like Canada. Keep up the good work.

When the facts prove that you're short on rebuttals you can always resort to sarcasm. Yes, you should be more like Canada and more like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, etc.

Socially responsible government is the only way out of the hole you have dug for yourselves.
When the facts prove that you're short on rebuttals you can always resort to sarcasm. Yes, you should be more like Canada and more like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, etc.

Socially responsible government is the only way out of the hole you have dug for yourselves.

America is not without her problems but I feel pretty good about our country. Now why don't you run along and smoke some crack with Rob Ford.
America is not without her problems but I feel pretty good about our country. Now why don't you run along and smoke some crack with Rob Ford.

You have to feel pretty good about your country. Your childhood indoctrination into waving old glory forces you to and it will most likely stay with you for your whole life. That is what the very wealthy depends upon to keep their charade going. So even if you were on the street starving to death you would still believe in the American way.

With luck there are enough people who will escape the indoctrination programming and start to back Obama and demand a piece of the pie. It's a crapshoot to be sure.
I've seen Monty drop the word "facts" several times, already. Now I'm just waiting for him to write down some facts. I'll just assume he's slow because he is foreign...
Detroit's problems have come about through lack of Jobs.But what about the booming car industry? Those no longer provides jobs for the city because cars are no longer made by people.Their made by robots. Automation is the future of the American factory.Robots are taking American jobs left and right.U.S. corporations dont have to outsource to find cheep labor.The can use robots who do not need a living wage.The cheaper and more advanced this automation becomes the more people will loose jobs. Robots can do any job a human being can do for a lot cheaper then human beings can. there will be no jobs and most Americans who are not already rich will become poor and homeless.
Detroit's problems have come about through lack of Jobs.But what about the booming car industry? Those no longer provides jobs for the city because cars are no longer made by people.Their made by robots. Automation is the future of the American factory.Robots are taking American jobs left and right.U.S. corporations dont have to outsource to find cheep labor.The can use robots who do not need a living wage.The cheaper and more advanced this automation becomes the more people will loose jobs. Robots can do any job a human being can do for a lot cheaper then human beings can. there will be no jobs and most Americans who are not already rich will become poor and homeless.

As it should be. Soon they'll take the burger flipping jobs too.

Also, there are TONS of jobs here. But no one has the skills.