Worst gambler ever
So last week, Chipotle stock is trading at $561 at Friday's close. I already had some puts at $530 for December to hedge some $550 calls that I bought after the Nov 20th disaster and i picked up a few bucks there. So after close Friday, the company guides down because sales have slumped majorly since their food interacted with buttholes at some point and gave people e. coli. After hours it tanks. Boner time for me because I'm still holding the $530 puts. So monday comes and the stock recovers a little bit, and I buy more puts. 20 contracts split between $515, $520 and $530. After hours all of Boston get the drips because of chipotle and it tanks again. Boner time again. Next day stock recovers. Wednesday fairl flat. Thursday, CEO reluctantly apologizes to that douchebag Lauer and the stock pumped 5%! Puts hurting. Today I bought 5 contracts of 580 call to hedge the 20 puts. Bottom line, Last friday stock is $561. Since then, company guides down big, scores of people be illin, 2 store closures due to health violations, and that penis looking weirdo Ells' admits to a massive messup. Stock a week later - $565. Somebody take me to school on this one.