China Develops S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Technology - No One Notices


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I don't expect the libtards to care about this. It doesn't involve taking other peoples' money and handing it over to them. Nonetheless, it is a critical national security issue.

When President Dopey took over, he gave NASA some sort of stupid touchy-feely mission to develop better relations with the world's Muslims. Meanwhile, China's space program was doing what it's supposed to do; space stuff.

A lot can be accomplished in the span of a few short years, as the Chinese are demonstrating. They've brought to life Ernst Stavro Blofeld's vision from the James Bond movie "You Only Live Twice." They now have satellites they can manueuver around space to steal other satellites. Our military superiority is slowly vanishing thanks to a President who doesn't give a rat's ass about American military dominance.

China last week conducted a test of a maneuvering satellite that captured another satellite in space during what Pentagon officials say was a significant step forward for Beijing’s space warfare program.

The satellite capture took place last week and involved one of three small satellites fitted with a mechanical arm that were launched July 20 as part of a covert anti-satellite weapons development program, said U.S. officials familiar with reports of the test.

One official described the satellite-grabbing spacecraft as a “mobile satellite launch vehicle.”

A Pentagon spokeswoman declined to comment on the specifics of the test. But Cynthia O. Smith, the spokeswoman, confirmed that the satellites, designated Payloads A, B, and C, have maneuvered in space since their launch.

Meanwhile, any of our satellite communications they can not steal, they're looking to jam:

China’s military is using stolen U.S. military secrets obtained from a convicted spy to defeat a high-technology communications system used in joint warfighting, combined arms warfare, and missile defenses, according to U.S. officials.

The disclosure that China has the capability of jamming the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System, or JTIDS, was revealed in a Chinese military technical article published in July.

JTIDS is part of a group of military communications systems called Link 16 that gives U.S. military forces jam-resistant communications, a key strategic advantage used in joint warfighting, a specialty of the American military.

JTIDS allows for a nearly unlimited number of military commanders and operators to share information, such as precision location or position data, critical in tracking, monitoring, and targeting. It is also resistant to electronic warfare attacks by rapidly jumping to different frequencies.

The Chinese article reveals that the People’s Liberation Army is studying this feature and working to defeat it.

And all of this only a few months after reports of Chinese cyber attacks against our computer systems.

But pay no attention to this. Oh, and Syria? Forget about that too. We're looking for some sort of crisis that can make this incompetent imbecile look presidential. Doesn't look like the government shutdown is going to cut it either.
I don't expect the libtards to care about this. It doesn't involve taking other peoples' money and handing it over to them. Nonetheless, it is a critical national security issue.

When President Dopey took over, he gave NASA some sort of stupid touchy-feely mission to develop better relations with the world's Muslims. Meanwhile, China's space program was doing what it's supposed to do; space stuff.

A lot can be accomplished in the span of a few short years, as the Chinese are demonstrating. They've brought to life Ernst Stavro Blofeld's vision from the James Bond movie "You Only Live Twice." They now have satellites they can manueuver around space to steal other satellites. Our military superiority is slowly vanishing thanks to a President who doesn't give a rat's ass about American military dominance.

Meanwhile, any of our satellite communications they can not steal, they're looking to jam:

And all of this only a few months after reports of Chinese cyber attacks against our computer systems.

But pay no attention to this. Oh, and Syria? Forget about that too. We're looking for some sort of crisis that can make this incompetent imbecile look presidential. Doesn't look like the government shutdown is going to cut it either.

This sounds like the so called "Missile Gap" in the late '50s that turned to be just an excuse to spend shedloads more money by the MIC.
This sounds like the so called "Missile Gap" in the late '50s that turned to be just an excuse to spend shedloads more money by the MIC.

Yeah, that's exactly what it sounds like... if you happen to be as dumb as duck shit.

The Chinese are now capable of thieving satellites and disrupting communications.

Dumbass liberals won't realize the implications until they're sitting in their double-wides, shoving government cheese down their throats, and suddenly Downton Abbey disappears from their screens because the satellite has been grabbed and is enroute to Beijing.