Charlottesville can remove the Confederate statues at the center of a 2017 White nati


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Charlottesville can remove the Confederate statues at the center of a 2017 White nationalist rally, Virginia court rules

We're taking down and removing your heritage, hooray for Dixie, hooray?!!

(CNN) Two Confederate statues that sparked fiery protests and the fatal White nationalist rally in 2017 may soon come down in Charlottesville, Virginia.

After years of thwarted attempts, Charlottesville can remove statues of Robert E. Lee and General "Stonewall" Jackson, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled Thursday. Efforts to remove both statues preceded the Unite the Right Rally in 2017, when thousands of White nationalists descended upon Charlottesville and killed a counterprotester.

Two months after the rally, a circuit court ruled against removing the statues from public spaces, saying that they were protected by a state statute that barred the removal of "memorials and monuments to past wars," court documents show.


Charlottesville can remove the Confederate statues at the center of a 2017 White nationalist rally, Virginia court rules

We're taking down and removing your heritage, hooray for Dixie, hooray?!!

(CNN) Two Confederate statues that sparked fiery protests and the fatal White nationalist rally in 2017 may soon come down in Charlottesville, Virginia.

After years of thwarted attempts, Charlottesville can remove statues of Robert E. Lee and General "Stonewall" Jackson, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled Thursday. Efforts to remove both statues preceded the Unite the Right Rally in 2017, when thousands of White nationalists descended upon Charlottesville and killed a counterprotester.

Two months after the rally, a circuit court ruled against removing the statues from public spaces, saying that they were protected by a state statute that barred the removal of "memorials and monuments to past wars," court documents show.


Another victory for the winners.
Stonewall Jackson was a braver man with more fighting skills than any leftist alive in America today.
Charlottesville can remove the Confederate statues at the center of a 2017 White nationalist rally, Virginia court rules

We're taking down and removing your heritage, hooray for Dixie, hooray?!!

(CNN) Two Confederate statues that sparked fiery protests and the fatal White nationalist rally in 2017 may soon come down in Charlottesville, Virginia.

After years of thwarted attempts, Charlottesville can remove statues of Robert E. Lee and General "Stonewall" Jackson, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled Thursday. Efforts to remove both statues preceded the Unite the Right Rally in 2017, when thousands of White nationalists descended upon Charlottesville and killed a counterprotester.

Two months after the rally, a circuit court ruled against removing the statues from public spaces, saying that they were protected by a state statute that barred the removal of "memorials and monuments to past wars," court documents show.



Good because these relics of the past that represents a destroyed and barbaric confederate regime are used now as symbols that inspires hate, violence, ignorance and other un American atrocities among human animals who are unfit to coexist in a civilized society. Let them put these defunct confederate relics out of sight and out of mind of public viewing at being of no use to the core values of America or anything else of a decent nature going forward.
Why do people care about the statues so much in America?

It's so hilarious.

Actually, it's not.

The DemoKKKrat rush to destroy *improper* public art is one of the purest expressions of their Jacobin puritanism.

The end result is an austere bunker with one vial of cyanide - or a bullet - for each cornered fascist.

The arbitrary destruction or concealment of irreplaceable, magnificent works of art for rank political gain is utterly repugnant; DemoKKKrat Nazism at its most blatant and socipathic.

I'm genuinely saddened if you don't understand this.
Actually, it's not.

The DemoKKKrat rush to destroy *improper* public art is one of the purest expressions of their Jacobin puritanism.

The end result is an austere bunker with one vial of cyanide - or a bullet - for each cornered fascist.

The arbitrary destruction or concealment of irreplaceable, magnificent works of art for rank political gain is utterly repugnant; DemoKKKrat Nazism at its most blatant and socipathic.

I'm genuinely saddened if you don't understand this.

Why do you assume that I wouldn't understand it? I've heard the screeching's from the right about shit like this.
Stonewall Jackson was a braver man with more fighting skills than any leftist alive in America today.

You'll note that DemoKKKrats don't want to tear down statues of genocidal sociopaths Grant or Sherman.

Not yet anyway.

They are rumbling about Jefferson and Lincoln, and have covered, vandalized or removed art honoring them, and Washington isn't far behind.

But at least for now, their selectivity is notable for its rank hypocrisy.
Why do you assume that I wouldn't understand it? I've heard the screeching's from the right about shit like this.

I assume you're not a sociopath or an idiot? Your description is repulsive; I hope I'm not keeping you from a book burning, though disgusting as those are, books can be reproduced - once one of these statues is destroyed, it's gone forever.
I assume you're not a sociopath or an idiot? Your description is repulsive; I hope I'm not keeping you from a book burning, though disgusting as those are, books can be reproduced - once one of these statues is destroyed, it's gone forever.

I think you replied to the wrong person.