CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed


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We told you radical Libs that ObamaCare was a fiasco, butt you stubbornly would not listen, so now You Libs will have to pay the piper in the 2014 elections. The chickens are coming home to roost, we will be on top again, Libs need to bend over and kiss their asses goodbye. The Food Stamp Presidemt will also be known as a "Do nothing President", do you really think that Congress will pass Immigration Reform after all this BS, or anything else for that matter, forget about it? You can reply or not reply to this, it will not change the outcome, where is Kiki? Kiki needs to make a comment.
for all we know though liberals want obamacare to be more liberal
They want single payer Fed run healthcare, Libs are never satified no matter how much you "give" them. They are Tax and spend experts, who know what is best for US, especially what is taught to our children in school.

If the Republicans were to win back the Senate, Hairy Reed would have to retire, I have never seen a bigger jackass in my lifetime, this guy absolutely ignors any Republican Senator's suggestions.

Truthfully, until Rush Limbaugh made me see the "light", all I ever listened to were Libs like Dan Rather and all the other Liberal controlled main stream media news programs, and I never knew what was going on, how the Libs controlled the media news to "brainwash" US. I started listening to Rush in the mid eighties, when I could occasionally pick up his radio broadcast from Sacramento California, when the weather was just "Right", pun intended.
We told you radical Libs that ObamaCare was a fiasco, butt you stubbornly would not listen, so now You Libs will have to pay the piper in the 2014 elections. The chickens are coming home to roost, we will be on top again, Libs need to bend over and kiss their asses goodbye. The Food Stamp Presidemt will also be known as a "Do nothing President", do you really think that Congress will pass Immigration Reform after all this BS, or anything else for that matter, forget about it? You can reply or not reply to this, it will not change the outcome, where is Kiki? Kiki needs to make a comment.

Breitbart????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Breitbart????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Terrifically lame response of a rhyming Poet, of course what else could you do or say, since the ObamaDon'tCare Act is going down Titanic style. By Titanic style, I mean that if you stay with the ship, you cannot survive. Your Lib cohor Congressmen need to leave this sinking Affordable Care Act like rats on a away, like many Libs on this Forum obviously have done, using any lame excuse. You are still here because you are stubborn, but where is CoalBlack, he seems afraid to take me on, since I handed him his ass awhile that is LOL. I see that your Poetry consists of rhyming a bunch of LOL's together, you have your own style, as strange as it is, but some of the Lib ding bats would probably praise your LOLLOLLOLLOL poetry as wonderful.
"At this point, we don’t know if the Affordable Care Act will eventually succeed and endure, and anybody who tells you it will or won’t is indulging in ideological wish fulfillment. What does seem clear is that unless circumstances change, it will fall short of its original goal of insuring 27 million Americans by at least 5 million people—and perhaps many, many more. These shortcomings, however, are a result of government being too small—too clipped, constrained, underfunded and underpowered—to achieve Obamacare’s policy aims, not vice versa."
"At this point, we don’t know if the Affordable Care Act will eventually succeed and endure, and anybody who tells you it will or won’t is indulging in ideological wish fulfillment. What does seem clear is that unless circumstances change, it will fall short of its original goal of insuring 27 million Americans by at least 5 million people—and perhaps many, many more. These shortcomings, however, are a result of government being too small—too clipped, constrained, underfunded and underpowered—to achieve Obamacare’s policy aims, not vice versa."
People who work for the Feds have no profit incentive to create like the private sector. The private sector wants to make money, so they will come up with new ideas/inventions. The only thing that Government employees worry about is that Friday is payday and are we getting any overtime on Saturday. Trust me on this, since I have known many people who have worked for the Feds, like the former Fed controlled Postal Service failure(always monetarily broke) because there are so many rules and regulations, that you are lucky to go through a day without some grievance being filed concerning your work area, against you or against a fellow employee. As long as you look busy, you cannot really lose your Fed job because of all the paperwork to fire you, so why work really hard, promotions are mostly political as far as who you know, who likes you, etc....all true. In the private sector, if you work hard, you get promoted because you are making the company more profits, and they want to keep you happy. The Government cannot run health care because of what I just stated and no amount of wishful Liberal thinking can change these facts. Government needs to stay small and get out of the way, of course people who need help should get that help...."give a person a fish, feed him for a day, teach that person how to fish, feed him for a lifetime...
People who work for the Feds have no profit incentive to create like the private sector. The private sector wants to make money, so they will come up with new ideas/inventions. The only thing that Government employees worry about is that Friday is payday and are we getting any overtime on Saturday. Trust me on this, since I have known many people who have worked for the Feds, like the former Fed controlled Postal Service failure(always monetarily broke) because there are so many rules and regulations, that you are lucky to go through a day without some grievance being filed concerning your work area, against you or against a fellow employee. As long as you look busy, you cannot really lose your Fed job because of all the paperwork to fire you, so why work really hard, promotions are mostly political as far as who you know, who likes you, etc....all true. In the private sector, if you work hard, you get promoted because you are making the company more profits, and they want to keep you happy. The Government cannot run health care because of what I just stated and no amount of wishful Liberal thinking can change these facts. Government needs to stay small and get out of the way, of course people who need help should get that help...."give a person a fish, feed him for a day, teach that person how to fish, feed him for a lifetime...

What part of the health insurance reform package is not handled by the private sector? Please be as specific as you can be?

What part of the health insurance reform package relegated the federal government to do anything to provide health care?

What is the federal government now doing in the health care industry that it wasn't doing 3 years ago before a Health Insurance Lobbyist crafted the Heritage Foundation plan into the Affordable Care Act?

Please he as specific as you can be.
People who work for the Feds have no profit incentive to create like the private sector. The private sector wants to make money, so they will come up with new ideas/inventions. The only thing that Government employees worry about is that Friday is payday and are we getting any overtime on Saturday. Trust me on this, since I have known many people who have worked for the Feds, like the former Fed controlled Postal Service failure(always monetarily broke) because there are so many rules and regulations, that you are lucky to go through a day without some grievance being filed concerning your work area, against you or against a fellow employee. As long as you look busy, you cannot really lose your Fed job because of all the paperwork to fire you, so why work really hard, promotions are mostly political as far as who you know, who likes you, etc....all true. In the private sector, if you work hard, you get promoted because you are making the company more profits, and they want to keep you happy. The Government cannot run health care because of what I just stated and no amount of wishful Liberal thinking can change these facts. Government needs to stay small and get out of the way, of course people who need help should get that help...."give a person a fish, feed him for a day, teach that person how to fish, feed him for a lifetime...

One of the greatest men in all history died the other day, Fred Sanger more or less invented molecular biology. I very much doubt that you've even heard of him. I daresay you have never heard of the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Research either as it is a government funded body.