Catch and Release Is Baaaaack!


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Biden Effect at the border is gaining steam faster than I’d expected. My colleague Todd Bensman (whose new book is just out) went to the South Texas border this week and reported that

Border Patrol and ICE are allowing hundreds of Haitians and other migrant nationalities who cross in the Del Rio region to avoid detention or quick return to Mexico; instead they are given Notices to Appear in immigration court at some point in the future and allowed to board Greyhound buses for other parts of the United States.

As one official told him, “They’re filling bus after bus after bus.”

Local media report that “officials began re-initiating catch-and-release sometime around Jan. 28. So far, only family units — meaning adults with children — are being paroled into the country.”

The legacy media has caught up with the story, with the Washington Post noting that “The Mexican government has stopped taking back Central American families ‘expelled’ at the U.S. border under a Trump-era emergency health order related to the coronavirus, a shift that has prompted U.S. Customs and Border Protection to release more parents and children into the U.S. interior.”

The Biden DHS says it prefers “alternatives to detention,” which means letting people go. Combine that with the fact that ICE’s new priorities prohibit agents from even looking for illegal aliens who haven’t been convicted of violent felonies, and none of them are ever going to be made to leave. Only about half of those released into the U.S. to apply for asylum actually bother applying, and most of the rest lose their cases, but just stay anyway.

Given that everyone has cell phones, word has already gotten back. The Post story cites a Central American official who said that “smuggling guides have intensified their marketing efforts in Guatemala’s destitute rural highlands in recent weeks, recruiting customers by telling them the Biden administration is taking a softer enforcement approach.”
what a screwed up by Biden. Right back to defacto open borders.

Unaccompanied minors are also exploding, Parent send them across and then they cant be deported,
then they cross and cant be deported
What happened to the pandemic?

What’s the point of masks and social distancing if we’re going to allow economic refugees to flood across the border?

Makes no sense.
What happened to the pandemic? What’s the point of masks and social distancing if we’re going to allow economic refugees to flood across the border? Makes no sense.

Don't tell me you think DEMOCRATS believed their own politically-motivated pandemic propaganda.
Biden Effect at the border is gaining steam faster than I’d expected. My colleague Todd Bensman (whose new book is just out) went to the South Texas border this week and reported that

As one official told him, “They’re filling bus after bus after bus.”

Local media report that “officials began re-initiating catch-and-release sometime around Jan. 28. So far, only family units — meaning adults with children — are being paroled into the country.”

The legacy media has caught up with the story, with the Washington Post noting that “The Mexican government has stopped taking back Central American families ‘expelled’ at the U.S. border under a Trump-era emergency health order related to the coronavirus, a shift that has prompted U.S. Customs and Border Protection to release more parents and children into the U.S. interior.”

The Biden DHS says it prefers “alternatives to detention,” which means letting people go. Combine that with the fact that ICE’s new priorities prohibit agents from even looking for illegal aliens who haven’t been convicted of violent felonies, and none of them are ever going to be made to leave. Only about half of those released into the U.S. to apply for asylum actually bother applying, and most of the rest lose their cases, but just stay anyway.

Given that everyone has cell phones, word has already gotten back. The Post story cites a Central American official who said that “smuggling guides have intensified their marketing efforts in Guatemala’s destitute rural highlands in recent weeks, recruiting customers by telling them the Biden administration is taking a softer enforcement approach.”
national review!! hilarious. even if exactly true, it is better than when trump and sessions purposely separated kids from their parents just to punish them for daring to legally come here to ask for asylum, which must be done ON OUR SHORES......there are still hundreds missing, and right wingers bitch and moan and flail their wimpy arms about catch and release?

god, these fake christian trump bitches get on my last nerve. they act like this while still pretending they are Christians....

Matthew 25:35-40

35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Galatians 5:14

For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Galatians 3:28

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Hebrews 13:2

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Jeremiah 22:3

Thus says the Lord: Do justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the resident alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood in this place.

Exodus 12:49

There shall be one law for the native and for the stranger who sojourns among you.

Leviticus 24:22

You shall have the same rule for the sojourner and for the native, for I am the Lord your God.
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what a screwed up by Biden. Right back to defacto open borders.

Unaccompanied minors are also exploding, Parent send them across and then they cant be deported,
then they cross and cant be deported

do you really believe unaccompanied minors cannot be deported? are you nuts? and that if they are not deported, if their parents come over, then they cannot be deported? good god. why are you so stupid and misinformed?
do you really believe unaccompanied minors cannot be deported? are you nuts? and that if they are not deported, if their parents come over, then they cannot be deported? good god. why are you so stupid and misinformed?
A: When a child who has entered the country illegally and is not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, he or she is considered an unaccompanied child, and by law must be transferred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement for care and custody.

HHS is legally required to provide care for all children until they are released to a suitable sponsor, almost always a parent or close relative, while they await immigration proceedings.
better a hundred illegal mexicans here than even one dumbassed racist polock.

Illegal immigrants are ok so long as you don’t have to deal with them personally lol?

In 2020 Democrats lost a lot of border counties along the gulf coast precisely because of that attitude. It’s a big reason Trump did better than expected with Hispanics. Yes, many Hispanic *citizens* don’t like the crime and loss of jobs that come with the immigration ‘policy’ [actually, lack of one] advocated by democrats.

In fact, it’s a significant blind spot for Democrats. They can’t afford to bleed Hispanic voters for ever. Guess that’s one of the reasons they really bad need to drive a stake into the heart of nationalist populism.

This is all so transparent.
A: When a child who has entered the country illegally and is not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, he or she is considered an unaccompanied child, and by law must be transferred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement for care and custody.

HHS is legally required to provide care for all children until they are released to a suitable sponsor, almost always a parent or close relative, while they await immigration proceedings.

exactly, dumbass. like being deported back to their PARENTS, YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT. good god. fuck you. how can you be so fucking stupid?
Illegal immigrants are ok so long as you don’t have to deal with them personally lol?

In 2020 Democrats lost a lot of border counties along the gulf coast precisely because of that attitude. It’s a big reason Trump did better than expected with Hispanics. Yes, many Hispanic *citizens* don’t like the crime and loss of jobs that come with the immigration ‘policy’ [actually, lack of one] advocated by democrats.

In fact, it’s a significant blind spot for Democrats. They can’t afford to bleed Hispanic voters for ever. Guess that’s one of the reasons they really bad need to drive a stake into the heart of nationalist populism.

This is all so transparent.

how do you have to deal with them personally, stupid asshole? what the fuck are you talking about, bigoted piece of shit? all of our ancestors came here to this country for the same reason 99% of these hard working, family oriented, mexican folks have, and if they were english or german or norwegian, you bigoted assholes would not have any real problem. screw you.
how do you have to deal with them personally, stupid asshole? what the fuck are you talking about, bigoted piece of shit? all of our ancestors came here to this country for the same reason 99% of these hard working, family oriented, mexican folks have, and if they were english or german or norwegian, you bigoted assholes would not have any real problem. screw you.

I don’t do deal with them [much] personally lol.

Does that mean no one does? No, that would be stupid. If you were a working class Hispanic *citizen* that lived close to the border, would you want illegal immigrants coming in and competing for the same jobs you do?

Yes or no.
I don’t do deal with them [much] personally lol.

Does that mean no one does? No, that would be stupid. If you were a working class Hispanic *citizen* that lived close to the border, would you want illegal immigrants coming in and competing for the same jobs you do?

Yes or no.

why not? are you saying you are afraid of competition? geezus. what a lightweight.
exactly, dumbass. like being deported back to their PARENTS, YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT. good god. fuck you. how can you be so fucking stupid?
douche mind.
the parents are likely in transit, but even if they are not the kids are NoT DEPORTED BACK TO THEIR country

There is no "deportation"