Darth Omar
Russian asset
No information on the perps identity.
No information on the perps identity.
No information on the perps identity.
Crazy personWant to bet on the identity?
White supremacist?
No information on the perps identity.
No information on the perps identity.
Crazy person
No information on the perps identity.
And he is black
And down the memory hole it goes—even though he actually killed one more cop through violence than the January protest.
Does. Not. Fit. Narrative.
Now would that be like the mass shootings in California this week, the mass shootings in Colorado last week, and the mass shootings in Georgia the week before that, nearly all but forgotten today
Where is the outcry, cops shot a black guy that just had a knife
And he is black
And down the memory hole it goes—even though he actually killed one more cop through violence than the January protest.
Does. Not. Fit. Narrative.
.gun gun
Where is the outcry, cops shot a black guy that just had a knife
.guns guns