Capitalist bling


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I'd like to thank George Bush(note sarcasm) and his oil buddy counter part Stephen Harper of Canada for racking up the debt via an unnecessary war, causing oil prices to double in the last decade(of which they are heavily benefitting from) and destroying the global economy!!!

But then again, with all the jobs leaving to Asia? They had no choice but to rack up the national debt! Therefore the so called "free markets" is the culprit for destroying the economies of developed countries.

Capitalism it seems to me is like a Casino.

The Casino shows you all the lights and glitters of gambling to make it appealing and all the winners to entice you to come play, but they never show you all the losers. You know. The ones that lose all their lifesavings.

That is capitalism.

Also I noticed, so many businesses I know are struggling. Doing unlawful things on the side(even if it is just accepting cash money to not pay the tax man) just to stay afloat. That tells you there is something wrong with the system. The number one bankruptcies are bars and restaurants. After doing some research? There is NO WAY for you to afford these two unless you own the building or are doing something illegal on the side. The rent is just too high. Not to mention utility bills(all courtesy of capitalism).

You know what happened back in the day when the kings taxes and cost of living got too high? The people would revolt. The freedoms you enjoy today, ALL came from civil wars(internal).

We should start with having HUGE PROTESTS DEMANDING a decrease in gasoline prices, There is NO legitimate excuse for these high gas prices!!! Since gasoline is used to transport almost everything? A drop in gas prices would cause a drop in everything we buy!
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It's time to end Capitalism and slavery to big banks and implement a Global Reserve with one world currency, void of inflation and interest!!!

Time to take our countries back!
It sounds like you have a problem with monopolies, not capitalism. And you want to replace it with a worldwide monopoly.
It sounds like you have a problem with monopolies, not capitalism. And you want to replace it with a worldwide monopoly.

Isn't that the end result of democratic capitalism? Since I believe in socialism, there would be only one monopoly and that is by the government elected by the people. Not by the wealthy as is the case today.
Isn't that the end result of democratic capitalism? Since I believe in socialism, there would be only one monopoly and that is by the government elected by the people. Not by the wealthy as is the case today.
Think about it for a minute. Do you think the not so rich, and the poor can possibly get anything other than their inherent rights?

Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil. It's best to keep it as small as possible.
Think about it for a minute. Do you think the not so rich, and the poor can possibly get anything other than their inherent rights?

meaning??? Think about it. What we are witnessing today is fascism. Big business is buying politicians via democracy. In return for HUGE government handouts of tax payer money. Which in turn they use to grow their company and corner the market. Look at all the aggressive takeovers and mergers that have been happening! That is the end result of capitalism. But that is what you guys get for supporting corporate welfare under the disguise it would create more jobs which is 100% false.

Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil. It's best to keep it as small as possible.

This is not a question of government, but economics. The government is elected by the people to manage THEIR money.
meaning??? Think about it. What we are witnessing today is fascism. Big business is buying politicians via democracy. In return for HUGE government handouts of tax payer money. Which in turn they use to grow their company and corner the market. Look at all the aggressive takeovers and mergers that have been happening! That is the end result of capitalism. But that is what you guys get for supporting corporate welfare under the disguise it would create more jobs which is 100% false.

Libertarians have been saying this for years. We call it a form of Marxism. You call it capitalism.

And we're not a democracy, that's another lie we're taught by our gov't, and schools.
Libertarians have been saying this for years. We call it a form of Marxism. You call it capitalism.

And we're not a democracy, that's another lie we're taught by our gov't, and schools.

Uh-oh, you just gave Desh a heart attack. Admittedly I guess I'm not smart enough to understand this (partisan? ideological?) battle over whether we are a democracy or constitutional republic.
Libertarians have been saying this for years. We call it a form of Marxism. You call it capitalism.

And we're not a democracy, that's another lie we're taught by our gov't, and schools.

This is the end game of capitalism. Capitalism creates GROSS individual wealth which can be used to bribe/own politicians.

Listen man. On the higher levels of global trade they DO operate on a Marxist manner. But insert middle men/nobles(they have to hook up their family members and buddies) and capitalism is born. Capitalism and the federal reserve is just a better way for the elites to gain more wealth using worthless paper money.

Here's what one economist wrote of the federal reserve.
"By this means government may secretly and unobserved, confiscate the wealth of the people, and not one man in a million will detect the theft." - John Maynard Keynes (the father of 'Keynesian Economics' which our nation now endures) in his book "THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF THE PEACE" (1920).

Technically you are a semi democratic country. In the sense that you DO vote for your constituents. THOUGH on a federal level, the electoral college elects the president based on a system of seats that can easily be manipulated by the elites. Making the entire system a charade.