Cancel Perks for the Worst President in History


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Former presidents' benefits now include a yearly pension of over $200,000, an annual $1 million travel budget, an annual $500,000 travel budget for spouses, an office “appropriately furnished and equipped,” and staff to operate that office -- for the rest of the former president’s life.

But what about a twice-impeached former president who did everything he could to attack Black and brown communities, and ended his presidency by inciting an insurrection against the United States government? Someone with that record shouldn't get anywhere near millions in taxpayer-funded benefits. A simple majority in Congress can prevent it from happening.

Perks? GTFOH!!!!!
I believe this should move to the House flood and be considered for legislation. Instead of perks, they should send him a bill.
Pretty sure Trump wouldnt much give a shit. Only President in our history where moving into the Whitehouse was actually a big down grade for him. :laugh: Just the truth.........
Trump gave his yearly salary to charity......Dummy.

more than made up by how much he made off all the secret service guys and other federal guys who had to stay at him mara-lardo resort to "guard" him almost every weekend, dumbass. notice how almost every weekend golfing trip was at one of his resorts that he was still making dough off of, clownface? do you try to be stupid?

About 8,000,000 results (0.70 seconds)

Fact check: Taxpayer burden for Trump's golfing is hard to pin › news › factcheck › 2020/10/31
Oct 31, 2020 — A claim that President Donald Trump's golf trips have cost taxpayers $141M is lacking context because much of that figure is based on estimates. ... resort owned by the Trump Organization; 33 at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf ... A weekend stay at his resort in Turnberry in July 2018 cost more than $1.1 ...

Trump has made 500 visits to his properties while in office › crew-investigations › trum...
Aug 27, 2020 — President Trump made his 500th visit to one of his properties since becoming ... in political, special interest, and taxpayer money into his own pockets. ... So far in less than one full term, Trump has gone to Bedminster 104 times, ... up again in May and has since made several visits, mostly to his golf courses.

When Trump visits his clubs, government agencies and › politics › 2019/06/20
Jun 20, 2019 — Trump's trips have brought his businesses at least $1.6 million in ... Instead, he flew 190 miles in the opposite direction — to visit his own Doral golf resort, outside Miami. ... he has scheduled even more detours from official trips to visit his ... Then, unsurprisingly, the president visits his properties all the time,” ..
Pretty sure Trump wouldnt much give a shit. Only President in our history where moving into the Whitehouse was actually a big down grade for him. :laugh: Just the truth.........

he is a pig, regardless of how much dough he has or where he lives. no wonder you want him to grab your pussy without asking.
Pretty sure Trump wouldnt much give a shit. Only President in our history where moving into the Whitehouse was actually a big down grade for him. :laugh: Just the truth.........

How does drumpf's butthole taste?

You get that guys like trump fucking hate you, right? You're a mark to him. Spending 30 seconds in an elevator with you would be absolute hell on earth for that guy. So it just blows my mind that you fucken tools suck his dick so much...