California exchange overstated its Web traffic for Obamacare launch (LIARS)


California's health insurance exchange vastly overstated the number of online hits it received Tuesday during the rollout of Obamacare.

State officials said the Covered California website got 645,000 hits during the first day of enrollment, far fewer than the 5 million it reported Tuesday.

The state exchange had cited the 5 million figure as a sign of strong consumer interest and a major reason people had so much difficulty using its $313-million online enrollment system.

Dana Howard, a spokesman for Covered California, said the error was the result of internal miscommunication. "Someone misspoke and thought it was indeed 5 million hits. That was incorrect," he said.

Howard said the revised Web traffic still represents a huge response. He said the number of unique online visitors Tuesday was 514,000 and the state received 19,000 calls.

Meantime, Californians were still running into computer problems and long hold times during the second day of enrollment under the federal healthcare law. Those glitches have prompted Covered California to shut down its online enrollment system twice.,0,7108713.story


Every time a liberal gets caught in a lie, its always a misquote or a someone speaking out of turn.
Louisiana’s top health-insurance provider said that not a single person enrolled in a new health-care plan offered through the Affordable Care Act on its first day.