By any other name.


Shaken, not stirred!
A writer in a recent New York Post Opinion Page article state that “liberals” were over-reacting regarding protests to the name of sports teams that use Native American references….example being the “Washington Redskins” football team.

The author went on about “tradition” and “honoring the people” and “no insult intended” (although he left out the segregationist tendencies of the founder/owner).

No statements from actual Native Americans were included in the article.

Let’s get this straight: baseball and football teams play GAMES. When they use ethnic slurs and mock titles referring to Native American peoples WITHOUT their approval or consent, then that is an INSULT. It’s NO about what non-Native Americans think or feel, or how they try to justify their “traditional” team names. If someone tells you, “hey, your team name/mascot/emblem/rituals insults my very being and my ancestry”, you either respect them and change your ways, or ignore them with patronizing words. The latter is a form of RACISM.

Games are not more important than people’s self worth and social respect.

Got that? Good!
As usual, you offer nothing of worth to the conversation, STY. If you don't have the brains or the guts to defend your position, then stop wasting space and time.
you should follow your own damned advice instead of speaking for people you don't belong to. I'm part cherokee, moron, and the name does not offend me.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
As usual, you offer nothing of worth to the conversation, STY. If you don't have the brains or the guts to defend your position, then stop wasting space and time.

you should follow your own damned advice instead of speaking for people you don't belong to. I'm part cherokee, moron, and the name does not offend me.

Your first sentence doesn't make sense: I ALWAYS defend my positions using facts and the logic derived from those facts. That you disagree with my position is one thing, that YOU can't logically or factually debate the issue is another.

Claiming Native American ancestry does NOT mean YOU speak for EVERYONE involved in the issue. You may not be offended, but that does NOT mean that the VAST MAJORITY of others are not. And in a democracy, the majority rules...especially when one group is being offensive to another either mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically.

I never claimed to speak FOR Native Americans...I am merely pointing out what is offensive based on this country's history regarding race and origins of slurs, and the statements made over DECADES by others. For your education, check out the following:

National Congress of American Indians | October 2013
Seattle University and Stanford used to have offensive names. SU were the Chieftains (I believe Stanford was as well). Now they are respectively the Redhawks and Cardinal.
most native americans don't have a problem with it. I just heard this through the grapevine from some poll. So really the outrage is just misplaced white guilt.

Respect the majority of the minority's wishes.

Go indians
A writer in a recent New York Post Opinion Page article state that “liberals” were over-reacting regarding protests to the name of sports teams that use Native American references….example being the “Washington Redskins” football team.

The author went on about “tradition” and “honoring the people” and “no insult intended” (although he left out the segregationist tendencies of the founder/owner).

No statements from actual Native Americans were included in the article.

Let’s get this straight: baseball and football teams play GAMES. When they use ethnic slurs and mock titles referring to Native American peoples WITHOUT their approval or consent, then that is an INSULT. It’s NO about what non-Native Americans think or feel, or how they try to justify their “traditional” team names. If someone tells you, “hey, your team name/mascot/emblem/rituals insults my very being and my ancestry”, you either respect them and change your ways, or ignore them with patronizing words. The latter is a form of RACISM.

Games are not more important than people’s self worth and social respect.

Got that? Good!

Anyone who derives self worth from a team name deserves to be ignored

Just another example of left wing bullying and mob rule

Let's just name em the Washington Tampons
Anyone who derives self worth from a team name deserves to be ignored

Just another example of left wing bullying and mob rule

Let's just name em the Washington Tampons

You speak with the pride in willful ignorance and prejudice that is the very reason why this country is so stymied when it comes to resolving social issues.

First off, you incorrectly invoke the label of "mob rule", for the "mob" would be the owners and fans who could give a damn about insulting/slurring the very existence of a section of the population so long as they feel good.

And since folk like you seem to derive self worth from maintaining a team name (with total indifference to how it affects others who are legitimately pointing to the racist history and origin of that team name), then you should be ignored (your rules, not mine).

And you should seek some therapy regarding your obvious insecurity about your masculinity, as you deem changing a name of a team that racially insults people akin to becoming a woman (which raises issues as to your hostility towards women).
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
.I am merely pointing out what is offensive based on this country's history regarding race and origins of slurs, and the statements made over DECADES by others.

YOU don't get to decide. your opinion is solely yours and that of a loud minority. end of story. your blather is useless.

Stop acting dumber than you are (if that's possible). You parrot your useless accusations DESPITE my explanation and documentation to the contrary.

Interesting that you invoke your Native American heritage to bolster YOUR opinion, but you IGNORE that of a NATIONAL CONGRESS of Native Americans when they disagree with you.

By your own words, you favor the non-Native American half of your lineage over the seem to feel comfortable within the majority rule DESPITE it's callous attitude towards the racial identity of a minority.

You've got some issues you need to resolve, bunky. But make no mistake, YOU don't get to decide on the actions of others, either. You just get an opinion.