Bush thinks he's a Dictator


Will work for Scooby snacks
Bush fans used to laugh at me, when I said bush considered himself a Monarch or a Dictator.

Now, Bush is claiming that anytime he invokes executive privledge for anyone in the Executive Branch, then they are completely beyond the arm of the law. No one can challenge Bush.

Bush administration officials unveiled a bold new assertion of executive authority yesterday, claiming that the Justice Department “will never be allowed to pursue contempt charges initiated by Congress against White House officials once the president has invoked executive privilege.”

Mark Rozell, an expert on executive privilege said, “What this statement is saying is the president’s claim of executive privilege trumps all.”

I am wondering if rank and file Republicans, whose asses aren't on the line in these investigations, are starting to freak out among themselves. Behind closed cloakrooms in the Senate for instance.

January 09, we will most likely have a Democratic President. And he, or, very likely, she, will be accountable to N.O. O.N.E.

As per all precident set in this administration.

And I think they have got to be thinking about that. Because they are going to eat this.
I don't think I'll ever be able to truly forgive Bush voters.

40 years from now, if I'm in a conversation with someone and it somehow comes out that they voted for Bush twice, I have little doubt that it will color my impression of them much as it does now...
Yep fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
I guess the 2 timing bush enablers think 3rd time is a charm ? Well he can't be pres 3 times :D
At this point (and I'm not kidding) I would be surprised if the election was on time. Here's why:

Bush has been quietly issuing executive orders for months now. It began with suspending habeas corpus, and it has moved on to other things like allowing the military to attack US citizens with permission from the president, martial law being made under any circumstance the president feels like, etc.

Then you see the DHS telling us that it's likely we'll see another 9/11 event, and you hear it echoed all over like they're trying to prepare us for something big.

All it would take for Bush to keep power is for another attack to rally support. It would also serve as a convenient vehicle for him to implement all of his exe orders and basically take over and suspend the elections indefinitely under provisions that already existed to suspend elections under martial law.

With Bush and the entire exe branch above the law, a justice department not willing to investigate, and congress totally emasculated in its oversight abilities, tell me how Bush would NOT be 100% dictator.
At this point (and I'm not kidding) I would be surprised if the election was on time. Here's why:

Bush has been quietly issuing executive orders for months now. It began with suspending habeas corpus, and it has moved on to other things like allowing the military to attack US citizens with permission from the president, martial law being made under any circumstance the president feels like, etc.

Then you see the DHS telling us that it's likely we'll see another 9/11 event, and you hear it echoed all over like they're trying to prepare us for something big.

All it would take for Bush to keep power is for another attack to rally support. It would also serve as a convenient vehicle for him to implement all of his exe orders and basically take over and suspend the elections indefinitely under provisions that already existed to suspend elections under martial law.

With Bush and the entire exe branch above the law, a justice department not willing to investigate, and congress totally emasculated in its oversight abilities, tell me how Bush would NOT be 100% dictator.

It's all crossed my mind. Yes, I've noticed.

But I can't go there yet. I can't even let my mind go there.

If it happens, I'll deal with it then.

This is a very dangerous precendent.

Reagan and Clinton may have invoke executive privledge...but, they generally ended up backing down or comprimising. And I don't think they ever ordered their hacks at DOJ to NOT prosecute a contempt of congress charge.

This is the kind of crap that happens in third world bannana republics. I don't think its a stretch to say that this is a direct assault on our republican democracy. I know bush fans would have laughed at me two years ago for saying that. But, I don't think its a laughing matter anymore.
I had no idea one could manipulate the justice department quite so easily. When you can control justice, maybe that's the definition of a dictator.
Cypress, I have gotten very used to being laughed at about things I have said about Bush. But I do not care because so far I have been vindicated on pretty much every point :)
Man, do I wish Dixie was still around... the spin would be flying fast & furious.

"You're getting another term, dammit!"
I had no idea one could manipulate the justice department quite so easily. When you can control justice, maybe that's the definition of a dictator.

I had no idea one could manipulate the justice department quite so easily.

Somebody snuck a clause in the patriot act that allowed Bush to appoint DOJ Prosecutors without senate consent. That's how Bush was able to put hacks in DOJ who were loyal only to him, and not to the laws of the United States
At this point (and I'm not kidding) I would be surprised if the election was on time. Here's why:

Bush has been quietly issuing executive orders for months now. It began with suspending habeas corpus, and it has moved on to other things like allowing the military to attack US citizens with permission from the president, martial law being made under any circumstance the president feels like, etc.

Then you see the DHS telling us that it's likely we'll see another 9/11 event, and you hear it echoed all over like they're trying to prepare us for something big.

All it would take for Bush to keep power is for another attack to rally support. It would also serve as a convenient vehicle for him to implement all of his exe orders and basically take over and suspend the elections indefinitely under provisions that already existed to suspend elections under martial law.

With Bush and the entire exe branch above the law, a justice department not willing to investigate, and congress totally emasculated in its oversight abilities, tell me how Bush would NOT be 100% dictator.

There were Republicans who said the exact same thing about Clinton, 'Clinton will do something that prevents us from having an election and keeps him President.'

Republicans and Democrats battle each other for power but work together to keep out third party or independent challenges. Do conspiracy theorists work the same way? Y'all may be partisan but the fact that you believe in these conspiracy theories puts you in a special group or club?
Nobody but the fringe rightwing tried to equate clinton with an authoritarian dictator.

With bush, even noted Libertarians (i.e, constitutional scholar Jonathan Turly), and republicans (Reagan Admin officials Bruce Fein, and Paul Craig Robers) are becoming truly alarmed.
Nobody but the fringe rightwing tried to equate clinton with an authoritarian dictator.

With bush, even noted Libertarians (i.e, constitutional scholar Jonathan Turly), and republicans (Reagan Admin officials Bruce Fein, and Paul Craig Robers) are becoming truly alarmed.

I was responding to the point that Bush would not give up the Presidency at the end. That is crazy conspiracy talk. I will bet anyone on this board any amount of money that we can place in an escrow account that Bush will be out of office on Jan. 20, 2009.

Conspiracy talk is conspiracy talk.
I was responding to the point that Bush would not give up the Presidency at the end. That is crazy conspiracy talk. I will bet anyone on this board any amount of money that we can place in an escrow account that Bush will be out of office on Jan. 20, 2009.

Conspiracy talk is conspiracy talk.

Hopefully sooner than that.
I was responding to the point that Bush would not give up the Presidency at the end. That is crazy conspiracy talk. I will bet anyone on this board any amount of money that we can place in an escrow account that Bush will be out of office on Jan. 20, 2009.

Conspiracy talk is conspiracy talk.

No it isn't. After 9/11, Rudy Guliania raised the idea that NYC couldn't function without him, therefore we couldn't have an election at the scheduled time and he should stay on "for a while".

there was a f'ing uproar, and he backed down.

Don't even try and tell me that Bush would never try it.

All it takes, is one big terrorist attack. I am not saying this is going to happen, I am saying I saw it almost happen, and no one is going to call me fucking crazy for saying, yeah, it could happen.

I was responding to the point that Bush would not give up the Presidency at the end. That is crazy conspiracy talk. I will bet anyone on this board any amount of money that we can place in an escrow account that Bush will be out of office on Jan. 20, 2009.

Conspiracy talk is conspiracy talk.

I think bush will leave office in jaunary 2009, if I had to bet money on it.

But, the simple fact that so many people - from liberals to constitutional conservatives - are becoming alarmed at bush's authoritarian actions, should be shocking to every american who is not drunk on bush kool aid.