Bush Doing GOP More Harm Than Good…HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The Dunce Strikes Again!


Senior Member
This piece needs no introduction. I couldn't have said it better myself.

White House Miffed by Fla. GOP Candidate

By JENNIFER LOVEN, Associated Press Writer 39 minutes ago

The closer the election came to the finish line, the more President Bush's aides battled the perception he was doing his party as much harm as good and was unwanted in many districts.

On Monday, Bush jetted to a conservative corner of Florida's Panhandle, about as far as he could get from the state's three in-play House districts. To the White House's embarrassment and irritation, Republican Charlie Crist, whom Bush came to help in his bid to succeed the president's brother as governor, decided at the last minute to skip the chance to be by the president's side.

In a speech bracketed by raucous foot-stomping to country music and an explosion of metallic red-white-and-blue confetti, Bush won cheers for applauding Saddam Hussein's conviction, lambasting Democrats on the war on terror and accusing the opposition party of plotting to raise taxes.

"The Democrat philosophy is this: If it breathes, tax it, and if it stops breathing, find its children and tax them," Bush shouted.

Next up was Arkansas, where Republican Asa Hutchinson remained well behind in his race to keep that governor's mansion in Republican hands. Still Bush was upbeat.

"You know, I knew we were going to finish strong," Bush told supporters gathered in an airplane hangar with Air Force One parked outside. "I knew that we were going to come roarin' into Election Day because we've got the right position on taxes, we've got the right position on what it takes to protect you from attack."

Finally, Bush was calling it a wrap Monday night in Texas. It was somewhat of a sentimental stop for the president, taking him to his home state and specifically to Dallas, where Bush has headlined rallies the night before most elections.

It was still remarkable that, with so many Republicans around the country facing too-close-to-call races and with GOP majorities in the House, Senate and the nation's statehouses in jeopardy, Bush decided to spend capital on GOP Gov. Rick Perry, who hardly needed the president's assistance to get re-elected.

Poor Stupid Dunce Striking Out
Who knows. What is most alarming and has had me baffled for the last 6 years is that the majority of Americans seemed to either believe him or give him the benefit of the doubt, even when it was apparent he was talking out his ass over and over again. I'm sure the only thing that woke many up at all was non-response to Katrina and the catastrophe that was occurring in New Orleans while Bush strummed away in California as if nothing was amiss anywhere in the whole nation and he could enjoy his vacation as he saw fit no matter how many people died from his administration's incompetence. Most were black people after all, who had made a choice to stay in New Orleans. And his administration had a vested interest in proving that the worst words that a person can hear are, "I'm from the Federal Govenment, and I'm here to help you!" Bush has certainly made those words a horror. Apparently the American people have decided that there is some use for government intervention somewhere besides just killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans.

I still hope that some Americans will wake up; I have given up on so many of them. They are still all about likeability and personality and could care so little about whether someone has the experience or intellect to be president. One thing Bush has shown is that after 6 years he has learned to read at the fifth or sixth grade level. He might even learn to pronounce a number of new words before he leaves office.

And Daniel Ortega is winning in Nicaragua, another defeat for the Bush administration who did their best from rewards to threats to get the Nicaraguan people to do their bidding in the election there. South America is truly moving left; North America? Who knows; the answer appears to be still very much up in the air.