Bruce Springsteen deuced on .02 DUI


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Bruce Springsteen's DWI arrest details revealed, more news ICYMI (

[FONT=&quot]Bruce Springsteen was arrested for DWI and reckless driving in New Jersey, according to reports, but somehow the news remained private for nearly two months. TMZ reported that the music icon was arrested on Nov. 14, 2020, at Gateway National Recreation Area in Sandy Hook, New Jersey, after an officer watched The Boss take a shot of Patron Tequila offered by fans and start his motorcycle. "Springsteen was cooperative throughout the process," a spokesperson for the National Park Service said. A police report indicated that Bruce smelled strongly of alcohol and his eyes were glassy. He was also supposedly swaying during a field sobriety test and took 45 steps when he was supposed to take 18. Curiously, he wasn't legally drunk, according to reports. the Asbury Park Press reported that Bruce had a blood-alcohol content of 0.02 while the threshold in New Jersey is 0.08. A court date is coming in the next few weeks. Due to the fact he was arrested on federal land, The Boss will appear before a federal judge[/FONT]
Bruce Springsteen's DWI arrest details revealed, more news ICYMI (

[FONT="]Bruce Springsteen was arrested for DWI and reckless driving in New Jersey, according to reports, but somehow the news remained private for nearly two months. TMZ reported that the music icon was arrested on Nov. 14, 2020, at Gateway National Recreation Area in Sandy Hook, New Jersey, after an officer watched The Boss take a shot of Patron Tequila offered by fans and start his motorcycle. "Springsteen was cooperative throughout the process," a spokesperson for the National Park Service said. A police report indicated that Bruce smelled strongly of alcohol and his eyes were glassy. He was also supposedly swaying during a field sobriety test and took 45 steps when he was supposed to take 18. Curiously, he wasn't legally drunk, according to reports. the Asbury Park Press reported that Bruce had a blood-alcohol content of 0.02 while the threshold in New Jersey is 0.08. A court date is coming in the next few weeks. Due to the fact he was arrested on federal land, The Boss will appear before a federal judge[/FONT]

Should be a quick case. He would have submitted to a blood test at the station.

Usually cops don't fool with motorcycles, but it looks like a cop was watching for him.
Odd to see the Boss is 71 years old. Asbury Park Press first reported Springsteen's blood alcohol level. The newspaper also said fans offered him the tequila after he took pictures with them.

Springsteen faces charges of driving while intoxicated, reckless driving and consuming alcohol in a closed area in connection with the incident, according to National Park Service spokeswoman Brenda Ling.

Ling said Springsteen, famously a New Jersey native, was cooperative throughout the process.

News of the arrest came days after the debut of Springsteen's first Super Bowl commercial. In the two-minute spot for Jeep, Springsteen says the country will again see unity and says "there's hope on the road up ahead."

A spokesperson for the Jeep brand said the Super Bowl commercial has been put on pause.

Fans have long praised Springsteen, 71, for his healthy lifestyle.

In his 2016 autobiography “Born to Run,” Springsteen said he avoided drugs and didn’t try alcohol until he was 22, partially because how he saw how drinking affected his father.
Is this like a National Park where it's federally illegal to bring and consume alcohol?

Oh sorry. I forgot what the OP said. But it was my experience. I didn't drink on a national park, but plenty of people did. It was when deaf people came to meet for an event. They were so loud that the fellow campers complained and the rangers came to investigate and checked their vehicles for alcohol.
Should be a quick case. He would have submitted to a blood test at the station.

Usually cops don't fool with motorcycles, but it looks like a cop was watching for him.

I can't believe he was brought in blowing .02. That's like a single beer. They should dismiss before even arraigning him. Maybe they liked
the boss and drove him around for a while to oxidize the shot.
Should take voice and guitar lessons....

Well, he used to be great. He used to have the perfect singing voice, and he at one time could play a couple of chords or three on the guitfiddle.

I've seen some of his live stuff here of late, and seems he can't play the guitar or sing anymore! I was embarrassed for him.

But also sounds like he got a bad deal if he wasn't even drunk!
Bruce has what they call a "character" voice. They are more valuable when you find one who can write songs than someone with
a better voice. The reason is they become inimitable. Like Bob Dylan or Bruce or John Fogarty. (All icons) They have their own sound and that sound becomes a brand that
can't be replicated easily. Same with guitar, better to develop your own voice than climb scales at 220 bpm. But I agree on his guitar.
He can play OK but there's a reason he isn't the main ax in the E street band.
Well, he used to be great. He used to have the perfect singing voice, and he at one time could play a couple of chords or three on the guitfiddle.

I've seen some of his live stuff here of late, and seems he can't play the guitar or sing anymore! I was embarrassed for him.

But also sounds like he got a bad deal if he wasn't even drunk!

He sucked from day one...and got worse.
Bruce has what they call a "character" voice. They are more valuable when you find one who can write songs than someone with
a better voice. The reason is they become inimitable. Like Bob Dylan or Bruce or John Fogarty. (All icons) They have their own sound and that sound becomes a brand that
can't be replicated easily. Same with guitar, better to develop your own voice than climb scales at 220 bpm. But I agree on his guitar.
He can play OK but there's a reason he isn't the main ax in the E street band.

The main difference between Dylan and Springsteen is writing ability.
I can't believe he was brought in blowing .02. That's like a single beer. They should dismiss before even arraigning him. Maybe they liked
the boss and drove him around for a while to oxidize the shot.

I thought it odd too, but he didn't pass the field sobriety test. Not sure how that will play in court but expect "charges dismissed" since he cooperated and was under the limit.

Let's not forget that asking 70+ year olds to do a field sobriety test isn't always a good indicator of their sobriety. :)