Brent Bozell IV, Son Of Prominent Conservative Activist, Charged In Capitol Riot

Online sleuths looked into Bozell because he wore the sweatshirt of a Christian school and he previously served as a girls’ basketball coach.

Leo Brent Bozell IV, the son of conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III, was captured on video inside the Senate chamber during the attack on the U.S. Capitol and has been charged with three federal offenses, according to a federal criminal complaint unsealed on Tuesday.

Bozell is charged with obstructing an official proceeding, entering a restricted building, and disorderly conduct. The complaint features several images of him on the floor of the Senate, where he was wearing a sweatshirt featuring the name of a Christian school. Online sleuths focused in on him because of that sweatshirt and posted videos of his activity online. They also found photos of him serving as a girls’ basketball coach at another school in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Bozell is the son of L. Brent Bozell III, a major conservative political figure who founded a number of organizations aimed at countering “liberal media bias,” including the Media Research Center and NewsBusters. He is himself the son of L. Brent Bozell Jr., who worked as a speechwriter for Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) and as the ghostwriter for Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater’s book “The Conscience of a Conservative.” Bozell Jr. was a key player in the creation of the mid-20th-century conservative movement, alongside National Review founder William F. Buckley, that ultimately took over the Republican Party. He later abandoned the United States, conservatism and democracy for Francisco Franco’s pro-Catholic, anti-communist dictatorship in Spain.

Bozell IV can be seen in multiple videos both inside and outside the Capitol building on Jan. 6. In one video, shot by The New Yorker, he is on the floor of the Senate with other insurrectionists. Another video on YouTube shows him exiting the Capitol while talking on his cellphone. The security camera footage presented during former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial also shows Bozell among the group of insurrectionists led away from the Senate floor by Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman.


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....round up the seditionists, send them to prison, now
Online sleuths looked into Bozell because he wore the sweatshirt of a Christian school and he previously served as a girls’ basketball coach.

Leo Brent Bozell IV, the son of conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III, was captured on video inside the Senate chamber during the attack on the U.S. Capitol and has been charged with three federal offenses, according to a federal criminal complaint unsealed on Tuesday.

Bozell is charged with obstructing an official proceeding, entering a restricted building, and disorderly conduct. The complaint features several images of him on the floor of the Senate, where he was wearing a sweatshirt featuring the name of a Christian school. Online sleuths focused in on him because of that sweatshirt and posted videos of his activity online. They also found photos of him serving as a girls’ basketball coach at another school in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Bozell is the son of L. Brent Bozell III, a major conservative political figure who founded a number of organizations aimed at countering “liberal media bias,” including the Media Research Center and NewsBusters. He is himself the son of L. Brent Bozell Jr., who worked as a speechwriter for Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) and as the ghostwriter for Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater’s book “The Conscience of a Conservative.” Bozell Jr. was a key player in the creation of the mid-20th-century conservative movement, alongside National Review founder William F. Buckley, that ultimately took over the Republican Party. He later abandoned the United States, conservatism and democracy for Francisco Franco’s pro-Catholic, anti-communist dictatorship in Spain.

Bozell IV can be seen in multiple videos both inside and outside the Capitol building on Jan. 6. In one video, shot by The New Yorker, he is on the floor of the Senate with other insurrectionists. Another video on YouTube shows him exiting the Capitol while talking on his cellphone. The security camera footage presented during former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial also shows Bozell among the group of insurrectionists led away from the Senate floor by Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman.


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....round up the seditionists, send them to prison, now

You just can't help what your adult children decide to do.
last count from the FBI sez 246 teahick insurrectionists are currently under indictment or already in jail, with over 400 being investigated

keep those cell phone cameras on at all times nutjobs, the feds are LOVE self-reported crimes lol
Hello Red Jenkins,

You just can't help what your adult children decide to do.

No, but you can let them decide for themselves which religion they wish to follow, or if they should even follow one at all. Telling them that beliefs are facts when they are young and impressionable could be the same as setting them up for a lifetime of inability to discern the difference.
Hello reagansghost,

Online sleuths looked into Bozell because he wore the sweatshirt of a Christian school and he previously served as a girls’ basketball coach.

Leo Brent Bozell IV, the son of conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III, was captured on video inside the Senate chamber during the attack on the U.S. Capitol and has been charged with three federal offenses, according to a federal criminal complaint unsealed on Tuesday.

Bozell is charged with obstructing an official proceeding, entering a restricted building, and disorderly conduct. The complaint features several images of him on the floor of the Senate, where he was wearing a sweatshirt featuring the name of a Christian school. Online sleuths focused in on him because of that sweatshirt and posted videos of his activity online. They also found photos of him serving as a girls’ basketball coach at another school in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Bozell is the son of L. Brent Bozell III, a major conservative political figure who founded a number of organizations aimed at countering “liberal media bias,” including the Media Research Center and NewsBusters. He is himself the son of L. Brent Bozell Jr., who worked as a speechwriter for Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) and as the ghostwriter for Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater’s book “The Conscience of a Conservative.” Bozell Jr. was a key player in the creation of the mid-20th-century conservative movement, alongside National Review founder William F. Buckley, that ultimately took over the Republican Party. He later abandoned the United States, conservatism and democracy for Francisco Franco’s pro-Catholic, anti-communist dictatorship in Spain.

Bozell IV can be seen in multiple videos both inside and outside the Capitol building on Jan. 6. In one video, shot by The New Yorker, he is on the floor of the Senate with other insurrectionists. Another video on YouTube shows him exiting the Capitol while talking on his cellphone. The security camera footage presented during former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial also shows Bozell among the group of insurrectionists led away from the Senate floor by Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman.


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....round up the seditionists, send them to prison, now

Anti-social behavior from a family line of anti-socialists.
Hello Red Jenkins,

No, but you can let them decide for themselves which religion they wish to follow, or if they should even follow one at all. Telling them that beliefs are facts when they are young and impressionable could be the same as setting them up for a lifetime of inability to discern the difference.

Did you grow up with a religion?
"Duped" and "egged on": Capitol rioters use Trump as excuse in court

The Senate may have acquitted Donald Trump of inciting an insurrection, but the former president still faces accusations of incitement from another source: Capitol rioters themselves.

Attorneys for at least seven accused rioters have referenced Mr. Trump in efforts to explain their clients' actions, according to statements and documents reviewed by CBS News.

The attorney for Matthew Ryan Miller — who was allegedly photographed discharging a fire extinguisher on the steps of the U.S. Capitol — said during a hearing Tuesday that his client was "there at the behest of then-President Trump." He wrote in a February 7 filing arguing for his client's pretrial release, "Mr. Miller concedes he was on the Capitol grounds to protest along with thousands of other protesters and was merely following the directions of then-President Trump, the country's chief law enforcement officer, and other speakers to march to the Capitol."

Similarly, ................

A lawyer for accused Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola wrote ...................

The strategy is similar to an "advice of counsel" defense, says Randy Zelin, a criminal defense attorney at Wilk Auslander LLP and an adjunct professor at Cornell Law School. The tactic argues that a defendant couldn't have had criminal intent if they were acting on advice from their attorney. Although Mr. Trump isn't an attorney, Zelin says there is a notion that if someone who makes the laws tells you what to do, someone could argue they had no intention to break the law............................

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Hello Red Jenkins,

Did you grow up with a religion?

This is not about me or you or any particular poster here.

I participate here for existential discussions.

In this case, we are having a discussion about one of the violent mob which desecrated our capitol and killed people in the name of what, Christ?

That makes no sense. Christ did not advocate for killing people with which he disagreed. He said individuals should love their neighbor, respect their property, and respect public property.
Last edited:
Hello Red Jenkins,

This is not about me or you are any particular poster here.

I participate here for existential discussions.

In this case, we are having a discussion about one of the violent mob which desecrated our capitol and killed people in the name of what, Christ?

That makes no sense. Christ did not advocate for killing people with which he disagreed. He said individuals should love their neighbor, respect their property, and respect public property.

Well it is kind of about you and me and other people as you mentioned how beliefs are transmitted as facts through religion. You mentioned that religion can make people incapable of differentiating between belief and fact and I wonder if you had been exposed to religion thereby bringing into question whether or not you can differenitate between the two. I think that's a fair question given your proclamation here.
Well it is kind of about you and me and other people as you mentioned how beliefs are transmitted as facts through religion. You mentioned that religion can make people incapable of differentiating between belief and fact and I wonder if you had been exposed to religion thereby bringing into question whether or not you can differenitate between the two. I think that's a fair question given your proclamation here.

Passive aggressive hostility detected. Must be a trumfuck. Blocked.
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Passive aggressive hostility detected. Must be a trumfuck. Blocked.

How is it passive aggressive? I think I believe I was rather clearand explained why I was asking. It's amazing how very little frustration tolerance some people on this site have. You do t like disagreement do you? Or discussion?
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Lol so you only talk to those who agree with you?
Hello Red Jenkins,

Well it is kind of about you and me and other people as you mentioned how beliefs are transmitted as facts through religion. You mentioned that religion can make people incapable of differentiating between belief and fact and I wonder if you had been exposed to religion thereby bringing into question whether or not you can differenitate between the two. I think that's a fair question given your proclamation here.

You may think so, but I am entitled to my own thoughts. I don't come here to talk about myself. I come here to talk about politics. Press the issue all you like but I'll not yield. If it becomes a fixation I'll simply decide to cease talking to you and instead focus my attention elsewhere.

I know part of our participation here is to learn why other people hold their particular views, but I'm afraid in understanding my views you'll have to suffice with engaging in non-personal political discussions. I believe that in time you will come to understand my motivations. The way I see it, my views are quite logic-based.

If we were physically acquainted and had mutual friends, I might be more inclined to talk about my personal life in a different setting, but this is different. We are on the internet. We are making a record which endures for a long time. Databases get breached. I have and shall continue to endeavor to leave as few breadcrumbs on the internet as possible.

Here's why:

The concern is that computer memory has become so low priced that it is practically limitless. Big corporations have realized that data is power and wealth. Corporations are immortal. They live forever. Software advancement is ongoing. There is no telling what future SW developments may be capable of. When amazing SW of the future is put into service, it will have all the data which has been generated and saved thanks to limitless memory. Think of the possibilities. I find it rather daunting. So it is only logical that individuals should endeavor to leave as small a digital footprint as possible. People who think nothing of putting their lives on social media are making a big mistake imo.

You've raised what may seem to be a logical question considering our discussion, but I have my reasons for not answering, and my position on that will not be changed.


Do you wish to discuss politics?

How about this Bozell guy...

He seems to me to have gotten some very bad ideas into his head. It was wrong to storm the capitol. He may have thought it was the right thing to do, but he got that wrong. Everybody who entered the capitol under the false premise of stopping official Congressional business was breaking the law. They were wrong to do that.

It doesn't surprise me that this guy did this, considering how he was raised, which btw, I consider a fair topic of discussion. He has become a public figure, like it or not. He is the topic of this thread. Each of us who entered this thread did so to talk about him.
Hello Red Jenkins,

You may think so, but I am entitled to my own thoughts. I don't come here to talk about myself. I come here to talk about politics. Press the issue all you like but I'll not yield. If it becomes a fixation I'll simply decide to cease talking to you and instead focus my attention elsewhere.

I know part of our participation here is to learn why other people hold their particular views, but I'm afraid in understanding my views you'll have to suffice with engaging in non-personal political discussions. I believe that in time you will come to understand my motivations. The way I see it, my views are quite logic-based.

If we were physically acquainted and had mutual friends, I might be more inclined to talk about my personal life in a different setting, but this is different. We are on the internet. We are making a record which endures for a long time. Databases get breached. I have and shall continue to endeavor to leave as few breadcrumbs on the internet as possible.

Here's why:

The concern is that computer memory has become so low priced that it is practically limitless. Big corporations have realized that data is power and wealth. Corporations are immortal. They live forever. Software advancement is ongoing. There is no telling what future SW developments may be capable of. When amazing SW of the future is put into service, it will have all the data which has been generated and saved thanks to limitless memory. Think of the possibilities. I find it rather daunting. So it is only logical that individuals should endeavor to leave as small a digital footprint as possible. People who think nothing of putting their lives on social media are making a big mistake imo.

You've raised what may seem to be a logical question considering our discussion, but I have my reasons for not answering, and my position on that will not be changed.


Do you wish to discuss politics?

How about this Bozell guy...

He seems to me to have gotten some very bad ideas into his head. It was wrong to storm the capitol. He may have thought it was the right thing to do, but he got that wrong. Everybody who entered the capitol under the false premise of stopping official Congressional business was breaking the law. They were wrong to do that.

It doesn't surprise me that this guy did this, considering how he was raised, which btw, I consider a fair topic of discussion. He has become a public figure, like it or not. He is the topic of this thread. Each of us who entered this thread did so to talk about him.

No I don't wish to discuss politics with you because it's seems disingenuous for you to make a claim about others that you arent willing to apply to yourself. I respect that you don't want to do it. I suspect I understand why so won't press it any further.