
Media has been called to court room.

Media gives three options:

A verdict has been reached.

They have a question.

They want to end the day.

Local TV says they have a question.
you know, i bet zimmerman gets offered a plea deal after a hung jury. Maybe they offer him 4 years or something. That would be tough to turn down when facing 30max or life with another jury.
you know, i bet zimmerman gets offered a plea deal after a hung jury. Maybe they offer him 4 years or something. That would be tough to turn down when facing 30max or life with another jury.

No, this isn't about justice and a penalty for murder, it's all about defusing a very deadly situation that's going to develop after the verdict. 4 years won't do it. You can count on manslaughter for that reason alone. And that's the extent of the sickness in your country now. You people were far from being ready to accept a black man as your president.

Now you're about to feel the consequences of your ugly racist hate.
No, this isn't about justice and a penalty for murder, it's all about defusing a very deadly situation that's going to develop after the verdict. 4 years won't do it. You can count on manslaughter for that reason alone. And that's the extent of the sickness in your country now. You people were far from being ready to accept a black man as your president.

Now you're about to feel the consequences of your ugly racist hate.

Um, two terms, much?