Boycott Barilla?

This stuff gets so out of hand. Gay groups are calling for a boycott on Barilla because their chairman said this:

""I would never do (a commercial) with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect but because we don't agree with them. Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role"

Such incendiary comments. And in the same interview, he said he supported gay marriage.
Well, what a horrible person, supporting gay marriage and all. Gay people should boycott everybody who supports gay marriage, because that's just how we get things done.
This stuff gets so out of hand. Gay groups are calling for a boycott on Barilla because their chairman said this:

""I would never do (a commercial) with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect but because we don't agree with them. Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role"

Such incendiary comments. And in the same interview, he said he supported gay marriage.

Don't they think gays/lesbians eat pasta? or do they only do "straight" pasta?

Stupid comment. Stupid CEO. But I've never bought their pasta in my life, so guess my not buying it won't impact them.
He voiced an opinion. He said that he believed in traditional values, that he openly supported gay marriage. Why would you boycott him? Because he said he wouldn't use a homosexual family in a commercial? Its his choice, isn't it? He was about as respectful as one can get and still refuse.

Don't worry Barilla! I'll eat more pasta and support you!:)
He didn't say anything remotely offensive.

Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role

So fine - but he just left out all the families where a woman DOESN'T play a fundamental role.

And what about lesbian families where there may be TWO women playing a fundamental role?

He just diss'ed a lot of families. You may not find that offensive. bully for you. People in families where women DON'T play a fundamental role may decide his pasta isn't right for them. bully for them.
So fine - but he just left out all the families where a woman DOESN'T play a fundamental role.

And what about lesbian families where there may be TWO women playing a fundamental role?

He just diss'ed a lot of families. You may not find that offensive. bully for you. People in families where women DON'T play a fundamental role may decide his pasta isn't right for them. bully for them.

Oh, BS.

Quick - in the next minute, name an advertiser who has featured a homosexual family.
Okay, the dude supports marriage equality and you have to boycott him because the PR image they project doesn't fit the more extreme LBGT (LGBT? LTBG?... gaaah... ) meme?

Insane. Boycott as you will, I don't think Barilla is going to have a problem making money.
Traditional families used to be non-mixed race. Remember the flack over the cereal commercial just this year? Mixed race families are STILL considered non-traditional.

But buy his pasta. Go ahead.

But it was a stupid comment for him to say. And if people don't buy his pasta because of it, totally understand. If they aren't good enough for his commercials, why should they buy his product?
Oh, BS.

Quick - in the next minute, name an advertiser who has featured a homosexual family.

In addition to Expedia, they include Amazon, American Airlines, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Bloomingdale’s, Crate & Barrel, Gap, General Mills, Google, Hyatt, JetBlue Airways, Kraft Foods, Johnson & Johnson, MasterCard, Microsoft, J. C. Penney and Redhook Ale Brewery.

JC Penney
Coolo. let us know how that works out for you.

Dion - he could expand his customer base by using more variety of families in his commercials. But apparently he doesn't want customers; reminds me of this Dilbert -

Or he decided that appealing to the traditional family values would entice his target demographic.

I just don't see the need for offense. He made a business decision. It was made public. I admire his tact.

Would have been lovely if you could have thought of even one off the top of your head.

The point is, very few do. And they don't feature gay families for the exact same reason that this guy articulated.

So, good luck with those hundreds of boycotts you'll need to get going.
This stuff gets so out of hand. Gay groups are calling for a boycott on Barilla because their chairman said this:

""I would never do (a commercial) with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect but because we don't agree with them. Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role"

Such incendiary comments. And in the same interview, he said he supported gay marriage.

He was stupid for thinking his comment wouldn't go public and some people would take umbrage. His comment is like damning with faint praise.
It's their business.... they can choose the Commercials and who plays in them in what capacity they want.

Personally....I see no problem with what he said. What was said is very much a "live and let live" kind of thing. In essence, he said.... I don't agree with it.... But I am for their right to marry.

Everyone doesn't have to agree on everything. The difference is when someone disagrees so vehemently that they try to deny another group's Civil Rights by way of lobbying, etc.

If he doesn't want to make a commercial featuring a gay family, that's fine and dandy.