Boehner blinks!

i've always said that both parties are just different sides of the same coin. there's no amount of money that they can't agree on spending, no matter how much it is.
Not raising the debt limit would be stupid.

The debt limit will be raised for 6 weeks if done by Sunday. What is really stupid is no budget for 4 years now. Then there would be appropriations for a year, not weeks.

President Barack Obama will be the first president in this great country who will not have passed a budget in his first term of office. He submitted a budget that was defeated by a vote of 97-0. Not a single Democrat or Republican voted for it.

In his first two years in office, instead of focusing on the economy, he passed the stimulus bill (which did not work because he pushed for clean energy), and the Affordable Healthcare Act (which had to go to the U.S. Supreme Court because it was so controversial). In fact, we had to wait until it was passed before we saw what was in it.

In 2010, the Republicans won a majority in the House, and they have submitted 33 budget bills that have been shelved by the Democrat-controlled Senate. The bills were not allowed for discussion or for a vote. The president refuses to negotiate with the Republicans.

I would like to say that all voters need to ask any person running for public office how the candidates plan on breaking this deadlock in Washington, D.C. If they can’t answer that question, they don’t deserve our vote.

Mike Brunson
I seriously cannot ( by lack of interest) follow this stuff, I do know not passing new appropriations, instead of a constant CR is just nuts.

What is this next "deadline" i keep hearing about?
The next crucial deadline comes on Oct. 17, the last day that the Treasury Department estimates that the federal government is certain to have enough money to pay all its bills
,, so the debt ceiling is not allowing money to be appropriated for past expeditures?

And this ,, is what?
If anyone want to explain this -TY
"A growing group of Republicans in Congress is calling for a vote on the spending bill with no conditions on Obamacare"

Just saw this on the bottom of the screen on CNN where they're discussing the incident at the Capitol.
,, so the debt ceiling is not allowing money to be appropriated for past expeditures?

And this ,, is what?
If anyone want to explain this -TY

What's currently caused the 'shutdown' was appropriations for 7 weeks, into mid-November. Obamacare roll out was already funded, as reported. Thus all this stuff is theatre from both sides.

Now if Obama submitted a budget that would pass, funding would be for the year. He's never done so, Reid has protected him. Thus funding on many important items are for weeks. The MSM has never made a big deal regarding the lack of budgets, nor have the Republicans, hoping for next elections.
What's currently caused the 'shutdown' was appropriations for 7 weeks, into mid-November. Obamacare roll out was already funded, as reported. Thus all this stuff is theatre from both sides.

Now if Obama submitted a budget that would pass, funding would be for the year. He's never done so, Reid has protected him. Thus funding on many important items are for weeks. The MSM has never made a big deal regarding the lack of budgets, nor have the Republicans, hoping for next elections.
not the way i learned Congess should 'work' (an oxymoron,,but still).

So this funding is only for a few weeks at a time???? WHAT? That's crazy how do we actually budget....oh wait we aren't...

Oy. I'm going back to foreign policy, something that actually makes sense when I study the players...TY ANNIE for trying..
Somebody is confusing the Debt Ceiling with Continuing Resolutions. They are not the same thing, Jarod.
Somebody is confusing the Debt Ceiling with Continuing Resolutions. They are not the same thing, Jarod.
CR's are stopgap measures to keep the gov't funded?
Debt ceiling is to pay past expenditures...right? Q? so how does not paying a past expenditure close the gov't?

*sorry to be so stupid here*
CR's are stopgap measures to keep the gov't funded?
Debt ceiling is to pay past expenditures...right? Q? so how does not paying a past expenditure close the gov't?

*sorry to be so stupid here*

It does not, but it does ruin the credit rating, cause the bond interest rate to rise making debt more expensive and threatens the ability of the US to ever pay what it owes. It sounds counter intuitive, but without raising the debt ceiling (credit limit) we'll default on some debt which would cause some pretty bad repercussions.
It does not, but it does ruin the credit rating, cause the bond interest rate to rise making debt more expensive and threatens the ability of the US to ever pay what it owes. It sounds counter intuitive, but without raising the debt ceiling (credit limit) we'll default on some debt which would cause some pretty bad repercussions.
OK I got that..I do not understand why the gov't is forced to be closed, is not a CR in place?
OK I got that..I do not understand why the gov't is forced to be closed, is not a CR in place?

No a CR is not in place as of Oct. 1.

Most experts agree that the two are basically a single issue (even though technically they are not) and will be resolved together.
SO. is there a CR in place as of now???? Else why would the gov't be force to shut down?? over the debt ceiling?

*hijacking this thread* LOL
No a CR is not in place as of Oct. 1.

Most experts agree that the two are basically a single issue (even though technically they are not) and will be resolved together.
..................why I cannot balance my checkbook....but ty; JAROD, at least i can follow this.
OK I got that..I do not understand why the gov't is forced to be closed, is not a CR in place?

No. The fiscal year ends on the 30th of September, and because the Senate and House did not pass a budget there is no authorization to spend for the new fiscal year.