

Our blood is as good as yours. This is long overdue. Hell, maybe a transfusion of some good ol' queer blood to some of the homophobes on this forum might erase some of their ignorance.

More than 80 lawmakers have called on the Obama administration to allow gay men to donate blood.

The lawmakers say the administration should change what they say is an "outdated" policy.

Eighty-two lawmakers in the House and Senate signed on to the letter, including Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Enzi was the only Republican to sign the letter.

They said Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius should re-evaluate blood donation criteria that ban gay men from donating blood for life.

“Since the beginning of the HIV/AIDS epidemic more than 30 years ago, the scientific community’s understanding of the virus has changed dramatically," the lawmakers said in their letter.

"We have seen vast advances in blood screening technology, blood donation policy changes in other countries allowing MSM to donate, and opposition from our nation’s blood banks who have called the current ban ‘medically and scientifically unwarranted,’” the letter stated. MSM refers to gay men.

“Our current policies turn away healthy, willing donors, even when we face serious blood shortages. Further, the existing lifetime ban continues to perpetuate inaccurate stereotypes against gay and bisexual men, and fosters an atmosphere that promotes discrimination.”
Our blood is as good as yours. This is long overdue. Hell, maybe a transfusion of some good ol' queer blood to some of the homophobes on this forum might erase some of their ignorance.
You are wrong again, I am not a homophobe or am I a racist. I see that you did not ban me this time around, so, I guess that means that you blinked first, therefore I can claim the mental victory, and I hereby do. PS, maybe they were afraid of HIV?
You are wrong again, I am not a homophobe or am I a racist. I see that you did not ban me this time around, so, I guess that means that you blinked first, therefore I can claim the mental victory, and I hereby do. PS, maybe they were afraid of HIV?

Guilty conscience?

And yes, you are both a racist and homophobe.
Too bad we cannot see them put their money where their mouth is, like say get in a serious accident in San Francisco and need a blood transfusion. How many would really risk getting a transfusion in that city?
Too bad we cannot see them put their money where their mouth is, like say get in a serious accident in San Francisco and need a blood transfusion. How many would really risk getting a transfusion in that city?

I have B- blood. When I was in the military in Germany, one of my fellow troops was hit by a speeding car while he was walking down the road.

I was the only one on base with the same blood as him, and spent the next day in a bed next to him in the hospital giving him my blood.

It saved his life.

Are you saying you would refuse?