The Black Lives Matter movement has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize for the way its call for systemic change has spread around the world.

In his nomination papers, the Norwegian MP Petter Eide said the movement had forced countries outside the US to grapple with racism within their own societies.

“I find that one of the key challenges we have seen in America, but also in Europe and Asia, is the kind of increasing conflict based on inequality,” Eide said. “Black Lives Matter has become a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice.

“They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice.”

oops there goes Donnie's peace prize!
The Black Lives Matter movement has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize for the way its call for systemic change has spread around the world.

In his nomination papers, the Norwegian MP Petter Eide said the movement had forced countries outside the US to grapple with racism within their own societies.

“I find that one of the key challenges we have seen in America, but also in Europe and Asia, is the kind of increasing conflict based on inequality,” Eide said. “Black Lives Matter has become a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice.

“They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice.”

oops there goes Donnie's peace prize!

Donnie is still in the running. ;)

"Nominations for the Nobel peace prize are accepted from any politician serving at a national level, and they are allowed just 2,000 words to state their case. The deadline for this year’s submission is 1 February, and by the end of March the committee prepares a shortlist. The winner is chosen in October and the award ceremony is scheduled for 10 December. There were more than 300 nominations for last year’s award, which was ultimately won by the World Food Programme.

The committee awarded the WFP because it wanted to “turn the eyes of the world to the millions of people who suffer from or face the threat of hunger”, but perhaps the most high profile nomination last year was for former US president Donald Trump.

Trump was nominated for a second time by another Norwegian MP, Christian Tybring-Gjedde. The far-right MP cited Trump’s role in normalising relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates under the Abraham Accords, although Eide said he had “a little difficulty defending that nomination” after the Capitol riot of 6 January when a pro-Trump mob stormed the US Congress buildings and five people died."

"Nominations for the Nobel peace prize are accepted from any politician serving at a national level, and they are allowed just 2,000 words to state their case."

Anyone or group can be nominated. Ted Cruz can nominate the KKK or Boogaloo Bois.
"Nominations for the Nobel peace prize are accepted from any politician serving at a national level, and they are allowed just 2,000 words to state their case."

Anyone or group can be nominated. Ted Cruz can nominate the KKK or Boogaloo Bois.

Do you think the arsonists deserve it?

"Peace" prize... Yea, sure...
Exactly. Peace Prize. Yea, sure....


More like the Democrat's Reichstag fire. After all, they're the ones building it up as treason, insurrection, marching troops into Washington, talking about rounding up Trump supporters, etc. That was the whole purpose of the original in Nazi Germany. Here it wasn't a staged event carried out by those wanting such an event to declare martial law and impose a dictatorship on the nation.

Oh, and nobody's calling for the rioters involved to get a Peace Prize... unlike BLM.
More like the Democrat's Reichstag fire. After all, they're the ones building it up as treason, insurrection, marching troops into Washington, talking about rounding up Trump supporters, etc. That was the whole purpose of the original in Nazi Germany. Here it wasn't a staged event carried out by those wanting such an event to declare martial law and impose a dictatorship on the nation.

And Schumer just floated the Enabling Act except he doesn't even want to bother with it, he'd rather skip it and let Biden go straight to dictator.
meanwhile Donnie seethes.........and it's little consolation to know the DOJ is coming, sedition charges in hand carrying 10+ years on their way