Blinken: humanitarian intervention and American Exceptionalism at the barrel of a gun


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In the piece, Blinken and Kagan argue that the Iraq War was not fundamentally misguided, pointing instead to the mistaken conclusions that were drawn from it, particularly when it comes to Syria. "Without bringing appropriate power to bear, no peace could be negotiated, much less imposed. Today, we see the consequences, in hundreds of thousands of civilians dead, in millions of refugees who have destabilized Europe and in the growing influence of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah."

The books written by Blinken's co-author Kagan repeatedly make clear his conviction that Europe does not have the strength to develop into a global power, with only the U.S. able to prevent the world from sinking into chaos. "The real choice we face is not between the good and the bad but between the bad and the worst," writes Kagan in his most recent book, "The Jungle Grows Back." It is "between maintaining the liberal world order, with all the moral and material costs that entails, or letting it collapse and courting the catastrophes that must inevitably follow." His wife Victoria Nuland has just been nominated for the position of undersecretary of state for political affairs.

Blinken's own rhetoric became more diplomatic after Biden launched his presidential campaign. He knows that the kind of humanitarian intervention he supports in the article written with Kagan isn't just frowned upon by the Republican Party. Most Democrats have also lost their appetite for large-scale engagement abroad, aware as they are that Americans have grown tired of conflict and believe it is time for the U.S. to address its own problems.
Blinken is an interventionist, says Bloomfield, the Republican. "He believes that the United States has a very important role in upholding norms, but also in helping the world to coordinate like-minded countries to uphold norms."

That alone is enough to distinguish him from his predecessor Mike Pompeo, who, like Trump, had little use for alliances or partners, instead focusing completely on U.S. interests. For that reason, Blinken will do his best to sweep up the shards left behind by the Trump administration. "The world is watching us intently right now," Blinken said on his first full day as secretary of state. "They want to see whether we will lead with the power of our example."

The question is whether America's erstwhile allies are interested in being led. During the campaign, Biden consistently acted as though Trump was just an historical aberration. But on Election Day, Trump received over 74 million votes, 11 million more than he got in 2016. And Republicans have given no indications that they plan to turn their back on him. Many Europeans are afraid that Biden could just be an interim chapter before the next populist gets voted into the White House. "I think he can be counted on to, first of all, come to Europe and to hear these views," says Bloomfield. "He wants to hear from America's partners and let them ex
t’s also worthwhile going back to an op-ed Blinken wrote for the Washington Post two years ago. It reads, at least on the surface, like a reckoning with Donald Trump. In it, Blinken warned of a new era of isolationism. But the op-ed was more than just some heavy-handed attack – it was a means of positioning himself politically. Blinken wrote that it was right for the U.S. to build alliances and international organizations after the horrors of World War II. But it would be a mistake for the United States to rely solely on the persuasive powers of its diplomats. "Words alone will not dissuade the Vladimir Putins and Xi Jinpings of this world.”

At least as interesting as the op-ed itself was its co-author: Robert Kagan, one of Washington’s most brilliant, albeit controversial, foreign policy thinkers. Kagan was an ardent supporter of the Iraq war and is still regarded today as the head of a neoconservative school of thought that wants to impose democracy and the rule of law by American force if necessary.

In their joint article, Blinken and Kagan list the successes the U.S. military had achieved since the 1990s. "We drove Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait," they write, "removed a drug-dealing dictator in Panama, and brought peace to the Balkans with minimal American casualties; later we killed Osama bin Laden."
In the piece, Blinken and Kagan argue that the Iraq War was not fundamentally misguided, pointing instead to the mistaken conclusions that were drawn from it, particularly when it comes to Syria. "Without bringing appropriate power to bear, no peace could be negotiated, much less imposed. Today, we see the consequences, in hundreds of thousands of civilians dead, in millions of refugees who have destabilized Europe and in the growing influence of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah."

The books written by Blinken's co-author Kagan repeatedly make clear his conviction that Europe does not have the strength to develop into a global power, with only the U.S. able to prevent the world from sinking into chaos. "The real choice we face is not between the good and the bad but between the bad and the worst," writes Kagan in his most recent book, "The Jungle Grows Back." It is "between maintaining the liberal world order, with all the moral and material costs that entails, or letting it collapse and courting the catastrophes that must inevitably follow." His wife Victoria Nuland has just been nominated for the position of undersecretary of state for political affairs.

Blinken's own rhetoric became more diplomatic after Biden launched his presidential campaign. He knows that the kind of humanitarian intervention he supports in the article written with Kagan isn't just frowned upon by the Republican Party. Most Democrats have also lost their appetite for large-scale engagement abroad, aware as they are that Americans have grown tired of conflict and believe it is time for the U.S. to address its own problems.

If he believes in any way the Iraq War was justified, he is wrong as hell...does not mean everything he believes is can any full scale invasion based on complete lies against a weak and ineffectual leader of a no-threat country be considered justified? i play the bullshit card on that.

only an idiot believes we can be isolationist, we have tried that and it led to disaster- ever heard of WW2? We have to be engaged, we have to the leader of the free world, maintain our strong alliances with democratic countries with similar goals, and quit being the little bitch of Putin, Little Kim, Erdogan, Duterte of the Philippines and the murdering asshole Saudi Prince, like creampuff chickenshit moron Traitor Trump was.
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t’s also worthwhile going back to an op-ed Blinken wrote for the Washington Post two years ago. It reads, at least on the surface, like a reckoning with Donald Trump. In it, Blinken warned of a new era of isolationism. But the op-ed was more than just some heavy-handed attack – it was a means of positioning himself politically. Blinken wrote that it was right for the U.S. to build alliances and international organizations after the horrors of World War II. But it would be a mistake for the United States to rely solely on the persuasive powers of its diplomats. "Words alone will not dissuade the Vladimir Putins and Xi Jinpings of this world.”

At least as interesting as the op-ed itself was its co-author: Robert Kagan, one of Washington’s most brilliant, albeit controversial, foreign policy thinkers. Kagan was an ardent supporter of the Iraq war and is still regarded today as the head of a neoconservative school of thought that wants to impose democracy and the rule of law by American force if necessary.

In their joint article, Blinken and Kagan list the successes the U.S. military had achieved since the 1990s. "We drove Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait," they write, "removed a drug-dealing dictator in Panama, and brought peace to the Balkans with minimal American casualties; later we killed Osama bin Laden."

we did all the things he said. duh. Iraq needed to be removed from Kuwait. it also decimated his military....two birds with one stone. not so sure about the Panama thing....but not a big deal since we did not lose any soldiers or spend a great deal of money pursuing it. we did get rid of Milosevic and ethnic cleansing without losing one soldier in combat. and obama did get bin laden after bush said he did not care where bin laden was.
we did all the things he said. duh. Iraq needed to be removed from Kuwait. it also decimated his military....two birds with one stone. not so sure about the Panama thing....but not a big deal since we did not lose any soldiers or spend a great deal of money pursuing it. we did get rid of Milosevic and ethnic cleansing without losing one soldier in combat. and obama did get bin laden after bush said he did not care where bin laden was.
and Libya? we destroyed a stable state and it became a terrorist haven it was called "ISIS by the Sea"
That came DIRECTLY from Madeline Albright's doctrine of "responsibility to protect" used in Kosovo

as to Iraq -are you seriously trying to claim that was a success?
It and we were better off when it was under Saddam instead of Iran's thumb; not to mention the costs to the USA in blood and treasure

your myopic view of "not losing one soldier" is why we are stuck on interventionism, and destroying stable states
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If he believes in any way the Iraq War was justified, he is wrong as hell...does not mean everything he believes is can any full scale invasion based on complete lies against a weak and ineffectual leader of a no-threat country be considered justified? i play the bullshit card on that.

only an idiot believes we can be isolationist, we have tried that and it led to disaster- ever heard of WW2? We have to be engaged, we have to the leader of the free world, maintain our strong alliances with democratic countries with similar goals, and quit being the little bitch of Putin, Little Kim, Erdogan, Duterte of the Philippines and the murdering asshole Saudi Prince, like creampuff chickenshit moron Traitor Trump was.
isolantionism is not "america First". that's how we leap to interventionism.

Trump pursed alliances, but he did it outside the UN framework (corrupt and pro-China)
and he did it on a bilateral basis ( like Vietnam) . even this bullshit of NATO being destabilized by Trump
is just EU propaganda -NATO is strong, and the member states ponyed up when they would not before

you are clueless on geopolitics -supporting KSA is a necessary evil towards checking Iran
and the stability of supporting the Sunni states gave us the Abraham Accords
and Libya? we destroyed a stable state and it became a terrorist haven it was called "ISIS by the Sea"
That came DIRECTLY from Madeline Albright's doctrine of "responsibility to protect" used in Kosovo

as to Iraq -are you seriously trying to claim that was a success? It and we weer better off when it was under Saddam instead of Iran's thump

your myopic view of "not losing one soldier" is why we are stuck on interventionism, and destroying stable states

you are a liar. After Qaddafi was taken out by his own citizens, his sons were on trial for war crimes, stupid. how is that stable? killing anyone who doesn't want to live in a dictatorship? he threatened to go door to door and exterminate everyone in Benghazi like rats. He was bombing the shit out of his own citizens, and that is why we and NATO set up a no-fly zone...asshole liar. We did not invade. We just kept a deranged psychotic war criminal from bombing the shit out of his own citizens- men, women and children. screw you.

Libya trial: Gaddafi son sentenced to death over war crimes › news › world-africa-33688391
Jul 28, 2015 — More than 30 close associates of Col Gaddafi were tried for suppressing peaceful protests during the uprising. Saif al-Islam was not in court, but ...

Gaddafi sons' war crimes trial begins in Libya amid security › world › apr › gaddafi-sons-wa...
Apr 13, 2014 — The war crimes trial of two sons of Libya's former dictator, Muammar ... Saif al-Islam Gaddafi and his younger brother, Saadi, are accused of ...

Libya trial: Gaddafi son sentenced to death over war crimes › news › world-africa-33688391
Jul 28, 2015 — More than 30 close associates of Col Gaddafi were tried for suppressing peaceful protests during the uprising. Saif al-Islam was not in court, but ...

War crimes prosecutor calls for arrest of Saif Gaddafi, dictator's › article › us-warcrimes-libya › war-c...
Jun 14, 2017 — War crimes prosecutor calls for arrest of Saif Gaddafi, dictator's son ... Saif, 44, is the most prominent of the late leader's children, and was touted by some as a
isolantionism is not "america First". that's how we leap to interventionism.

Trump pursed alliances, but he did it outside the UN framework (corrupt and pro-China)
and he did it on a bilateral basis ( like Vietnam) . even this bullshit of NATO being destabilized by Trump
is just EU propaganda -NATO is strong, and the member states ponyed up when they would not before

you are clueless on geopolitics -supporting KSA is a necessary evil towards checking Iran
and the stability of supporting the Sunni states gave us the Abraham Accords

the fact you believe the UN is corrupt and pro-china proves you are too stupid to talk to in any foreign policy debate. stupid ass, recycled republican bullshit from the 50's.

and you believe traitor trump's bullshit claims about NATO, like a trump voter-

Trump repeats questionable NATO funding claims in GOP › congress › 2020/08/28 › trum...
Aug 28, 2020 — President Donald Trump again claimed credit for an agreement by NATO members to increase spending on their own defense during his ...

Trump's NATO parade of falsehoods and misstatements - The › politics › 2019/12/10 › tru...
Dec 10, 2019 — At the recent NATO summit, the president once again showed he does not understand the basics of NATO financing.

AP FACT CHECK: President Trump and his fictions about › ...
Jul 30, 2018 — WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump isn't telling the straight story on NATO. He spoke of NATO on Monday as if it's "essentially" a ...

Trump keeps criticizing US allies. Here's how NATO's budget › Politics › Military & Defense
Dec 2, 2019 — President Trump has frequently distorted how the historic alliance is funded, raising questions about his grasp of NATO's relevance and ...
the fact you believe the UN is corrupt and pro-china proves you are too stupid to talk to in any foreign policy debate. stupid ass, recycled republican bullshit from the 50's.
ha ha ha. fucking Dem dolt

How China Is Remaking the UN In Its Own Image

How China Is Taking Over International Organizations, One Vote at a Time
China’s decadelong campaign to secure more clout at the United Nations is now helping shield Beijing from international scrutiny
ha ha ha. fucking Dem dolt

How China Is Remaking the UN In Its Own Image

How China Is Taking Over International Organizations, One Vote at a Time
China’s decadelong campaign to secure more clout at the United Nations is now helping shield Beijing from international scrutiny

consider the sources, chump. hell, you can find a heritage foundation or a newsmax article or breitbart or fox article that will back up any loony tune theory. that said, do you really think it is surprising any country in the UN does not try to work to help itself primarily? you do not think we do the same thing or germany or russia?
consider the sources, chump. hell, you can find a heritage foundation or a newsmax article or breitbart or fox article that will back up any loony tune theory.
the Diplomat?? are sooo pathetic.. lame posts attack the source without attacking the message

you are duller then Biden, and a suck up to interventionism. a true Blinken neolib
the Diplomat?? are sooo pathetic.. lame posts attack the source without attacking the message

you are duller then Biden, and a suck up to interventionism. a true Blinken neolib

you still want to have trump's baby after he defended putin when o'reilly called him a killer. he never even asked putin about the bounty on American soldiers. he said he believed putin, not our military-intelligence experts, about russia meddling in the 2016 election.

he claimed he and little kim had fallen in love, and said he believed Little Kim when he said he did not know his own prison guards had tortured and murdered Otto Warmbier, an American student.

He defended the murdering Saudi Prince in torturing and beheading a Saudi journalist.

He praised dictator Duterte even after he acknowledged murdering suspected drug users without trial and getting off on it.

He praised Turkish thug Erdogan, after he ended free elections in Turkey. He also became Erdogan's little bitch when he told trump to throw the Kurds in Syria under the bus, the same Kurds who had done most of the fighting and dying in Iraq to chase out ISIS, which trump took credit for. Trump defended throwing them to the wolves by saying the Kurds did not help us at NORMANDY...

and this is the stupid fuck immoral bitch you want to grab your pussy without asking?
Here is what I think: I think that the rest of the world is about done paying much attention to what these guys like Blinken have to say.....America is collapsing at home and abroad because the crew in charge have profoundly failed after spending the entire post war era lecturing everyone on the planet on what the right things to do are.....over and over again.

"Sit down and shut up, let's hear what China and the rest of the Empire have to say".

"Performance never stopped mattering".
you still want to have trump's baby after he defended putin when o'reilly called him a killer. he never even asked putin about the bounty on American soldiers. he said he believed putin, not our military-intelligence experts, about russia meddling in the 2016 election.
the Russian bounty was horseshit. Im surprised even you dont get that. It was put in the PDB as speculation
It has never been supported
Gen. Frank McKenzie, the commander of US Central Command, also told a small group of reporters while traveling to the region that he was not convinced that the Russian bounty program was directly responsible for the deaths of US personnel.
"The intelligence wasn't proved to me. It was proved enough to worry me.
he official was unclear as to the precise Russian motivation, but said the incentives had, in their assessment, led to coalition casualties. The official did not specify the date of the casualties, their number or nationality, or whether these were fatalities or injuries.
you have no clue about head of state diplomacy -part of that is you are willfully ignorant and choose not to do research, the other part is your knee jerk Russiaphobia

as to KSA -I made the point the "special relationship" going back to FDR is paramount.
If the US /Saudi relationship crumbles, all of our abilities to work with the Sunni states are gone -
Leaving Iran an unchecked power. Put that up against Saudi brutalism (long factored in)

Authoritarian leaders are still heads of state, and still have to be dealt with.
The way to do is is realpolitik (which Trump unknowingly practiced) you look for area to wok togther
and ignore other areas that are not in you interest.. That nationalism, and that's EXACTLY how China rolls as well

Wise up. learn effective diplomatic relations and 'America First" lead to successful engagement with the world
Here is what I think: I think that the rest of the world is about done paying much attention to what these guys like Blinken have to say.....America is collapsing at home and abroad because the crew in charge have profoundly failed after spending the entire post war era lecturing everyone on the planet on what the right things to do are.....over and over again.

"Sit down and shut up, let's hear what China and the rest of the Empire have to say".

"Performance never stopped mattering".

i think either you are a liar or you can't do math. a huge percentage of the people who can express their opinions freely in the world support the UN and hated Trump and his sick ass dictator dick sucking routine. Biden kicked the shit out of punk ass trump, and now has a 61% approval rating from Americans, and you still spew that stupid fuck shit?

Biden at 61 Percent in New Poll, Outdoing Trump as He Undoes His Agenda

It is still early in his term, but President Biden seems to have broken out of the red-blue trench warfare of public polling of the Trump era — hitting the 61 percent approval mark in an A.P.-NORC Center for Public Affairs poll released Thursday.

The poll, which is roughly in line with other recent surveys, shows that Mr. Biden’s popularity is powered by his commitment to tackling the pandemic and other problems by consulting advisers and experts, along with near-universal approval among Democrats.

Unlike former President Donald J. Trump, whose approval never moved beyond his conservative base, Mr. Biden is making modest inroads with Republicans — earning a 27 percent approval rating, up from the low teens or high single digits in most polls taken during the 2020 campaign.

Independents, who swung for Mr. Biden in his race against Mr. Trump, approved of him by a 58-to-39 percent mark, the survey found.
Here is what I think: I think that the rest of the world is about done paying much attention to what these guys like Blinken have to say.....America is collapsing at home and abroad because the crew in charge have profoundly failed after spending the entire post war era lecturing everyone on the planet on what the right things to do are.....over and over again.

"Sit down and shut up, let's hear what China and the rest of the Empire have to say".

"Performance never stopped mattering".
we are still very much the number 1 hard military power, and still can lead Europe on true international crisis
China is filling in the less critical day to day relationships - which pay off (One Belt- One Road)
i think either you are a liar or you can't do math. a huge percentage of the people who can express their opinions freely in the world support the UN and hated Trump and his sick ass dictator dick sucking routine. Biden kicked the shit out of punk ass trump, and now has a 61% approval rating from Americans, and you still spew that stupid fuck shit?

Biden at 61 Percent in New Poll, Outdoing Trump as He Undoes His Agenda

It is still early in his term, but President Biden seems to have broken out of the red-blue trench warfare of public polling of the Trump era — hitting the 61 percent approval mark in an A.P.-NORC Center for Public Affairs poll released Thursday.

The poll, which is roughly in line with other recent surveys, shows that Mr. Biden’s popularity is powered by his commitment to tackling the pandemic and other problems by consulting advisers and experts, along with near-universal approval among Democrats.

Unlike former President Donald J. Trump, whose approval never moved beyond his conservative base, Mr. Biden is making modest inroads with Republicans — earning a 27 percent approval rating, up from the low teens or high single digits in most polls taken during the 2020 campaign.

Independents, who swung for Mr. Biden in his race against Mr. Trump, approved of him by a 58-to-39 percent mark, the survey found.

the Russian bounty was horseshit. Im surprised even you dont get that. It was put in the PDB as speculation
It has never been supported

you have no clue about head of state diplomacy -part of that is you are willfully ignorant and choose not to do research, the other part is your knee jerk Russiaphobia

as to KSA -I made the point the "special relationship" going back to FDR is paramount.
If the US /Saudi relationship crumbles, all of our abilities to work with the Sunni states are gone -
Leaving Iran an unchecked power. Put that up against Saudi brutalism (long factored in)

Authoritarian leaders are still heads of state, and still have to be dealt with.
The way to do is is realpolitik (which Trump unkn owingly practiced) you look for area to wok togther
and ignore other areas that are not in you interest.. That nationalism, and that's EXACLTY how China rolls as well

Wise up. learn effective diplomatic relations and 'America First" lead to successful engagement with the world

you are a moron. a suck up. a loser. a fox viewer. a trump voter. even fat boy fake Christian Pompeo PUBLICLY WARNED RUSSIA ABOUT THESE BOUNTIES, and even if not proven conclusively, if Trump was not Putin's little bitch, he would have publicly questioned Putin about it, too. asshole.

Pompeo Warned Russia Against Bounties on U.S. Troops in › World › Asia Pacific
Aug 8, 2020 — The American officials who spoke about Mr. Pompeo's call did so on the ... But unlike Mr. Trump, he has publicly condemned some of Russia's ...