Black On White Crime Is Enormous, Happens Every Day, But It'sTaboo to Discuss.

philly rabbit

Verified User
All you ever hear about is Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Zimmerman from his haters with many of them wanting him dead. But what about black on white crime and especially black on white murder homicide? If it wasn't for the internet, the media would have all these crimes buried and out of sight for the viewing public. The recent outbreak of media stories on the internet involving crimes committed by blacks on whites are too numerous for me to paste here including the story of the world war two vet who was murdered but this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

A black activist on another site explained that these crimes of murder against whites should be expected out of payback for three hundred years of black oppression by whites. So this I suppose means that whites are supposed to grin and bear it as their punishment for being white whenever black punk thugs lay slaughter to their children and loved ones.

This is political correctness absolute insanity and it's high time white people start discussing this openly among themselves and with everybody else.
Do you think it's motivated by racism? According to Jesse Jackson, Reverend Al and the media it always is when it's the other way around. Look at Mr. Zimmerman. They tried to invent him as a racist in order to convict him with a hate crime with his slam dunk law suit against NBC still pending.
I agree!
why is it President Obama hasn't said anything, not one thing, about the ball player in Oklahoma, even his press secretary said they don't even know it happened. The kids admitted it was a vengeance killing for Trayvon.Total double standard. Come to think of it I haven't heard much about the old vet that was murdered
Bee Ess.

A look at statistics on black-on-black murders

In response to the Zimmerman case, social media repeated this claim: "In the 513 days between Trayvon dying, and today’s verdict, 11,106 African-Americans have been murdered by other African-Americans." Some who are citing this statistic are using it to portray race as an overemphasized point in the Zimmerman trial. We’re not evaluating that opinion; we’re fact-checking the math based on the available data.

The number sounds extremely precise, but it's actually something of a rough guess based on back-of-the envelope math. No one actually knows how many African-Americans were murdered by other African-Americans in that time frame, and the numbers cited are actually an extrapolation of murder statistics for 2005. More current figures from 2011 show fewer deaths. So the specific numbers are not literally accurate.

Also, this claim lacks important context. Yes, it’s true that the majority of black murder victims are murdered by blacks, but the same holds true for whites: Most whites are murdered by whites. And in both cases, this race statistic is not available for all murders, but only ones where the race of both perpetrator and victim can be determined.

The claim contains an element of truth, but it's not fully accurate. We rate this claim Mostly False.
Bee Ess.

A look at statistics on black-on-black murders

In response to the Zimmerman case, social media repeated this claim: "In the 513 days between Trayvon dying, and today’s verdict, 11,106 African-Americans have been murdered by other African-Americans." Some who are citing this statistic are using it to portray race as an overemphasized point in the Zimmerman trial. We’re not evaluating that opinion; we’re fact-checking the math based on the available data.

The number sounds extremely precise, but it's actually something of a rough guess based on back-of-the envelope math. No one actually knows how many African-Americans were murdered by other African-Americans in that time frame, and the numbers cited are actually an extrapolation of murder statistics for 2005. More current figures from 2011 show fewer deaths. So the specific numbers are not literally accurate.

Also, this claim lacks important context. Yes, it’s true that the majority of black murder victims are murdered by blacks, but the same holds true for whites: Most whites are murdered by whites. And in both cases, this race statistic is not available for all murders, but only ones where the race of both perpetrator and victim can be determined.

The claim contains an element of truth, but it's not fully accurate. We rate this claim Mostly False.

Why is she trying to change the subject?

This is about black on white crime.
Bee Ess.

A look at statistics on black-on-black murders

In response to the Zimmerman case, social media repeated this claim: "In the 513 days between Trayvon dying, and today’s verdict, 11,106 African-Americans have been murdered by other African-Americans." Some who are citing this statistic are using it to portray race as an overemphasized point in the Zimmerman trial. We’re not evaluating that opinion; we’re fact-checking the math based on the available data.

The number sounds extremely precise, but it's actually something of a rough guess based on back-of-the envelope math. No one actually knows how many African-Americans were murdered by other African-Americans in that time frame, and the numbers cited are actually an extrapolation of murder statistics for 2005. More current figures from 2011 show fewer deaths. So the specific numbers are not literally accurate.

Also, this claim lacks important context. Yes, it’s true that the majority of black murder victims are murdered by blacks, but the same holds true for whites: Most whites are murdered by whites. And in both cases, this race statistic is not available for all murders, but only ones where the race of both perpetrator and victim can be determined.

The claim contains an element of truth, but it's not fully accurate. We rate this claim Mostly False.

It is also true that around 50% of shootings are by blacks, mostly men, whilst only representing about 5% of the US population. I am discounting black females, children and men over 60.
Bee Ess.

A look at statistics on black-on-black murders

In response to the Zimmerman case, social media repeated this claim: "In the 513 days between Trayvon dying, and today’s verdict, 11,106 African-Americans have been murdered by other African-Americans." Some who are citing this statistic are using it to portray race as an overemphasized point in the Zimmerman trial. We’re not evaluating that opinion; we’re fact-checking the math based on the available data.

The number sounds extremely precise, but it's actually something of a rough guess based on back-of-the envelope math. No one actually knows how many African-Americans were murdered by other African-Americans in that time frame, and the numbers cited are actually an extrapolation of murder statistics for 2005. More current figures from 2011 show fewer deaths. So the specific numbers are not literally accurate.

Also, this claim lacks important context. Yes, it’s true that the majority of black murder victims are murdered by blacks, but the same holds true for whites: Most whites are murdered by whites. And in both cases, this race statistic is not available for all murders, but only ones where the race of both perpetrator and victim can be determined.

The claim contains an element of truth, but it's not fully accurate. We rate this claim Mostly False.

Nice rant, but the topic is black on white crime, not black on black which is almost all gang related.
Your post is nothing but fear-mongering and bias.

"...any given black person is 2.75 times as likely to be murdered by a white person as any given white person is to be murdered by an African American."

We're not talking about 'likely' or chance....just reality....
And the fact that there there are more than two times the number of whites as blacks, its a reasonable likelihood....

I'm fat. I'm also generous, charitable, intelligent, caring and a good father. I have a loving partner who loves me equally. I am surrounded by friends and family who do too.

We all can claim the same attributes, and we do....

I'm an accomplished writer, former military man, volunteer, and political activist.

The same here.....

I have an IQ of 142 and belong to Mensa.

And the chance of this being bullshit is close to 100 %

You also forgot you're arrogant /a blowhard / a homosexual and a socialist
We're not talking about 'likely' or chance....just reality....
And the fact that there there are more than two times the number of whites as blacks, its a reasonable likelihood....

Actually around 5% of the US population are black males between 15 and 60 and they are responsible for just under half of all shootings.
Nice rant, but the topic is black on white crime, not black on black which is almost all gang related.

Black on white because it's philly's not-so-subtle way of displaying his prejudice again. How about this: whether its black on white crime or white on black crime, the vast majority of violent crime is committed by males. But I understand you guys would never raise that topic, huh.

"Imagine for a moment if a deadly disease disproportionately affected men. Not a disease like prostate cancer that can only affect men, but a condition prevalent in the general population that was vastly more likely to strike men. Violence is such a condition: men are nine to 10 times more likely to commit homicide and more likely to be its victims. The numbers are sobering when we look at young men. In the U.S., for example, young white males (between ages 14 and 24) represent only 6% of the population, yet commit almost 17% of the murders. For young black males, the numbers are even more alarming (1.2% of the population accounting for 27% of all homicides). Together, these two groups of young men make up just 7% of the population and 45% of the homicides. And, overall, 90% of all violent offenders are male, as are nearly 80% of the victims."
Black on white because it's philly's not-so-subtle way of displaying his prejudice again. How about this: whether its black on white crime or white on black crime, the vast majority of violent crime is committed by males. But I understand you guys would never raise that topic, huh.

"Imagine for a moment if a deadly disease disproportionately affected men. Not a disease like prostate cancer that can only affect men, but a condition prevalent in the general population that was vastly more likely to strike men. Violence is such a condition: men are nine to 10 times more likely to commit homicide and more likely to be its victims. The numbers are sobering when we look at young men. In the U.S., for example, young white males (between ages 14 and 24) represent only 6% of the population, yet commit almost 17% of the murders. For young black males, the numbers are even more alarming (1.2% of the population accounting for 27% of all homicides). Together, these two groups of young men make up just 7% of the population and 45% of the homicides. And, overall, 90% of all violent offenders are male, as are nearly 80% of the victims."

We never know when it's white on white murder or even more, white on black because the race isn't ever made known.

Meanwhile, y'all let me know when the numbers equal the 40-60 million blacks killed by whites during our slavery days.

Retribution FTW!
We never know when it's white on white murder or even more, white on black because the race isn't ever made known.

Meanwhile, y'all let me know when the numbers equal the 40-60 million blacks killed by whites during our slavery days.

Retribution FTW!

Wonderful, so you subscribe to the notion that black men are allowed a few murders to even up the score.
Why is she trying to change the subject?

This is about black on white crime.
This is how the Libs were taught/indoctrinated, they try to change the subject enough so if one of the younger generation, with sheet for brains, happens to wonder onto this Forum, they will become confused with the truth. The facts are that blacks only making up 13% of the population, but commit 90% of the violent crimes. Do these Libs actually think that the White honkys are going to keep sitting back and getting slaughtered while the Commie media purposely ignors it? The sheet will start hitting the fan eventually, and the sheet will start spraying Jessie and Sharpton on their do's.
This is how the Libs were taught/indoctrinated, they try to change the subject enough so if one of the younger generation, with sheet for brains, happens to wonder onto this Forum, they will become confused with the truth. The facts are that blacks only making up 13% of the population, but commit 90% of the violent crimes. Do these Libs actually think that the White honkys are going to keep sitting back and getting slaughtered while the Commie media purposely ignors it? The sheet will start hitting the fan eventually, and the sheet will start spraying Jessie and Sharpton on their do's.
Here you go....the answer to your bs: