Black mobs terrorizing cities ignored by law enforcement and news reporters?


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Is there a black-on-white crime epidemic in America that is not being reported by police and reporters who cover up the incidences of abuse and violence in fear of being called racist?

Has the time come to stop being called a “racist” when it is reported that white people are being viciously attacked because of the color of their skin?

Colin Flaherty, author of “White Girl Bleed a Lot” and a journalist unlike the “race pimps" who use their influence and line their pocketbooks to stir the pot of hatred between blacks and whites and unlike the mainstream media that avoids talking about it, continues to report on what is actually happening in American cities.

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You know I used to try to be nice but now this is a trend. Fuck these niggers. They don't realize they are pushing their luck. White apologists like Zappa and OCA don't realize they will be on the outside looking in
Is there a black-on-white crime epidemic in America that is not being reported by police and reporters who cover up the incidences of abuse and violence in fear of being called racist?

Has the time come to stop being called a “racist” when it is reported that white people are being viciously attacked because of the color of their skin?

Colin Flaherty, author of “White Girl Bleed a Lot” and a journalist unlike the “race pimps" who use their influence and line their pocketbooks to stir the pot of hatred between blacks and whites and unlike the mainstream media that avoids talking about it, continues to report on what is actually happening in American cities.

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To answer your

There is overwhelmingly more black on black and white on white crime than there is the interracial stuff...but then again maybe there is more white on black, look at the the Trayvon Martin murder committed by George Zimmerman.
To answer your

There is overwhelmingly more black on black and white on white crime than there is the interracial stuff...but then again maybe there is more white on black, look at the the Trayvon Martin murder committed by George Zimmerman.

Great bait mate, I rate it 8/8.
To answer your

There is overwhelmingly more black on black and white on white crime than there is the interracial stuff...but then again maybe there is more white on black, look at the the Trayvon Martin murder committed by George Zimmerman.

There is overwhelmingly more black on black and white on white crime than there is the interracial stuff...

this is totally irrelevant

but then again maybe there is more white on black, look at the the Trayvon Martin murder committed by George Zimmerman.

and this is a total lie and distortion of the facts.

So congratulations.....that makes you a total pinhead and liar that resorts to irrelevant strawman rather than address the topic.
There is overwhelmingly more black on black and white on white crime than there is the interracial stuff...

this is totally irrelevant

but then again maybe there is more white on black, look at the the Trayvon Martin murder committed by George Zimmerman.

and this is a total lie and distortion of the facts.

So congratulations.....that makes you a total pinhead and liar that resorts to irrelevant strawman rather than address the topic.

I completely addressed the topic.......don't buy it. Sorry that I didn't jump in and start bashing Blacks, my sincere apologies.
You said it...the clown is a 'race baiter' and proud to excel at it....not in Sharptons league but then hes probably white.

Under your skin perhaps? More studying and you can get to my level.....maybe.
You addressed the topic with an, the amount of black on black....thats not the topic

then you tryed the strawman approach by distorting a rightous self-defense incident by calling it murder,

one incident, compared to the vast number of black on white rapes, muddings, killings and personal attacks that are underreported by ms media....

sorry loser.

"If its the truth, it ain't racist".....POET
You addressed the topic with an, the amount of black on black....thats not the topic

then you tryed the strawman approach by distorting a rightous self-defense incident by calling it murder,

one incident, compared to the vast number of black on white rapes, muddings, killings and personal attacks that are underreported by ms media....

sorry loser.

You got links to all those Black on white crimes? And just so you know I would consider "vast" to be tens of thousands so i'll need at lest, oh lets say, a thousand links. Oh and make sure they were proven to be racially motivated and not just crimes of opportunity.

Or maybe we should take your undereducated word over my overeducated word?
Oh and just so everybody knows, Zimmerman was playing cops and robbers only he wasn't a cop and Trayvon wasn't a robber. Zimmerman was acquitted by an overwhelmingly white jury in the south, it was a verdict based upon race and nothing else.......fact.

He should've at least been thrown in prison for being a man and letting a teenager whip his ass............and rightly so.
To answer your

There is overwhelmingly more black on black and white on white crime than there is the interracial stuff...but then again maybe there is more white on black, look at the the Trayvon Martin murder committed by George Zimmerman.

You are correct. It is more likely that niggers kill other niggers and whites kill other whites. That is undeniable.

But, when it comes to inter racial crime, niggers attack whites at a higher rate than whites attacking niggers. That is just a fact.

I will offer you the same challenge I offer every other nigger lover here. You post a story of white on nigger crime and I will post nigger on white crime. See who gets a bigger number? You in jungle fever boy?
To answer your

There is overwhelmingly more black on black and white on white crime than there is the interracial stuff...but then again maybe there is more white on black, look at the the Trayvon Martin murder committed by George Zimmerman.

When did Zimmerman murder T-Ray?
Oh and just so everybody knows, Zimmerman was playing cops and robbers only he wasn't a cop and Trayvon wasn't a robber. Zimmerman was acquitted by an overwhelmingly white jury in the south, it was a verdict based upon race and nothing else.......fact.

He should've at least been thrown in prison for being a man and letting a teenager whip his ass............and rightly so.

So the under represented people of color, did what; just go along to get along?
You're an idiot