Black man stabs 12 year old white kid at McDonalds. USUAL MEDIA BLACKOUT.

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
Happens all the time but the fake news press censors all these stories of black on white crime.

march 22 2021 Racist Black Man Stabs 12-Year-Old Boy in the Neck at McDonald’s While Ranting About ‘White Devils’

A black man stabbed a white 12-year-old boy at McDonald’s in Pittsburgh in what appears to be a clear anti-white hate crime.

The child is in stable condition after being stabbed by Charles Edward Turner, 51, on Sunday.

“According to police, the boy was stabbed in the neck inside the McDonald’s at Liberty Avenue and Stanwix Street near Market Square around 2 p.m. Officers Ross Small, Harry Siwik and Steve Harris sustained injuries during the arrest. David Lewandowski and Henry Seifried, employees at McDonalds’s, also were injured,” the Pittsburgh Post Gazette reports. “According to the criminal complaint, Mr. Turner fought with officers as they tried to arrest him. The complaint alleges that Mr. Turner used racial slurs against officers, patrons and employees during his arrest and bit one of the witnesses.”
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Diversity is a terrible idea esp when one race is so inferior to the other. Blacks will always hate whites because they know they need the white race to take care of them.
Happens all the time but the fake news press censors all these stories of black on white crime.

Well this is easy, the black guy had a flashback because he has been living in the most racist country in the world forced to eat at McDonald's by the systemic racism that is in the DNA of america. Now the white kid probably walked in with actual money instead of an EBT card and the black guy couldnt take it anymore.....and stabbed him. Reparations would have prevented this.
Why isn't TDAK languishing in the same hole that now houses banjofuck?
How can the rabid racists fellate one another if we keep them separated?
Libs have been telling the black since the 1960's that they are poor because whites are rich. This is the end result.
Libs have been telling the black since the 1960's that they are poor because whites are rich. This is the end result.

I remember the 1960s very well.
I remember some white kids telling pretty black girls at school that size wasn't all that important.
Other than that, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I remember the 1960s very well.
I remember some white kids telling pretty black girls at school that size wasn't all that important.
Other than that, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The 60's was a turning point for blacks. They progressed faster between abolition and the 60's than they did after. You know why that is.
Well this is easy, the black guy had a flashback because he has been living in the most racist country in the world forced to eat at McDonald's by the systemic racism that is in the DNA of america. Now the white kid probably walked in with actual money instead of an EBT card and the black guy couldnt take it anymore.....and stabbed him. Reparations would have prevented this.

Nobody has proven that the kid was white, AFAIK :pke:
Libs have been telling the black since the 1960's that they are poor because whites are rich. This is the end result.

Same for poor whites. The wealth gap is worse than in the Gilded Age. The wealthy are confiscating all they can. They are never satisfied.
Same for poor whites. The wealth gap is worse than in the Gilded Age. The wealthy are confiscating all they can. They are never satisfied.

Proof? Or do you mean wealthy like bezos and gates and zuckerberg who can shut people up who dont agree with their leftist agenda? Who exactly are these "rich" people you're talking about who are confiscating things?
Well this is easy, the black guy had a flashback because he has been living in the most racist country in the world forced to eat at McDonald's by the systemic racism that is in the DNA of america. Now the white kid probably walked in with actual money instead of an EBT card and the black guy couldnt take it anymore.....and stabbed him. Reparations would have prevented this.

Can people use EBT cards at restaurants?? That needs to end.
Why isn't TDAK languishing in the same hole that now houses banjofuck?
How can the rabid racists fellate one another if we keep them separated?

The board notes your demand for censorship of conservatives.

BTW - you are the racist since you support AA and want whites denied jobs just for being white.