Bizarro Amerika: Wife And Daughters Have No Say Over Their Bodies


This is funny as hell. This bozo Christian republican has sued to keep his wife and two daughters away from birth control. I wonder if Sarah Palin did this too to keep her darling boozer slut daughter Bristol pure?

A Missouri Republican has asked a federal court to exempt his family from contraception coverage through the state insurance plan, explaining that he doesn't want his three daughters to have access to no-cost birth control because it violates his Catholic faith.

Rep. Paul Wieland, R-Imperial, jointly filed the lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and two other federal agencies with his wife, Teresa.

In related news, I think Mr. Weiland has bigger problems on his hands. From his daughter's facebook page (LOOK VERY CLOSELY UNDER 'BASIC INFORMATION':

Must make for some uncomfortable conversations around the dinner table...

Apparently, he would rather his daughters have abortions instead of contraception. Study after study shows that access to contraceptives reduces abortions....
Must make for some uncomfortable conversations around the dinner table...

Apparently, he would rather his daughters have abortions instead of contraception. Study after study shows that access to contraceptives reduces abortions....

Hell. She can't even figure out what her gender is.
HEY!!! no changing my comments!!! harumph harumph


I really mostly ignore people's avatars unless they're really large....Have thought about checking the box to hide them altogether, but haven't quite done that yet.
HEY!!! no changing my comments!!! harumph harumph


I really mostly ignore people's avatars unless they're really large....Have thought about checking the box to hide them altogether, but haven't quite done that yet.

I like to use avatars and sigs to make a point without words. Have you seen my latest sig? Spot on!