Biter joe has no clue what to do

He has no clue what to do and is depending on his handlers to come up with a answer, while all the time he created the problem and even denies there is a boarder problem.
Blow hole morons only answer will be to send money to south and central America and to let people in as fast as he cn and flood the nation with illegals and spend money on them .

What was the imbeciles quote the other day before the feed was cut? "And I'm happy to take questions if that's what you - Im supposed to do, Nance. Whatever you want me to do". He hasn't got a clue what the fuck is happening and is take orders from the wrinkled colostomy bag Piglosi. This is what's leading our country.
I dont know Id have to look it up to be sure but I think he mumbled something about he would be happy to take questions and thats when they cut the feed guess his handlers didnt want him talking with out his med and prearranged questions with answer on the teleprompter, a trick theylearned from O bung hole I think
numbers are out for feb over 100,000 caught and released and who knows how many crossed illegally and nbiter said there is no problem on the boarder, lol hes a complete moron illegals are saying they feel like its ok to so so under biter lol thanks Joe
more jobs taken more state and federal resources abused and used for illegals more student for free and a strain for housing and the law , thanks joe you moron thanks democrats
What was the imbeciles quote the other day before the feed was cut? "And I'm happy to take questions if that's what you - Im supposed to do, Nance. Whatever you want me to do". He hasn't got a clue what the fuck is happening and is take orders from the wrinkled colostomy bag Piglosi. This is what's leading our country.

That's why I call her Nasty Pussy...

He has no clue what to do and is depending on his handlers to come up with a answer, while all the time he created the problem and even denies there is a boarder problem.
Blow hole morons only answer will be to send money to south and central America and to let people in as fast as he cn and flood the nation with illegals and spend money on them .

“Experts said the influx of migrants seen in Biden’s first weeks in office is not significantly higher compared to past surges, but cautioned that the Trump administration’s efforts to make it more difficult to enter the country could complicate efforts to handle the challenge.”

“There are plenty of instances in which there have been more people, but the past administration went out of its way to dismantle the institutions that make for a functioning immigration system,” said Eric Hershberg, director of the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies at American University.”
“Experts said the influx of migrants seen in Biden’s first weeks in office is not significantly higher compared to past surges, but cautioned that the Trump administration’s efforts to make it more difficult to enter the country could complicate efforts to handle the challenge.”

“There are plenty of instances in which there have been more people, but the past administration went out of its way to dismantle the institutions that make for a functioning immigration system,” said Eric Hershberg, director of the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies at American University.”

Hershberg is a left wing nut. Of course that is the only thing you could pick out of that entire article. Idiot.
“Experts said the influx of migrants seen in Biden’s first weeks in office is not significantly higher compared to past surges, but cautioned that the Trump administration’s efforts to make it more difficult to enter the country could complicate efforts to handle the challenge.”

“There are plenty of instances in which there have been more people, but the past administration went out of its way to dismantle the institutions that make for a functioning immigration system,” said Eric Hershberg, director of the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies at American University.”

its a hguge influx
Hershberg is a left wing nut. Of course that is the only thing you could pick out of that entire article. Idiot.

“Experts said the influx of migrants seen in Biden’s first weeks in office is not significantly higher compared to past surges, but cautioned that the Trump administration’s efforts to make it more difficult to enter the country could complicate efforts to handle the challenge

Looking for fallguys, look no further than your Messiah
“Experts said the influx of migrants seen in Biden’s first weeks in office is not significantly higher compared to past surges, but cautioned that the Trump administration’s efforts to make it more difficult to enter the country could complicate efforts to handle the challenge

Looking for fallguys, look no further than your Messiah

And you still have nothing. You poor dumb bastard.
theres a hug increase inn illegals crossing and a hug increase in unaccompanied kids we all have to thank joe for this during a pandemic when there are no jobs and the health care system is strained , great plan from a moron
Joes and the rest of the democrats in office are to stupid to understand Biden caused this influx , and they deny there is even a issue . Joe has no clue what to do as our nation suffers the actions of Joe.
Blow hole joe will wait for his idiot staff to come up with something. Which mean it will get even worse before they fuck up even more
Joe finally came up with a plan WOW he warned illegals not to come !!!! Brilliant move biter after doing every thing you could but saying come on in you warned them verbally on tv like they have a tv with them on the road trip , what a executive move joey brilliant move , that should solve the problem you said didn't exist and are trying to blame on trump.

Hell joey why not blame Pancho Villa

this must be the move I said joeys idiot staff would come up with lol