Send it here Damo, we need some snow to weed out bad drivers.
I am prepared, food fuel, etc.... don't care much for beer though.
Yeah, but I wait till they have all panicked and wrecked or whatever before I venture forth. It takes about 12 hours for the fools to thin out.
We are currently experiencing a nice blizzard... I am likely to be sent home soon...
I'll have to stop and get some beer on the way home...
in NC if any trace of snow was forcast a run was made on the grocery and liquor stores. Beer, milk , bread and cigs could be sold out in a hurry.
So far they let the parents with kids in daycare go... I'm still here. But they just sent an safe, man!
So far they let the parents with kids in daycare go... I'm still here. But they just sent an e-mail...
I think that is the fastest I ever got 16 hours worth of work done! I was running four computers with about 2 ports per computer...
Well, I ended up with Warsteiner...
I thought all republicans drank Coors since they are anti union ?