dear fucking idiot,
I unlike you care about this country over my party.
the two party system only works when both parties are honest and care about the nation over their own fucking jobs and how much money they can make.
Your party is a cancer right now.
dear fucking idiot,
I unlike you care about this country over my party.
the two party system only works when both parties are honest and care about the nation over their own fucking jobs and how much money they can make.
Your party is a cancer right now.
This is your brain on stupid; don't do stupid.only to you on the right who are fucking lying cheating assholes
Wrong again asshat; the nonsense you post has nocredibility in the real world and most of your links are hyperbolic partisanbullshit.note my friendly readers they to a man they refuse to accept or mention a word about the decades of court cases in which the republican party was caught cheating.
this is undeniable FACT and in our courts records.
they pretend it doesn't exist.
How can you get ANYTHING correct if you don't accept all the evidence berfore you?
You cant
that is why the republican party always fails
Nonsense. Romney/Rove couldn't believe they lost on election night, due in large part to their own bogus polling. Rove actually embarrassed himself on Fox News that night. It isn't just liberal new media.Polling is merely an internal quality control device the liberal news media employs.
They skew the news and report in a manner to achieve a desired result.
Polling merely shows them how successful they've been, and frankly, since they have a stake in it ... the entire process is questionable at best.
I didn't think it was biased. I'm not a big fan of polls. It's just as easy to say 'the majority of the 1000 people we polled, don't like the teaparty'.While the poll was sponsored by MoveOn, it was done by Public Policy Polling. Anyone have any reason to think they are biased?
Nonsense. Romney/Rovecouldn't believe they lost on election night, due in large part to their ownbogus polling. Rove actually embarrassed himself on Fox News that night. Itisn't just liberal new media.
While the poll was sponsored by MoveOn, it was done by Public Policy Polling. Anyone have any reason to think they are biased?
you mean like the stimulus wouldn't cause the unemployment rate to reach the number the administration projected it would?
I'm not saying this invalidates their poll(s) but when the Huffington Post calls the PPP liberal-leaning it does give an idea as to where their allegiances lie.
what part of this poll do you claim is invalid?
what part would they game and what would they gain by faking the results?
prove you said it and prove it was because of the reason you claimed
Where did I state any part of the poll is invalid Desh?
then why should we believe you?
dude you refuse to even accept all the decades of court cases that prove the republican party cheats its ass off in elections.
Your not an honest person
then if you accept the findings why the fuck does it matter who did it?
I answered TK's question Desh. Why don't you relax for a minute and try to comprehend what was written instead of flying off the handle in attack mode rage.