Biden's Presser


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he was using notecards for calling on reporeters -the questions were pre-screened.

You don't what he was doing there, so stop jumping to lying conclusions.

Then he had a briefing book! Like a Press Sec does..

Oh, you mean he was prepared to talk to the press and wasn't just riffing off the top of his head, lying at every turn and making shit up like The Former Guy did?

Yeah, terrible.

and this is what took him a week to prepare for?

He probably took a few hours to prepare, but he's been busy getting the country vaccinated against a disease that you said was a hoax for 15 months.
You don't what he was doing there, so stop jumping to lying conclusions.

Oh, you mean he was prepared to talk to the press and wasn't just riffing off the top of his head, lying at every turn and making shit up like The Former Guy did?

Yeah, terrible.

He probably took a few hours to prepare, but he's been busy getting the country vaccinated against a disease that you said was a hoax for 15 months.
I smell desperation, President Biden used notes but also spoke unscripted. Trumplestilskibbies are so desperate. They want Biden to be as big a moron as Trump and he just isn’t.
I smell desperation, President Biden used notes but also spoke unscripted. Trumplestilskibbies are so desperate. They want Biden to be as big a moron as Trump and he just isn’t.
Everyone in the nation noticed the polite nature of his interactions with the reporters. He didn't take the questions as a personal challenge, the way the man baby used to.
You don't what he was doing there, so stop jumping to lying conclusions.

Oh, you mean he was prepared to talk to the press and wasn't just riffing off the top of his head, lying at every turn and making shit up like The Former Guy did?

Yeah, terrible.

He probably took a few hours to prepare, but he's been busy getting the country vaccinated against a disease that you said was a hoax for 15 months.
He's a moron. Probably a good thing he locked you out of his thread. It would have been a massacre.
Everyone in the nation noticed the polite nature of his interactions with the reporters. He didn't take the questions as a personal challenge, the way the man baby used to.

Reporter: "Can we get you a pillow/ are you comfortable enough with our softballs?"
Possibly one of the worst, if not the worst press conferences in American history. Biden had to have note cards and a notebook to answer questions. At the same time, the press didn't even ask him about most issues facing the country today.

You really have to think that other leaders around the world saw this and either as allies were appalled at Biden's obvious intellectual decline, or as potential enemies saw someone easily exploited for the same reason. I have to wonder how much longer he can last in the Presidency before he is so in over his head that he either resigns or (and it would be unfortunate) physically collapses or even dies from the stress of office.

The result of that is Harris taking the office--no doubt to the glee of the Left as the first female president--a we as a nation get to see a person so maniacal and Machiavellian that she makes the Hildabeast look like a saint running things. There's a reason Harris did horribly running for this office in the primaries and it will be on full view if she were to have to take over from Biden due to his ill-health.


My bet: The Democrats get absolutely creamed in the 2022 midterm elections. The Biden administration is an utter train wreck, and Democrat congressional leaders know it. So, they are pushing everything they can now because they know the clock is running out on them fast.
Biden had to have note cards and a notebook to answer questions. At the same time, the press didn't even ask him about most issues facing the country today.

You mean he was prepared and wasn't just riffing off the top of his head, uncontrollably lying or making shit up?

The horror!!!!
I smell desperation, President Biden used notes but also spoke unscripted. Trumplestilskibbies are so desperate. They want Biden to be as big a moron as Trump and he just isn’t.

I'm especially amused at the less-than-bright here mocking him for his well-known gaffes.
ou really have to think that other leaders around the world saw this and either as allies were appalled at Biden's obvious intellectual decline, or as potential enemies saw someone easily exploited for the same reason. I have to wonder how much longer he can last in the Presidency before he is so in over his head that he either resigns or (and it would be unfortunate) physically collapses or even dies from the stress of office.

Leaders around the world watched a guy who prepared himself for a press conference instead of just winging it on the fly and saying lies or making shit up.

You know, like your guy did the few times he actually went before the press.
The result of that is Harris taking the office--no doubt to the glee of the Left as the first female president--a we as a nation get to see a person so maniacal and Machiavellian that she makes the Hildabeast look like a saint running things. There's a reason Harris did horribly running for this office in the primaries and it will be on full view if she were to have to take over from Biden due to his ill-health..

Kamala Harris has a higher approval rating than Trump ever had.
The Biden administration is an utter train wreck, and Democrat congressional leaders know it. So, they are pushing everything they can now because they know the clock is running out on them fast.

Biden's approval ratings are higher than Trump's ever were.
You didn't even fucking watch it.

Actually I have. It was sad and horrible. Biden reading off que cards and using a notebook, wandering off from the podium a few times only to return, the reporters scattered through the room. At one point Biden actually pulls a list of the reporters present out and asks if (name) from AP is there.
Biden stumbled and bumbled through the questions asked of him and some of his answers were astonishingly stupid. It really was a disaster.
Good to see a Real President again, he came prepared, he answered the questions, even the out right stupid ones like will you run again in four years, will trump run against you, will Harris be on the ticket? Though he did good with the Immigration questions and he knows there is a lot of work to be done there. Good answer on Afganistan he unlike trump understands how logistics and security work, glad we are working on getting out of there, Obama should have worked harder to get us out in his second term and trump did nothing until the elections and made wild promises in an attempt to gain votes.
He was honest and did not sit there patting himself on the back as trump so often did, really like having a Good Person running this Nation again, had almost forgot what it felt like. Good Job President Biden :good4u:
Actually I have. It was sad and horrible. Biden reading off que cards and using a notebook, wandering off from the podium a few times only to return, the reporters scattered through the room.

So a press conference that he was prepared for.

As opposed to your guy, who didn't prepare and ended up spreading lies, bullshit, and disinformation because, like you, he lacks self control.