Bidenners Will Be Ashamed To Answer


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When in the course of human events, after an endless stream of usurpations, etc., etc., do the people have the right to replace a tyrannical government?

Does it come when state and federal legislatures, and the state and federal judiciary, all refuse to even address clearly unconstitutional election actions?
When in the course of human events, after an endless stream of usurpations, etc., etc., do the people have the right to replace a tyrannical government?

Does it come when state and federal legislatures, and the state and federal judiciary, all refuse to even address clearly unconstitutional election actions?

Of course we have that right. Silly question.
When in the course of human events, after an endless stream of usurpations, etc., etc., do the people have the right to replace a tyrannical government?

Does it come when state and federal legislatures, and the state and federal judiciary, all refuse to even address clearly unconstitutional election actions?

fuck you. never happened, bitch. go get your magnifying glass and tweezers and go outside and play with yourself.
When in the course of human events, after an endless stream of usurpations, etc., etc., do the people have the right to replace a tyrannical government?

Does it come when state and federal legislatures, and the state and federal judiciary, all refuse to even address clearly unconstitutional election actions?

Rightys make the most ambiguous threads. Is English a 3rd language for the rightys?
what does the declaration of independence have to do with this? i assumed you were repeating the trump stooge bullshit about voter fraud.

So you don't recognize the language of the Declaration of Independence from Donald Trump's oratory?

You really are a simpleton, aren't you?
When in the course of human events, after an endless stream of usurpations, etc., etc., do the people have the right to replace a tyrannical government?

Does it come when state and federal legislatures, and the state and federal judiciary, all refuse to even address clearly unconstitutional election actions?

I suggest grief counseling with a mental health professional. Joe Biden will be your president for the next four years, minimum.
When in the course of human events, after an endless stream of usurpations, etc., etc., do the people have the right to replace a tyrannical government?

Does it come when state and federal legislatures, and the state and federal judiciary, all refuse to even address clearly unconstitutional election actions?

It's an unconstitutional election action when Trump lost.
So you don't recognize the language of the Declaration of Independence from Donald Trump's oratory?

You really are a simpleton, aren't you?

Apparently you hear thing in Trump's oratory that others don't hear, so you must be suffering from delusional problems. .
When in the course of human events, after an endless stream of usurpations, etc., etc., do the people have the right to replace a tyrannical government?

Does it come when state and federal legislatures, and the state and federal judiciary, all refuse to even address clearly unconstitutional election actions?

trump did not have the right to reverse the election. Now that would have been tyrannical government.
trump did not have the right to reverse the election. Now that would have been tyrannical government.

What President Trump wanted was a lawful and legal election.... but that's not my question.

i'll just put you down as ashamed to answer.