Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

What is in those vaccines that the commie government insists that everyone get one or they can’t eat, work, shop or travel?
"May I see your papers please"
""what papers? I'm an American"
'Sir- please step over here for a few questions"
"May I see your papers please"
""what papers? I'm an American"
'Sir- please step over here for a few questions"

May I see your Covid card? Sure, I flash it as I walk by. Big deal. Look in your wallet. How many ID cards do you have in there. Rightys can sure cry.
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May I see your Covid card? Sure, I flash it as I walk by. Big deal. Look in your wallet. How many ID cards do you have in there. Rightys can sure cry.

How many border patrol checkpoints have you had to stop for? There's a bunch of those here in Southern AZ...
May I see your Covid card? Sure, I flash it as I walk by. Big deal. Look in your wallet. How many ID cards do you have in there. Rightys can sure cry.
manifest ignorance of civil liberties and right to travel interstate without passports
The COVID card would act as a "passport" for legal purposes
May I see your Covid card? Sure, I flash it as I walk by. Big deal. Look in your wallet. How many ID cards do you have in there. Rightys can sure cry.

Then why can't you "flash" a voter ID card when you vote?
Note that this kind of massive intrusion into people's lives will not only end privacy forever, but was a huge motivating factor in the Democrat CovidScam all along.

It was only partially about who sits in the White House, and even more about 24/7 surveillance of all (legal) citizens.

Be concerned.

Be very, very, VERY concerned.

Welcome to the United States of China.
1984 = 2021

Be deeply concerned; this was always the aim of the Democrat CovidScam.

No, not really. 1984 was a good year, at least for me. I had a good job, 2 paid for sharp classic cars, was single, lived alone and having a great time in the social scene. Yep, life was good!
The White House is working on a COVID-19 vaccine passport initiative that could be required for travel, sporting events and even eating out, reports The Washington Post.

Passports to eat out but no voter ID.

How's about inoculating the GQP, tRump and his sewer co conspires who's poison continues to be a burden on the common nature of society, and their foreign enablers' acts in the sewer against humanity and all that is of a civilized nature on Earth. With the added treatment of a huge dose of a type of American fire power of Justice that they have been a long time coming deserved. This in order for soiled creatures who are unfit to exist in fresh air, and to be introduced to what it means to be civilized and that of a decent nature instead of being un Earthly creatures who are beneath the nature of rabid dogs.
How's about inoculating the GQP, tRump and his sewer co conspires who's poison continues to be a burden on the common nature of society, and their foreign enablers' acts in the sewer against humanity and all that is of a civilized nature on Earth. With the added treatment of a huge dose of a type of American fire power of Justice that they have been a long time coming deserved. This in order for soiled creatures who are unfit to exist in fresh air, and to be introduced to what it means to be civilized and that of a decent nature instead of being un Earthly creatures who are beneath the nature of rabid dogs.

Impressive list of ad homs, but you forgot to say how you love the idea of fascist papers necessary for a once free people to travel.
The White House is working on a COVID-19 vaccine passport initiative that could be required for travel, sporting events and even eating out, reports The Washington Post.

Passports to eat out but no voter ID.

I do not want my elderly relatives to be around a bunch of diseased Republicans.

You Deplorables said COVID was a hoax, that it was no worse than the common cold, you refused to wear masks, refused to socially distance, and you refuse to get vaccinated.

It is about time to treat you like the social pariahs and public health risks that you are.
The White House is working on a COVID-19 vaccine passport initiative that could be required for travel, sporting events and even eating out, reports The Washington Post. Passports to eat out but no voter ID.

Is HIPPA no longer in effect?