Biden wants government to have central role in promoting equality.


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The $2 billion competitive grant program — first unveiled during Biden’s campaign for the presidency — represented only a small portion of the proposed school spending that was generally greeted enthusiastically by experts concerned about disparities in education.

But the proposal would have given federal officials greater say in earmarking some of the new funding for innovative programs specifically designed to promote equity. It generated vigorous opposition, touching off long-standing concerns about federal control of local school policy.
Long-standing inequities, compounded

Inequity is a defining feature of the nation’s school system, a fact that persists nearly six decades after the Supreme Court outlawed racially segregated schools. Predominantly White school districts got $23 billion more in funding than did predominantly non-White districts in 2016, even though they served roughly the same number of schoolchildren, according to EdBuild, an organization dedicated to studying school funding disparities that disbanded last year. Because schools are both locally funded and controlled, students in affluent communities learn in radically different conditions than students in poor ones.