Biden to Restore Iran Deal

Wait! I thought Trump said he was going to get a 'Better Deal'. What happened to THAT idea?
I expect O'Biden is stupid enough to actually sweeten the deal......maybe he'll offer to sell them ballistic missiles.....
I expect O'Biden is stupid enough to actually sweeten the deal......maybe he'll offer to sell them ballistic missiles.....

Under Trump's Leadership, Iran is on it's way to become a Nuclear Power. (maybe their first bomb will be called 'The Better Deal' and delivered to Netanyahu?)
We need both a NK and Iran deal to back both up on Nuclear Weapons.

Trump sucked Kim's dick, and nothing came of it.
We need both a NK and Iran deal to back both up on Nuclear Weapons.

Trump sucked Kim's dick, and nothing came of it.

I wonder if Trump's high school-ish love letters to Kim Jong Un will be featured in the Trump Presidential Library?
There's a big problem. We were in a much better position before trump united most of our former allies against us. Russia is ignoring sanctions, and are more than happy to trade with Iran. Same for China.

Iran, as the rest of our former trade partners, is now bargaining from a position of strength. These negotiations are going to be infinitely harder, especially given the unstable nature of our governmental structure.

U.S cannot be trusted to adhere to any policies from one administration to the next.
Biden to Restore Iran Deal

Very wise. Get it done. Then tell the Brits to pay the Iranians what they owe them. Let's see some diplomacy re-established.
No more wars for ' Izrael's security '
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