Here is a video of "Blow Hole Joe's" confirmed pick for the Cabinet-levelposition of Assistant Secretary of Health in the HHS Department. Check it out...
The first thing I thought when I saw this "woman" was can you imagine being out with your mates on Saturday night at a club, back when you were in your 20's or 30's , trying to pick up a hottie to take home but making the mistake of knocking back too many lagers and really getting your "Beer Googles" on. Then,next thing you know, you wake up in your bed and in the cold, clear light of morning, sober. Immediately, you see a naked body lying beside you on the bed. Looking closer, you see it is an ugly blonde with a 5 o'clock shadow, an odd-looking pair of tits and . You're thinking, "A COCK (!!) WTF is going on here" ??!! Then "the penny drops" and you realise what you've done; last night, in your blind - drunken state, you've had your "beer googles" you've somehow taken a pre-op tranny woman creature home from the Club last night, and ... probably poked it up the ASS during the night. You whole consciousness reels with "The horror...The fucking horror !!" and suddently you crash down into an Acute Stress Reaction (ARS). Suddenly, youre all jittery, your heart is racing, your mind fogs right up - you can't think straight. Everything around you seems strangely unreal, like its in a dream or its all a motion picture, then you experience the strange feeling of dissociation - it feels like you are having an "out-of -body" trip. You know your in a state of severe psychological shock, and your survival instinct kick in. You run to your bathroom, stand under your shower nozzle and turn the cold water tap on full bore.
The "hydrotherapy" works, and you briefly remember learning at college how the alienists (psychiatrists) in Victorian England placed great faith in curative powers of water. But as you sit down on your sofa, you know full well that your position is hopeless - the bitter end has come. You could never carry on living with the knowledge that you had poked an ugly Tranny up the butt; memories of the shame and loathsomeness - the monstrosity - of the fact would haunt you relentlessly, unspeakable images would come to you in the depths of the night, and worse. The anguish and torment would be altogether too much too bear... You now realise that only one dignified, honorable course of action remains -felo de se !! Then you stand up and walk slowly, but purposefully, to your writing bureau, open the right hand drawer and take out your Beretta pistol and load it. You click off the safety and stoically press the muzzle of the pistol against your temple. Youmutter "God have mercy on my poor soul", then... squeeze the trigger.
By appointing Dr Rachel Levine as Assistant Health Secretary, the "progressive" (neo-socialist) Democrats who control Biden are affirming the cult of transgenderism and further promoting divisive identity politics. Having Levin as a high - profile, public official sets a very bad example. Not merely because Trannies have a bone fide psychiatric disorder which the medical profession refers to as GENDER DYSPHORIA (cf: American Psychiatric Association's official reference manual, the current DSM - V). But also because it valorises the innate perversion and immorality at the heart of the modern cult of transgenderism. This cult, among other things, glamorises and romanticies transgender individuals as righteous victims and will no doubt further confuse vulnerable, young people about their identity in these turbulant and unstable time. Rewarding dysfunctional mental cases like Levine by placing the in positions of great responsibility in mainstream American society, risks encouraging young people to transition from male to female or female to male, and this could result in many future tragedies, like the fictional one I have described above, becoming realities !
The first thing I thought when I saw this "woman" was can you imagine being out with your mates on Saturday night at a club, back when you were in your 20's or 30's , trying to pick up a hottie to take home but making the mistake of knocking back too many lagers and really getting your "Beer Googles" on. Then,next thing you know, you wake up in your bed and in the cold, clear light of morning, sober. Immediately, you see a naked body lying beside you on the bed. Looking closer, you see it is an ugly blonde with a 5 o'clock shadow, an odd-looking pair of tits and . You're thinking, "A COCK (!!) WTF is going on here" ??!! Then "the penny drops" and you realise what you've done; last night, in your blind - drunken state, you've had your "beer googles" you've somehow taken a pre-op tranny woman creature home from the Club last night, and ... probably poked it up the ASS during the night. You whole consciousness reels with "The horror...The fucking horror !!" and suddently you crash down into an Acute Stress Reaction (ARS). Suddenly, youre all jittery, your heart is racing, your mind fogs right up - you can't think straight. Everything around you seems strangely unreal, like its in a dream or its all a motion picture, then you experience the strange feeling of dissociation - it feels like you are having an "out-of -body" trip. You know your in a state of severe psychological shock, and your survival instinct kick in. You run to your bathroom, stand under your shower nozzle and turn the cold water tap on full bore.
The "hydrotherapy" works, and you briefly remember learning at college how the alienists (psychiatrists) in Victorian England placed great faith in curative powers of water. But as you sit down on your sofa, you know full well that your position is hopeless - the bitter end has come. You could never carry on living with the knowledge that you had poked an ugly Tranny up the butt; memories of the shame and loathsomeness - the monstrosity - of the fact would haunt you relentlessly, unspeakable images would come to you in the depths of the night, and worse. The anguish and torment would be altogether too much too bear... You now realise that only one dignified, honorable course of action remains -felo de se !! Then you stand up and walk slowly, but purposefully, to your writing bureau, open the right hand drawer and take out your Beretta pistol and load it. You click off the safety and stoically press the muzzle of the pistol against your temple. Youmutter "God have mercy on my poor soul", then... squeeze the trigger.
By appointing Dr Rachel Levine as Assistant Health Secretary, the "progressive" (neo-socialist) Democrats who control Biden are affirming the cult of transgenderism and further promoting divisive identity politics. Having Levin as a high - profile, public official sets a very bad example. Not merely because Trannies have a bone fide psychiatric disorder which the medical profession refers to as GENDER DYSPHORIA (cf: American Psychiatric Association's official reference manual, the current DSM - V). But also because it valorises the innate perversion and immorality at the heart of the modern cult of transgenderism. This cult, among other things, glamorises and romanticies transgender individuals as righteous victims and will no doubt further confuse vulnerable, young people about their identity in these turbulant and unstable time. Rewarding dysfunctional mental cases like Levine by placing the in positions of great responsibility in mainstream American society, risks encouraging young people to transition from male to female or female to male, and this could result in many future tragedies, like the fictional one I have described above, becoming realities !