Biden stumbles while walking up the stairs to Air Force One


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I bet Biden can figure out how to operate an umbrella, though....


And remember to pull the toilet paper off the heel of his shoe.....


But then again, Biden is not an idiot buffoon like Trump.

At least he can walk down a ramp and drink a bottle of water without using both hands.....I bet you have never tripped..right?
do you know the story of that ramp?
It was a slippery incline.
and no this is just another snapshot -the real fuck ups are in diplomacy
( Blinken got reamed by China last night -and the needless personal atack on Putin).Oh and the border non "crisis"

All this less then 60 days in!! ROFL
do you know the story of that ramp?
It was a slippery incline.
and no this is just another snapshot -the real fuck ups are in diplomacy
( Blinken got reamed by China last night -and the needless personal atack on Putin).Oh and the border non "crisis"

All this less then 60 days in!! ROFL

Keep on sucking the little mushroom cock of the biggest lying piece of disgraceful scum to ever occupy the WH.
do you know the story of that ramp?
It was a slippery incline.
and no this is just another snapshot -the real fuck ups are in diplomacy
( Blinken got reamed by China last night -and the needless personal atack on Putin).Oh and the border non "crisis"

All this less then 60 days in!! ROFL

No it wasn't that is what trump claimed, the General next to him had zero problem walking down the ramp, trump looked like a scared little child.
Changing topics now Skippy?
No it wasn't that is what trump claimed, the General next to him had zero problem walking down the ramp, trump looked like a scared little child.
Changing topics now Skippy?
Hey im 65 in good shape and I walk gingerly down ramps.
What did the media say then?

"Trump is ill"! Trump is sick.. Im not even going there. Biden is a stumblebum for many more reasons
Hey im 65 in good shape and I walk gingerly down ramps.
What did the media say then?

"Trump is ill"! Trump is sick.. Im not even going there. Biden is a stumblebum for many more reasons

I am a year older and in great shape and I do not walk down ramps like the scared child unsure of their footing. What reasons would those be he seems in pretty good shape but as you recall he hurt his ankle not too long ago, maybe that?
do you know the story of that ramp?
It was a slippery incline.
and no this is just another snapshot -the real fuck ups are in diplomacy
( Blinken got reamed by China last night -and the needless personal atack on Putin).Oh and the border non "crisis"

All this less then 60 days in!! ROFL

Anatta is just doing more of that work for Russia by denigrating Joe Biden, according to the reports released this week about Russia's interference in the 2020 election and Anatta & Trump's cooperation with them.